Monday, October 21, 2019

Moldy Old Fogey’s Double Bogey

Bloated Bully/Buffoon Bails on Blatant Breach of Constitutional Covenant

October 21, 2019
Il Douche’s latest attempt to profit from his ill-gotten time in the White House revolved around hosting the next G-7 (G-8 after he announces that he is flouting world opinion and inviting Putin to be his plus-one).  Chrumpy the Clown had unilaterally decided that the best place in the entire world to host the summit – which his fake chief-of-staff Mick Mulvaney told reporters would NOT include discussion of global climate crisis – was a Chrump property.  Specifically, Chrump National Doral, his badly failing, bedbug and rat-infested shithole golf resort.  After lying about how the location was selected, lying about doing it all for cost, attempting to choke the life out of the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, and being the first president to be fact-checked live from space, Puffy the Magic Douchebag quickly tweeted his surrender.  Even some Republican’ts stood up on their hind legs and voiced discontent with Chrump’s latest perfidy.  Chrump of course blamed everyone but himself. 
Puffy the Magic Douchebag, golfs by the sea 
It is likely his army of lawyers cajoled the Orange Gas Cloud into backing down rather than face yet another article of impeachment.  No one can actually know what passes for thought inside the bony cavity that supports the hairspray-heavy mass of what many people are calling Chrump’s “hair,” but the weak, mentally challenged blob of hate running the federal government caved again.  He will have to content himself with the impulsive, insane abandonment of the Kurds – his latest gift to Putin – and his totally fake cease-fire and the fact that he is still not in jail as his big wins for the week.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Just callin' 'em the way I see 'em.

1 comment:

  1. And he was the first president to give an astronaut the 'finger' that we are aware of.
