Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Something For Something*

Sofa King Perfect

October 23, 2019
I have to say, I am beginning to agree with - dare I say - Donald Chrump.  I was quick to deride Chrump when he claimed his conversation with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was “a perfect phone call.”  Who has ever even thought, “Boy that was a perfect phone call.”  But now, I think I have to admit that Chrump’s phone call with Zelensky was in fact perfect.  It started out perfect, and has only been getting better with age.  A perfect phone call from a perfect fool.
“Can you believe how perfect this call is? So perfect. I am so good at phone calls.”
On Tuesday, someone in the know explained just how perfect the whole episode, including history’s greatest phone call, was.  Clearly, Donald Chrump did not account for the presence of actual patriotic Americans working within his administration.  He thought he had purged such terrible do-gooders long ago.  Unfortunately for the Orange Gas Cloud, career diplomat/Ambassador William Taylor, provided what many are describing as his “bombshell testimony.”  Prior to his testimony, Taylor submitted a 15-page statement which provided in stunning detail exactly how military aid was illegally withheld from Ukraine to pressure Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his idiot son, Hunter.
Chrump has been figuratively shooting people on Fifth Avenue for four years now, and he has in fact not lost a single supporter.  Fortunately for those who saw him for what he was – a malignant narcissist, a flaming racist and an authoritarian-loving wanna-be-dictator who thinks the Constitution is for losers – Chrump is not even good at breaking the law.  His arrogance and ignorance drive him inexorably toward disaster and his lack of mental capacity might be surpassed only by his lack of a heart.
In other news of the terminally stupid…
Constantly in search of new ways to disgrace himself and our nation, in what looks for all the world to be a desperate plea to be put out of his (and our) misery, Donald Chrump went to his seemingly bottomless well of racism and tweeted…
I don’t think any of those words mean what you think they mean.

Clearly, Mr. Chrump meant to say “lunching” and not “lynching.”  Who in their right mind would bring up lynching in the context of a Constitutionally mandated responsibility of the United States Congress (or any context for that matter)?  Who, I ask?

Donald Chrump is most likely:
a) mentally defective
b) unable to spell or type
c) unwilling to proofread
d) just kidding…as usual

No one has so egregiously insulted the memory of one of the more horrible stains on America’s fabric of history since Antonin Scalia’s butt-boy Clarence Thomas described his Supreme Court nomination process as a “high-tech lynching.”  At least Thomas’s skin color, if not his consistent pro-white behavior throughout his life, provided a façade of justification for his pathetic whining and wholly inappropriate playing of the race card.  Especially considering that most of the trouble stemmed from Thomas being accused of sexual harassment in the workplace by Anita Hill (and a number of others who were never permitted to testify – thanks Joe Biden), an African American lawyer with nothing to gain, and so much to lose by going public with her painful accusation.
Yes, you racist.
Quid Pro Time To Go 

Is that a lady who could afford to shed a few pounds that I hear singing?  I recognize the tune and she has a lovely voice, but don’t have a great view of her yet.  Considering the richness and resonance of her voice, she surely does not sound like someone who is overly thin. 
I. Mangrey regenerating. 
*American for quid pro quo.

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