Saturday, June 23, 2018

Abu Chrump

White Punks on Chrump

June 23, 2018
America has Pre-K internment camps thanks to our Pre-K Prezident.  Donald Chrump personally ordered that infants and children be taken from their parents upon, in many cases legally, entering the United States of Chrump.  After considerable, sustained outrage from across the political spectrum, the Kidnapper-in-chief relented by way of (FAKE) executive order.  Department of Chrumpland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen privately told members of Congress that there might still be some kidnappings despite the so-called executive order to the contrary.  After all, some of Chrump’s big donors are making good money off these crimes against human decency. 

Fortunately, there don’t seem to be any chimneys in sight
Naturally, before bowing to pressure to cancel the policy he himself created, Chrump blamed Democrats – who have been out of power in Congress since 2010 – for forcing him to do something that has electrified his racist, fascist base.  Der Furor also tried to convince us that he was SAD about those terrible Democrats ripping innocent children from their parents, at the same time he was spewing more of his usual racist invective at a rally of his equally virulent racist minions, some of whom are undoubtedly very fine people. 
How much is that child in the “window?”
Children were taken from their parents and shunted off to who-knows-where.  An assistant federal public defender in El Paso, Texas reported that, “This administration appears to have no infrastructure, policy or plan in place to deal with the destruction of families seeking refuge or a new life in our country.  At one point, (the judge) slammed his hand on the desk, sending a pen flying.  This type of emotional display is unheard of in federal court.  I can’t understand this, the judge said.  If someone at the jail takes your wallet, they give you a receipt.  They take your kids, and you get nothing?  Not even a slip of paper?”  Apparently this judge just awoke from a coma.  Was it possibly Rent-A-Coma?

Fun times at Chrump’s Holiday Camps
Brian Kilmeade, who often poses as a human being on Fux and Fiends, unable to speak from his brain, spoke right from his blackened heart, “And these are not -- like it or not, these aren't our kids. Show them compassion, but it's not like he is doing this to the people of Idaho or Texas. These are people from another country and now people are saying that they're more important than people in our country who are paying taxes and who have needs as well.”
Many if not most of the parents whose children have been taken for “baths” have no idea where their children have been taken and Team Chrump has simply not bothered to arrange for anything after wrenching them away and carting them up to 1000 miles away.

Chrump continues to refer to all these little brown people as “unaccompanied alien children.”  The day before he reluctantly signed his FAKE executive order allegedly putting a halt to the state kidnapping of children, he reportedly told advisers “my people love it,” referring of course to the kidnapping, not the halting thereof.
I. Mangrey reviled. 

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