Saturday, June 30, 2018

Scenes From a Maul

Paying Attention's Photoshop Phunnies

June 30, 2018

Now that Hair Crump has sabotaged our relationship with the rest of the civilized world, he has his sights set on leaving the World Trade Organization the European Union, destroying NATO, NAFTA, FBI, NFL, MSNBC and a whole host of organizations he knows nothing about.  For now, enjoy this blast from the recent past.

I. Mangrey repurposing.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Swing Vote My Ass UPDATE: This Justin

Nothing Is Ever As Bad As it Seems…It Is Worse

June 29, 2018, 5:45am
I clearly need to stop waking up so often.  Shortly after putting last night’s post to bed, I did the same for myself.  It just is not possible for our bare bones staff to keep up with Chrump’s transgressions.  I know he is accustomed to getting away with everything but murder…so far (as far as we know), but I cannot get used to it, especially with him living in the White House and all.
We thought this update would be interesting.  Suffice it to say that Swingin’ Tony Kennedy’s son, Justin “spent more than a decade at Deutsche Bank, eventually rising to become the bank’s global head of real estate capital markets, and he worked closely with Mr. Trump when he was a real estate developer, according to two people with knowledge of his role.”
In case you have forgotten Deutsche Bank, “Days after Trump became President, New York State announced a $425 million fine Deutsche Bank had agreed to pay over a $10 billion Russian money laundering scheme, one of many investigations the bank is still embroiled in.”
We will leave the details to the Josh Marshall’s excellent Talking Points Memo.
I should go back to bed, or perhaps a round of Rent-A-Coma would be better.
I. Mangrey remaining awake against my will.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Swing Vote My Ass

Extreme Court

June 28, 2018
Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement two days ago.  To put some perspective to this, presidential historian John Meacham said this signaled that, “The Ronald Regan era ended today.”  That’s right, thirty years after the Regan presidency ended, the last remaining Regan appointee to the Supreme Court finally announced his retirement.  Unfortunately, this retirement is more than a moment too soon.
This of course means that the most ignorant, narcissistic, anti-democratic creature ever to live in the White House will have the opportunity to make his second appointment to the high court.  As if the stench of Chrump was not already expected to linger long enough, disabling much if not all of America’s future, imagine another Thomas, Gorsuch, Roberts or Alito on the bench for over a generation.  Imagine if you will, the youngest, most religiously fanatical, socially retarded, ignorant Supreme Court appointee in history putting control of the highest court in the land solidly in the hands of five ideologues who will blithely do the will of Big Church, Big Business and so-called Small Government for the rest of your natural life.  I expect to have to walk around with an air-sick bag for the rest of my days.
Kennedy has, for many years been referred to as the Court’s swing vote because he did not march in lock step with the four fascist on the Court 100 percent of the time – only 90 percent.  Quite the swinger.  Apparently Kennedy did not care for this descriptor being applied to him.  Me neither.
Kennedy did manage to break with his hateful brethren in several important instances, voting in favor of the Constitutionality of same sex marriage and rights for detainees at Guantanamo Bay.  He also voted to uphold Roe v. Wade.  However, Kennedy also swung the vote in favor of the disastrous Citizens United v. Democracy, and he did not vote in favor of democracy.  On his way out the door, Kennedy helped shepherd through decisions that screwed labor unions, and a final middle finger to America – approving Chrump’s racist travel ban.
Unfortunately, there is one other decision that needed Anthony Kennedy’s super swingin’ vote.  That was the 2000 Supreme Court decision to stop the vote count in the Florida presidential election and hand the presidency to the loser of the 2000 election – Bush v. Gore.  Many people remember what happened after that; I won’t gore you with the details.
Actually, Kennedy’s final fuck you to America was walking away while Donald Chrump would be the one to nominate his replacement.  I guess his swinging days are over.  As is America’s days as a beacon of democracy and forward thinking (in between horrific depredations of all sorts, which we can surely expect more of under the new regime).  You can bet your last dollar, which you will soon be holding in your hand as Chrump works his magic dealing arts on our economy, that as bad as Kennedy was, his replacement will make him look like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Enter Mitch Fucking McConnell
Naturally, before the words, “I quit” had barely passed Kennedy lips, fecal American Mitch McConnell jumped out of his Velveeta-filled hot tub and pronounced, “We will vote to confirm Justice Kennedy's successor this fall.”  Most of you are old enough to remember all the way back to February 2016, when Antonin Scalia, may he rest in hell, finally stopped assaulting the Constitution.  Before Scalia’s body was even cold, McConnell told America that he would not allow then-President Barack Obama to nominate Scalia’s replacement because it was an election year.  This was one of the most horrific abuses of power in American political history. 
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, hey wait, isn’t this an election year?  Why yes Murgatroyd, that is correct, but it is not an election year in Mitch McConnell’s diseased brain.  He has a god complex and no shame.  Let me just say, McConnell, to quote your soullessmate Dick Cheney, “Go fuck yourself.”  Do not pass Go, do not collect anything.  You evil bastard.
I. Mangrey reporting. Oy vey.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Thought For The Day

