Saturday, February 29, 2020


Rules?  There's No Rules In A Chrump Fight

February 29, 2020
A recent email from related the following:
“Disinformation is false information deliberately spread in order to influence public opinion.  Remember the Facebook ads in 2016 that spread the blatant lie that Democrats could vote from home via text message?  Or viral fearmongering lies that millions of noncitizens were voting in the election?  Or ads from the Trump campaign targeting Black voters in Florida, saying, "Hillary Thinks African Americans Are Super Predators"?  Those were disinformation campaigns explicitly designed to suppress Democratic voter turnout and help Donald Trump win—and they worked.
In 2016, Trump ran an unprecedented digital ad campaign that was fueled largely by disinformation.  And that, coupled with disinformation campaigns from foreign governments like Russia and domestic groups with a vested interest in Trump's victory, helped lead him to victory.”
Yeah, it worked.  And who do you think has more easily misled people in their camp?  More willing to believe anything they are told, despite a preponderance of evidence to the contrary?  Democrats or Republican'ts?  My money is on the people who elected an orange racist with half a brain.
These machines kill fascist, but only if you use them
MoveOn decided they are going to combat the Republican't disinformation campaign by finding and exposing their scams as quickly as possible.  That’s okay, but this is no time for coloring within the lines and fighting fair.  We can think about that after, and only after, the Orange Gas Cloud has dissipated into oblivion.  Not until he is nothing more than a stain on Twitter, and someone no other ex-president ever wants anything to do with.
No, I say Democrats should do exactly what Republcan'ts have been doing for decades.  Send out erroneous texts, emails, tweets, F*&#book posts targeting Chrump voters.  Tell them the election is November 4th.  Target them with emails telling them that Donald Chrump has already won the election so they need not bother wasting their precious time voting at all.  Tell them that since America is so great, it was decided that we are simply giving Chrump an extra two years, no-questions-asked, to make sure America stays great again before risking someone else in the White House.  Put up posters in trailer parks saying that white people will automatically have their votes counted for Chrump.  Whatever.  The time for protocol, decorum and ethics is not now.  Maybe later.
I like MoveOn.  They have been tirelessly fighting for democracy and sanity for many years now.  I am not suggesting that they abandon their plan to ambush the ambush.  But, someone with the wherewithal should fight fire with fire.  Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you can find that pee-pee tape we know you have.
I. Mangrey reporting.  We never had this conversation.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thought For The Day

The Answer

February 27, 2020
It just hit me.  So many people are concerned about how Bernie Sanders is going to pay for all the zany programs designed to help average Americans, instead of further enriching massive corporations – many of which are perpetually stealing our money and murdering our planet with impunity and reckless abandon – and enabling them to keep their collective boot on the throats of the rest of us. 
Certainly, Republican’ts are never the least bit concerned with who will pay for any of their trillion-dollar tax cuts for the wealthiest one-percent among us.  They are always content lying that tax cuts pay for themselves.  

It is so simple. 

How has everyone overlooked the simplest of solutions to get billions of dollars to pay for badly needed programs without lifting the fiscal finger of fate? 
I hope you are either sitting down or standing on a mountain of marshmallows.  I give you, not only the fiscal solution, but the most amazing campaign slogan – one that has already catapulted the most unlikely candidate ever to seek the presidency to something resembling a victory.  This is what Bernie Sanders needs to say the next time pundits ask him how he will pay for his programs:

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Thought For The Day

Orange You Glad I Didn’t Say Creamsicle?
February 25, 2020
The Wizard of Oz and The Wizard of Ooze

Pay no attention to the man behind the spray tan*
The photographer of the above photo – by all accounts a Chrump fanboy, who titled it, “The General who returned to his kingdom after winning the war was walking in the sunset and winds,” insists it was not Photoshopped.  Chrump of course, Tweeted, “More Fake News. This was photoshopped, obviously, but the wind was strong and the hair looks good?”  You go girl.
* As always, we apologize for posting such graphic and disturbing images; we hope no one will be emotionally scarred or made physically ill for having seen this one.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Monday, February 24, 2020

Commies and Nazis and Banes, Oh My!

