Tuesday, October 1, 2019

On Offense, or Simply Offensive?

The Long Arm (and Small Brain) of The Law

October 1, 2019

Forty-seven percent of Americans now approve of the impeachment and removal from office of Donald Chrump – up from 37 percent one week ago.  One. Week. Ago.  Those disapproving went from 57 percent down to 47 percent during the same period.  For some perspective, this early in the impeachment proceedings against Richard "Turns Out He Was a Crook" Nixon, only 19 percent of the nation was pro-impeachment.  Despite the preponderance of alternative facts and realities, as far as we can tell, 47 is still larger than 19.  Some close to Chrump fear their guy does not exactly understand what he is up against.  Chrump needs to sit down and have a serious talk with himself.  But will he listen?

Desperately attempting to distract himself (and us) from the impending implosion initiated by impeachment, Chrump has given new marching orders to Bill Barr’s Department of Injustice.  Der Furor has instructed his Roy Cohn to wrap up yet another investigation into Hillary Clinton’s damn emails with a guilty verdict, and after finally locking her up, move immediately to another, perhaps even more pressing matter.  Naturally, Chrump announced his latest assholery on Twitter:

The Idiot Bastard President also said to reporters of Nancy Pelosi, “…unfortunately, she's no longer the Speaker of the House.”  With statements like this, Chrump should not be allowed near a firearm or even sharp objects, let alone the nuclear codes. 

He then threatened the whistleblower, calling him (or her) a spy, and hinting that execution should be the punishment.  Naturally, Chrump wants to steamroll the legal protections against outing whistleblowers, saying he is “trying to find out” the whistleblower’s identity (impeachable offense #529), presumably to lock them up. 

Chrump also suggested that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff be arrested for treason for seeing to it that Congress exercises its constitutionally authorized power of oversight.  Chrump also warned that if he was impeached the stock markets would crash and another Civil War would break out (impeachable offense #530).  Based on what we already know, all of this would seem to be well worth the risk.  It appears Chrump’s bone spurs have spread to his “brain.”
It might be large, but it’s nothing but hot air and mildew
I. Mangrey, on the case.  Just in case.
The House Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed Rudy Giuliani.  Giuliani?  Intelligence?  I wish them luck, but I cannot help but think they tilting at morons.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Secretary of Shit Mike Pompeo was listening in on Chrump’s beautifully perfect Ukraine phone call, which he somehow failed to mention during his tour of the Sunday morning shows two days ago.  He probably just forgot that he witnessed his boss breaking the law.  Aiding and abetting anyone? 
Chrump and his (not our) Attorney General Roy Cohn William Barr have been pressing multiple foreign countries for information that would discredit the Mueller investigation.

We have no idea what that is yet, but are willing to bet the farm that there is much, much more just around the corner, and some of it might have emerged between the time this is posted and the time this is posted.  Stay tuned and well lubricated.

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