Two Alternative Thumbs Up For El Chrumpo

June 26, 2018
Keep up the great work sir

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.

What is your thought for the day? 

Monday, June 25, 2018

Two Little Words

Deface The Nation

June 25, 2018
First, A Few Words From the Good News Fairy
Vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), recently told colleagues, “If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months.”
Michelle Obama famously said, “When they go low, we go high.”  How exactly did that work out?  Barack Obama is now left to rationalize that maybe he “was 10 or 20 years too early,” to ask, “What if we were wrong?”  And wrong about what exactly?  Get a grip Barry.  Wrong about caving on single-payer before sitting down at the negotiating table?  Wrong about trusting Mitch McConnell and company while they stabbed you right in the face?  No need to stab you in the back, they were more than happy to show you who they were.    
During the Obama years (not to mention the Nixon years, the Ford years, the Regan years, the Bush years, the Clinton years, and the other Bush years) we watched the Republican’ts go low, we tried to go high, and then they laughed out loud as they showed us that we had no idea what low really was.  As they go ever lower, should we keep going higher despite oxygen deprivation?  Should we watch our language?  Should we behave?  Should we shuffle to the back of the bus and bow our heads?
I am with Robert De Niro when, at the recent Tony Awards, he said, “I’m going to say one thing, Fuck Trump!  It’s no longer ‘Down with Trump.’  It’s fuck Trump.”  I have to agree; if you are going to say only one thing, “Fuck Chrump” belongs at or near the top of the list.  Outrage is the order of the day.  Disgust is the order of the day. Panic is the order of the day.  Putting the brakes on fascism, racism – Chrumpism – is the order of the day.
Raging Bob
That being said, I think we need something better and newer than ‘Fuck You!’ for this treacherous cretin.  We need something truly special for our special needs prezident.  Fuck Chrump! is simply not enough.  I don't know what it is yet, but I promise you I will be working on it.  For the time being, I suppose Fuck Chrump! will have to suffice.
It is interesting to listen to Chrumpers moan about the lack of civility.  Robert De Niro’s heartfelt invective at the Tonys, Kristjen Nielsen and Stephen Miller verbally accosted in Mexican restaurants, sickening Sarah Huckabee Slanders (politely) asked to leave a Virginia eatery at the behest of the establishment’s employees.  The horror!  All of these incidents added together do not come close to the number and degree of uncivil outbursts coming from one single man – the man who has inspired all manner of incivility from everyone everywhere.   

The head of Civil Offense  

…and his minions

From his very first moment on the campaign trail, to throwing candy at German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to his latest brainless authoritarian-wanna-be assault on the Constitution:
When you look past all the lies, illiteracy and racism, you can clearly see a
horrible man with a very bad brain taking a dump on the Constitution
Civility may not be dead, but it is on life support, with multiple organ failure.  And Donald Chrump has grabbed it by the pussy, , tried to lock it up, and continues to kick it in the nuts.  Every single day.  It will not be resuscitated with thoughts and prayers, but by words and deeds.  And, Fuck Chrump! needs to be part of the conversation.  It may not achieve much of substance by itself, but it takes the edge off for a little while.
I. Mangrey reporting. Oh, intercourse the president.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Abu Chrump

White Punks on Chrump

June 23, 2018
America has Pre-K internment camps thanks to our Pre-K Prezident.  Donald Chrump personally ordered that infants and children be taken from their parents upon, in many cases legally, entering the United States of Chrump.  After considerable, sustained outrage from across the political spectrum, the Kidnapper-in-chief relented by way of (FAKE) executive order.  Department of Chrumpland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen privately told members of Congress that there might still be some kidnappings despite the so-called executive order to the contrary.  After all, some of Chrump’s big donors are making good money off these crimes against human decency. 

