Monday, June 25, 2018

Two Little Words

Deface The Nation

June 25, 2018
First, A Few Words From the Good News Fairy
Vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), recently told colleagues, “If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months.”
Michelle Obama famously said, “When they go low, we go high.”  How exactly did that work out?  Barack Obama is now left to rationalize that maybe he “was 10 or 20 years too early,” to ask, “What if we were wrong?”  And wrong about what exactly?  Get a grip Barry.  Wrong about caving on single-payer before sitting down at the negotiating table?  Wrong about trusting Mitch McConnell and company while they stabbed you right in the face?  No need to stab you in the back, they were more than happy to show you who they were.    
During the Obama years (not to mention the Nixon years, the Ford years, the Regan years, the Bush years, the Clinton years, and the other Bush years) we watched the Republican’ts go low, we tried to go high, and then they laughed out loud as they showed us that we had no idea what low really was.  As they go ever lower, should we keep going higher despite oxygen deprivation?  Should we watch our language?  Should we behave?  Should we shuffle to the back of the bus and bow our heads?
I am with Robert De Niro when, at the recent Tony Awards, he said, “I’m going to say one thing, Fuck Trump!  It’s no longer ‘Down with Trump.’  It’s fuck Trump.”  I have to agree; if you are going to say only one thing, “Fuck Chrump” belongs at or near the top of the list.  Outrage is the order of the day.  Disgust is the order of the day. Panic is the order of the day.  Putting the brakes on fascism, racism – Chrumpism – is the order of the day.
Raging Bob
That being said, I think we need something better and newer than ‘Fuck You!’ for this treacherous cretin.  We need something truly special for our special needs prezident.  Fuck Chrump! is simply not enough.  I don't know what it is yet, but I promise you I will be working on it.  For the time being, I suppose Fuck Chrump! will have to suffice.
It is interesting to listen to Chrumpers moan about the lack of civility.  Robert De Niro’s heartfelt invective at the Tonys, Kristjen Nielsen and Stephen Miller verbally accosted in Mexican restaurants, sickening Sarah Huckabee Slanders (politely) asked to leave a Virginia eatery at the behest of the establishment’s employees.  The horror!  All of these incidents added together do not come close to the number and degree of uncivil outbursts coming from one single man – the man who has inspired all manner of incivility from everyone everywhere.   

The head of Civil Offense  

…and his minions

From his very first moment on the campaign trail, to throwing candy at German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to his latest brainless authoritarian-wanna-be assault on the Constitution:
When you look past all the lies, illiteracy and racism, you can clearly see a
horrible man with a very bad brain taking a dump on the Constitution
Civility may not be dead, but it is on life support, with multiple organ failure.  And Donald Chrump has grabbed it by the pussy, , tried to lock it up, and continues to kick it in the nuts.  Every single day.  It will not be resuscitated with thoughts and prayers, but by words and deeds.  And, Fuck Chrump! needs to be part of the conversation.  It may not achieve much of substance by itself, but it takes the edge off for a little while.
I. Mangrey reporting. Oh, intercourse the president.

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