Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Of Chrump and Men

Move Over Lennie

October 16, 2019
Poor Donnie did not know any better.  Yes, he appeared to be one of the nastiest, most selfish and hateful  creatures ever to walk the face of the Earth.  He had no idea how to interact with members of his or any other species.  To the casual observer, he appeared unquestionably heartless, sickeningly crude and unceasingly vicious.  But he was not mean, he was instead horrifically damaged goods.  Nonetheless, everything he touched either turned to shit or ended up dead. 
No matter how much anyone tried to talk sense to the over-sized, under-brained brute, Donnie simply could not help himself.  He hurt those he loved as much as he trampled those he hated.  If he had been in possession of even a speck of self-awareness, he might have realized that he was at every turn inflicting incalculable damage on himself.  The fact that he was so stunningly ignorant and self-absorbed, was very likely the only thing that saved countless lives that would have otherwise ended up as collateral damage.  No one could have brought Donnie’s reign of horror to a close without Donnie’s own inescapable penchant for self-destruction.

Despite the fact that far too many showed him undeserved affection, Donnie hated almost everyone and loved (if it could be called love…and it most certainly could not) only one – himself.  He hated sharks, flies, mosquitoes, all but one of his children, and anyone who ever dared disagree with him, unless Donnie was later able to publicly humiliate them and cause them to kiss his horrifying ass.  No matter what, Donnie would ruin their lives, if only by virtue of the mortal, if not fatal, miscalculation of being known to have associated with him.
Somebody tell him about the fucking rabbits already…

before anyone else gets hurt
In the end there was no choice but to put poor, demented Donnie out of our misery.  Though the end came too late for many it was still a relief, and hope remained that one day, however far off, there would be some level of recovery, though it seemed depressingly unlikely that anything would ever be the same again. 
I. Mangrey reporting.  Somewhere Over the Painbow.

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