Fortunately, there don’t seem to be any chimneys in sight
Naturally, before bowing to pressure to cancel the policy he himself created, Chrump blamed Democrats – who have been out of power in Congress since 2010 – for forcing him to do something that has electrified his racist, fascist base.  Der Furor also tried to convince us that he was SAD about those terrible Democrats ripping innocent children from their parents, at the same time he was spewing more of his usual racist invective at a rally of his equally virulent racist minions, some of whom are undoubtedly very fine people. 
How much is that child in the “window?”
Children were taken from their parents and shunted off to who-knows-where.  An assistant federal public defender in El Paso, Texas reported that, “This administration appears to have no infrastructure, policy or plan in place to deal with the destruction of families seeking refuge or a new life in our country.  At one point, (the judge) slammed his hand on the desk, sending a pen flying.  This type of emotional display is unheard of in federal court.  I can’t understand this, the judge said.  If someone at the jail takes your wallet, they give you a receipt.  They take your kids, and you get nothing?  Not even a slip of paper?”  Apparently this judge just awoke from a coma.  Was it possibly Rent-A-Coma?

Fun times at Chrump’s Holiday Camps
Brian Kilmeade, who often poses as a human being on Fux and Fiends, unable to speak from his brain, spoke right from his blackened heart, “And these are not -- like it or not, these aren't our kids. Show them compassion, but it's not like he is doing this to the people of Idaho or Texas. These are people from another country and now people are saying that they're more important than people in our country who are paying taxes and who have needs as well.”
Many if not most of the parents whose children have been taken for “baths” have no idea where their children have been taken and Team Chrump has simply not bothered to arrange for anything after wrenching them away and carting them up to 1000 miles away.

Chrump continues to refer to all these little brown people as “unaccompanied alien children.”  The day before he reluctantly signed his FAKE executive order allegedly putting a halt to the state kidnapping of children, he reportedly told advisers “my people love it,” referring of course to the kidnapping, not the halting thereof.
I. Mangrey reviled. 

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Guess Who’s Kiming to Dinner

Is Our Presidents Learning?

June 21, 2018
The Commander-of-cheese is upping insanity ante minute by minute.  One of his latest moves has Churmp doing a little redecorating at the White House.  Der Furor has taken down pictures of him with France’s Emmanuel Macron, and replaced them with pictures of Chrump and North Korea’s murderous dictator and stupid hair-do rival Kim Jong Un.  As if the mere presence of the Orange Gas Cloud was not enough of a defilement.
This is what your White House looks like.
Are they bringing Freedom Fries back to the White House cafeteria?  Will there soon be Murderous Meatloaf with Assassination au Jus?  North Korea Nuclear Nachos?  Kim Jong Un-yon Rings?  Literal Death by Chocolate?
I wonder if we just never saw Richard Nixon’s cherished portraits of North Vietnam’s President Thieu, with whom Nixon conspired to prolong the war in order to aid his chances of becoming president.  I wonder if Ronald Regan had pictures of the American hostages he made sure Iran held onto just long enough to ensure his victory over Jimmy Carter, or maybe pictures of the Iranian Ayatollah to whom he illegally sold weapons.

Chrump takes a moment to stop hugging Kim Jong Un to pretend he loves the flag,
mostly disappointed that he was unable to grab it by the pussy.
Next dinner guest – Vladimir Putin.  Stay tuned and well lubricated.
I. Mangrey resisting.  We are the majority.  And not yet in cages.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Did We Not-See This Coming?

Somewhere In America, People Are Just Following Orders 

June 19, 2018 

Jeff Sessions, filled with more hatred, bigotry and downright ignorance than his diminutive body and microscopic brain can hold brushed off comparisons of his Zero Tolerance policy of separating children from their parents to Nazis, by saying, “Well, it's a real exaggeration, of course.  In Nazi Germany, they were keeping the Jews from leaving the country.”   

First of all, fuck you, you demented little vole.  Second of all, are you fucking nuts?  Keeping the Jews from leaving?  Even if that were anywhere within a thousand miles of the truth, that’s your argument? Seriously?

It is unclear who is running this asylum right now.  Is it the free floating fuck-wit Commander-in-cheese?  Is it the neo-Nazi shit-weasel Stephen Miller?  Is it long time racist and Confederate loyalist Jeff Sessions?  Somebody is making this inconceivable policy a reality, and too many people are just following orders.

