Thursday, October 10, 2019

Impeachment is For Sissies

HINT: Chrump Is a Sissy.

October 10, 2019
The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and
other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 2, clause 5
The White House has put its little foot down, proclaiming in a letter to House Democrats that it will not cooperate with the impeachment inquiry of purported Sudafed addict Donald J. Chrump.  ChrumpCo claims the impeachment process is “illegitimate.”  Der Furor, who can barely spell ‘Constitution’ let alone read it, has called the Constitutionally mandated Congressional responsibility a “scam,” a “fix” and a “coup.” 
One of Chrump’s Fux-lawyer mouthpieces described the impeachment inquiry as “regicide” and called whistle-blowers “suicide bombers.”  Some might be interested to know that impeachment preceded their beloved Second Amendment, seeing as it shows up in Article I of the Constitution, so it is entirely possible that the Founding Fathers thought it was pretty damned important.
The White House counsel said of the impeachment inquiry, “…the President cannot allow your constitutionally illegitimate proceedings to distract him and those in the Executive Branch from their work on behalf of the American people.”  Because, you know, they are doing such a bang-up job.  You know, like throwing the Kurds under the bus and destroying America’s standing all across the globe, plus all the great golfing, tweeting and TV watching Chrump does.  The Orange Gas Cloud has promoted himself from “very stable genius” to “extremely stable genius” and told us how China respects his “very, very large uh-brain”; now he warns us not to question his “great, unmatched wisdom.”  I kid you not.  Apparently, the qresident’s brain spurs are flaring up again.
“You’re out of order. The Constitution is out of order. My brain is out of order.”
The American public is increasingly realizing that the Chrump presidency is illegitimate.  At best.  We now see 58 percent of the American public supporting the impeachment inquiry.  Fifty-one percent of registered voters now favor removing Putin’s puppet from the People’s House...according to a new Fux News poll.  Raise your hand if you think these numbers are going anywhere but up.
Only 34 percent approve of the way Chrump is handling his impeachment inquiry.  Does that mean only one Chrump child – Ivanka, Don, Jr. or Eric – agrees with their despicable dad?
Lindsey Graham, finger-wagging fuckwit
Chrump and team of legal contortionists are clearly trotting out the old “When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal” canard as their primary defense.  Nixon famously uttered those cringe-worthy, anti-democratic, borderline insane words to interviewer David Frost several years after he resigned in utter (albeit seemingly oblivious to) disgrace.  The main difference this time, beside the fact that Chrump is infinitely worse than Nixon, is that these legal masturbators masterminds are using Nixon’s shameful insult to the Constitution pre-emptively. 
In fact, Chrump’s Department of Justice is in essence trying to relitigate Nixon’s impeachment inquiry by by trying to persuade a judge that the decision to make Nixon turn over his gloriously incriminating tape recordings was incorrect.  To which the judge hearing this amazing legal lunacy replied, “Wow.  The Department [of Justice] is taking an extraordinary position in this case.”
“Am I talking to ME?”
I wonder why Chrump does not think that like trade wars, impeachments are “good and easy to win.”  He actually did think this until some one explained to him what an impeachment was.
I. Mangrey reporting.                                                                                           

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