Friday, June 1, 2018

Best Contraceptive Ever

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June 1, 2018
Chrump is having so many wonderful effects on America right now.  So much winning. So much tweeting.  So much painful rectal itching.  The man in the orange paint is inspiring all manner of interesting behaviors across America.  We have a massive spike in overt racist behavior.  More and more mass shootings.  America’s always tenuous relationship with the truth is now as tangible as Saddam Hussein’s WMD – which, though he did have a significant supply back in the 1990s, (sold to him by Donald Rumsfeld before he became George W. Bush’s offensive Secretary of Defense) were non-existent when Dick Cheney lied us into his illegal war on the basis of their existence.  Chrump’s prezidency, though somewhat less overtly bloody, is making Game of Thrones look like Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood.
Millions of Americans remain enraptured as they drift directionless in the sea of stupid that is submerging the swamp Chrump swore he would drain.  More and more Americans are working hard at being idiots by believing the perpetually lying sack of shit that is Donald J. Chrump.  According to a Huffington Post poll, 48 percent of Republican’ts said they believe that between three and five million people voted illegally in 2016, just like Der Furor told them; 17 percent said they do not and 35 percent.  Almost 25 percent of Democrats also believe Chrump’s absurd lie.
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Americans are doing more and more of less and less.  Those who ignore the news have a chance at the bliss of ignorance.  Those who are paying close attention spend most waking hours is shock and horror, then pray for dreamless sleep.  There is one particular activity that Americans are doing considerably less of under Chrump’s undyed eye. 
The birthrate for 2017 was at its lowest point in 30 years.  Many of you may be familiar with the term Baby Boom.  For those who are not, this refers to the huge spike in birth-giving between the end of World War II and the assassination of JFK (I’m looking at you Richard Nixon).  Certainly, the end of WWII was a time of intense joy and stress reduction across the globe, and this world wide sigh of relief led to a veritable free-for-all of sexy time, which resulted in a tsunami of what are commonly referred to as “babies.”  Now, those Baby Boomers make up some 20 percent of America’s population. 
Babies can sense imminent threats to their survival.
Many are now refusing to be conceived.
Baby Doomers
On the flip side, we have the “election,” inauguration, and subsequent descent into life under the tiny thumb of one Donald J. Chrump.  By now, you have surely deduced the connection between the onset of Chrumptopia and the preponderance of flaccid phalluses, clenched knees and incapacitating headaches plaguing the majority of Americans, and the resulting kibosh on kid-making. 
It is possible that Chrump has simply sickened people to the point that they cannot stand the sight of each other, or maybe the thought of Chrump having sex with porn stars and Playmates, sexually assaulting dozens of women, talking about dating his daughter, and just generally being Chrump has turned people off to sex for the foreseeable future. 

Chrump mistakes Rudy G for Ivanka back when he was seriously
considering dating at least one of them. (The video is much worse.)
The combination of no one ever being in the mood, and the sad though completely conscionable decision to spare a future generation, let’s call them Generation F**ked, from having to enter a world either still dealing directly with, or struggling to recover from, the devastation of World War Chrump, should keep the future Chrump-driven suffering to a relative minimum.  For once, misery is trying to avoid company.
I. Mangrey not reproducing.  Making the world safe for reality.                            

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