The bottom line is, the Rechrumplican Party is enabling all of this disgraceful, immoral behavior.  They happily watch their Dear Leader blame the Democrats, who have been out of power since 2010. The Democrats are not particularly wonderful, but they are not responsible for this humanitarian nightmare.  This country is rapidly descending into an Orwellian, Dickensian hell-hole.

I will give the last word to Peter Drew, a former high school social studies teacher in New York, explaining the similarities between his experience escaping the Nazis to children currently victimized by the current child internment policy under the Evil Chrump:
I. Mangrey reporting.  I need to go pretend to get some sleep.

Monday, June 18, 2018

He Ain't No Gangster of Love

Nobody Calls Him the Space Cowboy 

June 18, 2018
Paying Attention has obtained transcripts from a recent Oval Office conversation between Chrump and his longest lasting coffee boy advisor, Stephen Miller.  Miller, who thinks like a Nazi, looks like a Nazi, and quacks like a Nazi, grew up in a liberal, Jewish household.  He writes for Chrump, speaks for Chrump, and was clearly hit in the head more times than Rudy Giuliani.  Miller was a major force behind Chrump's attempted Muslim ban and is an anti-immigrant ideologue.  He hates immigrants, whether illegal or legal, though he probably doesn’t mid the white ones.  Strangely, Miller may be the only member of the Chrump team who was not connected to Russians.  Miller doesn’t need any Russian influences – he is a danger to America just the way he is.

Here is an excerpt from this incredible brainstorming session:
Miller: We have to do something about all these criminals pouring over our borders.  Especially the ones who are bringing children with them.  We can’t let them get away with taking our country away from pure Americans.  I say what you do is tell the parents that we’re just taking their kids for baths.  Not showers, baths.  Some people still might remember that whole shower thing from back in the day.  We’ll put the kids in camps.  Kids love camp. 
Chrump: Everyone knows how much I love children.  I know from experience that young children hate their parents.  So I think we should take children away from their parents – it’s a win/win situation.  We arrest the parents who are seeking asylum and send the kids somewhere.  They’ll have a great time in the camps and we’ll call them Chrump Summer Camps for Happy Kids.  We can keep the little darlings in cages.  Kids love dogs, and we keep dogs in cages.  Right?  Maybe we can even make a great reality show out of it.  It’ll be a huge hit.  We can get Roseann to host it.  She’s not busy right now. 
Chrump: What shower thing are you talking about?  I know showers are bad.  Very bad.  They get my hair all wet and I have to start the whole over again.
Miller: That’s right sir.  Showers, bad – baths, good.  Stay away from any shower references as far as taking children away from their mothers.
Chrump: I think this is a great idea.  Take their kids away – that’ll teach ‘em to swarm out great country with their little criminals and rapists.  If we take enough children away, we won’t even need that fucking wall.  I was kidding about that thing anyway, but now I have to keep saying I want it, because all those yahoos who love me won’t let it go.  So, we’ll scare the shit out of them and no one will ever try to come to America again.  And that will make America really, really great again.
Miller: This is a real winning issue.  Everyone will love you if you separate mothers from their children.  It’s all totally legal.  And, they’ll love it so much, we can blame the Democrats for it.  The base will love every minute of it since they’re all white and we would never take white kids away from their mothers.  We will be heroes.  This will be a great chapter in American history.  You, Mr. President, will be in the history books forever.   
Chrump: It will all be very humane.  Everyone knows how humane I am – it’s not like I’m Kim Jong Un or anything.  I never ended up killing crooked Hillary.  Maybe I could get Kim. Jong. Un to do it.

There was much, much more, but it made everyone here violently ill, so we decided to cut it off there in the hope of not losing our already imperiled readership permanently.

Keith Olbermann circa October 12, 2016 –
before the Electoral College chose Donald Chrump
I. Mangrey recoiling.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Law(less) and (Out of) Order

Episode 1: The Commander-of-Cheese

June 16, 2018
While we wait for the debut of Chrump Family: House Arrest, what do we have for entertainment?   C-SPAN is boring, the news hurts, reality TV just is not the same without The Apprentice.  What ever happened to that guy?  He was such an asshole, but it was funny watching him pretend to be an executive and pretend to fire people.  So fake. SAD. 
America needs a new Law and Order spinoff – Law(less) and (Out of) Order: Special Vermins Unit. Starring Robert Mueller as the cruel, but fair special prosecutor.  Hard-nosed, yet loveable, with a hint of lavender, Mueller is going after the big cheese – the Commander-of-cheese in fact :
Chrump hires the best people

