Monday, June 11, 2018

Is That a Bell I Hear Tolling?

Things Are Not as Bad as They Appear…They’re Worse

June 11, 2018
The list of incidents of Chrump, et al propagating fascist fear mongering and scapegoating, and using Nazi phraseology just checked of another box.  As the saying goes, this is not a bug, it’s a feature.  Many people still remember when the man no one thought could ever be anything other than a reality TV hack, took an escalator to a podium and pronounced that Mexicans were criminals and rapists.  And, it has all been an excruciatingly slow descent on the down escalator from there.
Next, Chrump made anti-Semite, alt-right maven and real fake news purveyor Steve Bannon his chief of staff.  Bannon of course, went on to lose his job to the more refined racist Gen. John Kelly.  Soon after leaving the West Wing, Sloppy Steve, as his ex-boss/puppet called him, attended the party congress of France's far-right National Front, where he told the neo-fascist audience, “Let them call you racist. Let them call you xenophobes. Let them call you nativists.  Wear it as a badge of honor. Because every day, we get stronger and they get weaker.”  It is reported that Chrump and Bannon remain close.
Then Chrump started in with his “America First” mantra, a phrase previously linked to anti-Semitism, and used by pro-Nazi sympathizers in America during World War II.  Even Dr. Seuss (yes, that Dr. Seuss) weighed in:

“From this day forward,” Trump said at one point, “it’s going to be only America first. America first.”

Chrump has said, “I’m not isolationist, but I am ‘America First.’  So I like the expression. I’m ‘America First.’”  So, spitting in the faces of every single ally every day and twice during the G-7 summit is something other than isolationist?  It is entirely possible that this ignoramus really does not know anything.  Perhaps he sustained a serious “brain” injury when Canada burned down the White House in 1973. 
Trashing NATO, NAFTA, the Paris Climate Accord, TPP could be seen by some as isolationist.  Don’t get me wrong, with the exception of the Paris Accord, all of the other examples are seriously flawed, but unilaterally walking away might not be the best way to improve things.  Forget about Chrump listening to other world leaders.  He does not even listen to his advisors – with the exception of Sean Hannity, John Bolton and Vladimir Putin.  How much more isolated can this cretin get?  Now, Chrump has backed out of the joint statement he signed along with the other six members of the G-7. 
Chrump stood by his alt-right, white nationalist, neo-nazi supporters who chanted numerous Nazi slogans in Charlottesville, stunning sentient Americans when he claimed that some of those violent racists were “very fine people.”
Et Tu, Douchebag?
Which brings us to the latest poison dart from two of Chrump’s Fux News rejects now working in Chrump’s West Wing.  After the G-7, Justin Trudeau reiterated what he has been saying since the moment Chrump threatened Canada with ridiculous sanctions.  The Wall Street Journal has warned the Republican’t leaders to stop Chrump from his ludicrous economic foreign policy escapades, for fear of collapsing the American economy.  Instead, party leaders refuse to remove their heads from their asses, and continue to enable the Disaster-in-chief.  To add Nazi to injury, Fux’s Larry Kudlow and Peter Navarro both released the new talking point from Chrumpland, Justin Trudeau stabbed Donald Chrump in the back.
Nuclear security consultant Cheryl Rofer, reminded the New York Times and others that the idea of being stabbed in the back, “was a favorite of Hitler's. Germany was stabbed in the back by Europe in the Treaty of Versailles.”  Coincidence?

I (don’t) wonder who they could be.
Coincidence or not, Chrump knows that there is no way he will be attracting new supporters, so all he can do is make sure, now that he is distilling his base down to its lowest common deplorable, that he keeps these folks entertained, enraged and enabled. 
At some point, the cause becomes much less significant than the effect, and it becomes wiser to treat the fascist, accidental or otherwise, as the immanent and imminent threat that it is.
Actual tweet, slightly altered

I. Mangrey reporting. Never forget.

1 comment:

  1. You're not better than Ted Danson, Mr. Mangrey. You're worse. Much, much worse.