To kick off the show’s promo tour, Robert Mueller has broken his silence, making his first public statement since taking on the role of special prosecutor (in real life) in a Paying Attention exclusive.  Mueller gave a brief statement to editor Ed Venture, “I have to say that there is one thing I agree with Trump. I am also sick of this damned Russia investigation.  The problem is, every time I pull on a thread, I find another series of crimes, more and more conspiring with hostile foreign operatives, obstruction of justice, profiteering off of the office of president, including violations of the Emoluments Clause, lying, money laundering, actual Russians, and – now this is not technically indictable – being the most despicable horse’s patoot ever to put on a pair of pants.  J. Fred Muggs – who was also known to wear pants – would have been a better president.  And a better human being.
At least Muggs knew how to hold a book and his
clothes fit better…and he has better hair
I cannot go after Mr. Chrump for destroying this great nation with his harebrained, malignant domestic and foreign policy, that is his right as holder of the highest office, and he is certainly being aided and abetted by my party, the Republican’ts.  If I could, I would – this guy is worse than slavery, the Civil War and Nixon and Dick Cheney all rolled into one.  The time has come to ensure this guy never again sets foot in the Oval Office.  This will make America great again.  This investigation has nothing to do with me simply not liking the man.  I don’t.  But, this is all about the rule of law.  I’m just doing my job.” 

Chrump doing his job
As if all this was not bad enough, Chrump is acting like he just discovered the pardon.  Sure he already pardoned Joe Arpaio, Scooter Libby and Dinesh DiSousa (who you probably have not heard of if you’re lucky) – all terrible people.  Now that the shit is rapidly approaching the fan, Chrump is desperately in search of options.  Everybody knows that he has done nothing wrong, but still, a girl can’t be too careful.  Now like a child who has learned a new word or how to whistle, and obsesses over his new-found ability, our Child-in-chief is suddenly pardon-happy.  To be fair, now that Der Furor realizes that his days are numbered, he wants to make hay while the sun shines on his criminal enterprise.  Sources dangerously close to the prezident are telling me that Chrump is considering pardoning Melania, although this is more like a commutation of sentence. 

Chrump already "pardoned" Kim Jong Un for all his crimes against his people and the sundry enhanced firings of many people around him deemed insufficiently loyal.  Asked to comment on the fact that Kim executes people and has some 120,000 political prisoners locked up, the human document shredder wheezed, “Yeah, but so have a lot of other people have done some really bad things.  I mean, I could go through a lot of nations where a lot of bad things were done.”  Personally, I would be shocked if he could even name a lot of nations.
Speaking of pardons, Paul Manafort might be moving to the front of the line, now that he has become a ward of the state.  Chrump said, “I feel sorry for Paul.  He had nothing to do with my campaign.  He was only with me for four and a half Scaramuccis.  And he was working for free.  And by the way, in case it comes up, I had nothing to do with my campaign.  I was only there for a few months.  I was running my business the whole time – in fact, I still am, and I’m doing very, very well by the way.  I told you I could run my business and run the country, but really, I’m just running the company.  And my totally legit The Chrump Foundation.  The country runs itself basically.  I’m really rich.  Just look at my tax returns.  Psych.”
I. Mangrey retching violently.  Can we go home now?

Friday, June 15, 2018

Thought For The Day

One Down, An As-Yet-To-Be-Determined Number To Go

June 15, 2018

Russian operative and former Chrump campaign chairman Paul Manafort finally goes to jail as he awaits trial, after attempting to tamper with witnesses and obstructing justice while under house arrest and wearing two ankle bracelets.

Orange is the new Chrump

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Thought For The Day

Just One Quick Teeny Tiny Little Thing

June 14, 2018
Fuck James Comey.  Twice.  And not in a nice way.  Comey. James. Fuck.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

We're America Bitch!*

The Art of The Schlemiel

June 13, 2018
As everyone now knows, and wishes they did not, our feckless bunt of a president met with one of the world’s most brutal, insane and dangerous dictators.  Donald Chrump made him seem like Mr. Rogers.  Being the self-proclaimed greatest deal maker of all time, Chrump used his very good brain, and a little video that looked like a middle school project that barely warranted a D+.  The video was actually manufactured, on purpose, by the NSA.  Chrump used all his incomparable skills to make one of the most astounding deals of all time.  That was not a compliment.

Chrump was overheard talking to himself, wandering around the rose garden in his underwear last night, “I was so honored to meet with the very talented and funny Kim Jong Un.  I could tell right away with my touch and my feel.  He is a very smart and handsome man.  Not as handsome as me, as anyone will tell you, but still a good looking guy, if you ask me.  I think everyone should just stop with all the fake talk about who killed who.  As the old song goes, everybody killed somebody sometime.  I can’t even tell you how many people I’ve killed – just not on Fifth Avenue, right before an election.  Look, you can’t be the greatest real estate guy in New York – which I am – without breaking a few skulls here and there.  It’s not like it’s against the law or anything.  People explode every day. At least Kim – we’re on a first name basis already, how great is that – isn’t as dangerous as CNN or NBC.  Now those are some real bad hombres.  And totally fake and very, very promulgatered.  Believe me.  I’m not sure if CNN has nukes, but I wouldn’t be surprised.  They’re definitely trying to bomb the shit out of me.  Very bad people.  Not nice and funny like Kim. Jong. Un.  I’m looking forward to playing golf with him at my beautiful Mor-on Lago resort.  I will beat the crap out of him but it will be a lot of fun.  You know, rooms are very affordable there and the food is excellent.  Call John Kelly and he’ll set you up with a beautiful suite.  I made a great deal, everyone is saying it was the best deal, I think, in history.  Amazingly great deal.  Jong didn’t know what hit him.  I will own all his nukes very soon.  That I can tell you.  He said he will bring them with him when he comes to my White House.  He’s a very trustworthy guy.  He told me so himself.  And Putin agrees.  And everyone loves the amazing Chrump doctrine: “We're America Bitch.”*”
We will bring you more exclusive commentary as we gather or concoct it.  You can always count on Paying Attention to get the best stories and get them right into your face, using face, using the best words.
* description of the Chrump doctrine from a senior White House official with direct access to the president and his thinking.  Actual quote: “The Trump Doctrine is ‘We’re America, Bitch.’ That’s the Trump Doctrine.”
I. Mangrey reaping the whirlwind.  Don’t make me come over there.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Singapore Fling

Prezident Carnage Meets Little Rocket Man
(Who is Actually Very Talented and Funny*)

June 12, 2018
Well, that happened.  The WMD of American presidents met with the nuclearly capable dictator of North Korea.  The most dangerous man in the world, fresh off his Fuck America’s Friends Forever G-7 drive-by, decided to turn his attention deficit toward Pyongyang’s third generation pariah Kim Jong Un.  To end their historic photo op, Chrump put his giant signature on a fake agreement that blindsided both South Korea and the United States military establishment, and once again doing Russia's bidding by unilaterally giving up joint military exercises with South Korea.  In exchange for absolutely nothing whatsoever.  Chrump just does whatever he (and Putin) wants. 
Historic fake agreement signed by historic nitwit and his new fake friend
It is not so hard to understand, though it may be next to impossible to stomach, that Chrump said of the unpredictable and murderous dictator of North Korea, “Look, he’s doing what he’s seen done, if you look at it.”  Yeah, it’s not like Kim is an adult capable of self-reflection, atonement, and self-improvement.  He watched his predecessors – his father and grandfather – oversee violent, regimes that cared nothing for their populations, preferring instead self-aggrandizement.  Chrump told us that some of the neo-nazis and assorted white supremacists marching in Charlottesville were “very fine people.”  Chrump is no doubt sympathetic to Kim being a product of his upbringing because Fred Chrump was known to have palled around with the KKK back in the day.  After all, it’s not like Chrump is a grown man capable of self-reflection, atonement, and self-improvement.
Chrump, now cannot say enough nice things about the man he not so long ago called a “maniac” and “Little-Rocket Man”, who was on a “suicide mission for himself.”  And Chrump was more than willing to help Kim on his suicide mission with “fire and fury like the world has never seen.” Now we are to believe, as usual, that Chrumpo the Clown was only joking, and never wanted to say those mean things about his new bestie, Kim.  How many times have we been asked to laugh along with that impish jokester Crump when he threatens lives, talks about assaulting women, and all the other hilarious escapades to which we have been subjected since he came down that escalator and landed smack dab on top of our democracy, like some pile-driving entertainer riling up the crowd at Wrestlemania.
Once a phony with fake hair, always a phony with fake hair
So lighten up folks, these are just two guys with serious daddy (and hair) issues.  They are only in the positions they are in because of their fathers (and maybe the Russians).  They cannot be held accountable for, as Chrump pathetically rationalized, “doing what they’ve seen done, if you look at it.”  Who can really blame them for all the malice and mayhem?  Who among us has not wanted to destroy a country or two?  Admit it; you are simply jealous that you do not have the wherewithal to crush peons beneath the heel of your finely polished boot. 
* This is how Chrump described Kim after their fake summit in Singapore.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Just a regular guy doing what I’ve seen done, if you look at it.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Is That a Bell I Hear Tolling?

Things Are Not as Bad as They Appear…They’re Worse

June 11, 2018
The list of incidents of Chrump, et al propagating fascist fear mongering and scapegoating, and using Nazi phraseology just checked of another box.  As the saying goes, this is not a bug, it’s a feature.  Many people still remember when the man no one thought could ever be anything other than a reality TV hack, took an escalator to a podium and pronounced that Mexicans were criminals and rapists.  And, it has all been an excruciatingly slow descent on the down escalator from there.
Next, Chrump made anti-Semite, alt-right maven and real fake news purveyor Steve Bannon his chief of staff.  Bannon of course, went on to lose his job to the more refined racist Gen. John Kelly.  Soon after leaving the West Wing, Sloppy Steve, as his ex-boss/puppet called him, attended the party congress of France's far-right National Front, where he told the neo-fascist audience, “Let them call you racist. Let them call you xenophobes. Let them call you nativists.  Wear it as a badge of honor. Because every day, we get stronger and they get weaker.”  It is reported that Chrump and Bannon remain close.
Then Chrump started in with his “America First” mantra, a phrase previously linked to anti-Semitism, and used by pro-Nazi sympathizers in America during World War II.  Even Dr. Seuss (yes, that Dr. Seuss) weighed in:

“From this day forward,” Trump said at one point, “it’s going to be only America first. America first.”

Chrump has said, “I’m not isolationist, but I am ‘America First.’  So I like the expression. I’m ‘America First.’”  So, spitting in the faces of every single ally every day and twice during the G-7 summit is something other than isolationist?  It is entirely possible that this ignoramus really does not know anything.  Perhaps he sustained a serious “brain” injury when Canada burned down the White House in 1973. 
Trashing NATO, NAFTA, the Paris Climate Accord, TPP could be seen by some as isolationist.  Don’t get me wrong, with the exception of the Paris Accord, all of the other examples are seriously flawed, but unilaterally walking away might not be the best way to improve things.  Forget about Chrump listening to other world leaders.  He does not even listen to his advisors – with the exception of Sean Hannity, John Bolton and Vladimir Putin.  How much more isolated can this cretin get?  Now, Chrump has backed out of the joint statement he signed along with the other six members of the G-7. 
Chrump stood by his alt-right, white nationalist, neo-nazi supporters who chanted numerous Nazi slogans in Charlottesville, stunning sentient Americans when he claimed that some of those violent racists were “very fine people.”
Et Tu, Douchebag?
Which brings us to the latest poison dart from two of Chrump’s Fux News rejects now working in Chrump’s West Wing.  After the G-7, Justin Trudeau reiterated what he has been saying since the moment Chrump threatened Canada with ridiculous sanctions.  The Wall Street Journal has warned the Republican’t leaders to stop Chrump from his ludicrous economic foreign policy escapades, for fear of collapsing the American economy.  Instead, party leaders refuse to remove their heads from their asses, and continue to enable the Disaster-in-chief.  To add Nazi to injury, Fux’s Larry Kudlow and Peter Navarro both released the new talking point from Chrumpland, Justin Trudeau stabbed Donald Chrump in the back.
Nuclear security consultant Cheryl Rofer, reminded the New York Times and others that the idea of being stabbed in the back, “was a favorite of Hitler's. Germany was stabbed in the back by Europe in the Treaty of Versailles.”  Coincidence?

I (don’t) wonder who they could be.
Coincidence or not, Chrump knows that there is no way he will be attracting new supporters, so all he can do is make sure, now that he is distilling his base down to its lowest common deplorable, that he keeps these folks entertained, enraged and enabled. 
At some point, the cause becomes much less significant than the effect, and it becomes wiser to treat the fascist, accidental or otherwise, as the immanent and imminent threat that it is.
Actual tweet, slightly altered

I. Mangrey reporting. Never forget.