Chris Matthews and The Commie Sutra

February 24, 2020
I was hoping MSNBC’s Chris Matthews calling Bernie Sanders a communist would be as bad as he would get during this election cycle.  He and others are clearly frightened to death of Sanders becoming president.  Would Matthews tone down his crazy assholery after Sanders won his third out of the first three primary contests?  Is Donald Chrump a very stable genius?
Just stop it Chris.  Please.
After Sanders’ convincing landslide victory in Nevada, Matthews decided to change tactics.  It did not get better.  It did not go well.  With a sickly grin on his face, Matthews compared Sanders’ victory to the Nazi invasion of France in 1940.  For someone who has been around politics as long as Matthews and his Mouth-That-Never-Closes, he should, and probably does, know that Sanders is Jewish.  Matthews might also want to come up with a different analogy since Sanders’ father lost almost his entire family to the Nazis during the Holocaust.  I have seen no evidence that Matthews is anti-Semitic, which makes his latest bullshit all the more idiotic.  One would not think it humanly possible to have both feet in one’s mouth while simultaneously having one’s head so far up one’s ass, but Matthews has been perfecting this move for many years.
Apparently, this cannot be repeated often enough for Matthews and company: Bernie Sanders is not the one sharing state secrets with the Russians.  Bernie is not the one taking the word of Vladimir Putin over that of our entire intelligence community.  Bernie is not the one who conspired with Russia in 2016, and he is not the one inviting help from Russia to win the presidency in 2020.  That is Donald Chrump. 
Bernie Sanders honeymooned in Moscow in 1988 – not a great move, but more than 30 years ago.  Donald Chrump, dying to have a building with his name on it in Moscow, is in the process of eloping with Vladimir Putin right now.   If Matthews, et al prefer the neo-fascist stylings of Donald Chrump to the of-by-and-for-the-people politics of Bernie Sanders, maybe they need to look in the mirror, then look at the Constitution, and then look at all the socialist-like (if not outright socialist) programs that Americans in all 50 states (and territories) love.
Signs of the times.  Not signs of intelligent life on Earth.
Chris Matthews is not the only Democrat calling Sanders a communist.  I understand that Bernie makes some old-school Dems uncomfortable, but tarring him with the same commie label as Chrump and Republican’ts use is not helpful.  Nor is it honest.  Nor is it intelligent.  Chrump is going to call any Democratic opponent a radical, leftist, socialist.  He’s been doing this all along. 
For Matthews, long-time conserva-Dem James Carville and other right-of-center Democrats, they better think this through very soon.  Even if Sanders was a communist, would you rather have a communist who sees Russia as an adversary and Putin as a thuggish dictator, or keep the impeached-though-not-convicted-by-reason-of-Republican’t-insanity, racist, psychotic, pathological liar of a quasi-dictator who prefers con men to the Constitution, who is working feverishly with foreign entities, including our adversaries to steal his second election, and who has already brought immeasurable disgrace and destruction upon our nation?  Wake up and smell the fucking covfefe boys.
But Bernie Sanders is not a communist.  He is someone who believes, and always has believed, in helping people from the bottom up, not from the top down.  It is time for some trickle-up economics. 
One of these things is not like anything else
I. Mangrey reporting.  It’s a pre-existing condition.                             

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Thought For The Day

Which Ism Is It?
February 22, 2020
This says a lot about Americans.  We have a neo-fascist strongman with neither the most cursory understanding of, nor the smallest scintilla of respect for the Constitution as our head of state.  A lifelong conman of the first degree.  He clearly admires brutal, murderous dictators the world over.  He has courted them – literally.  He has expressed jealousy that he cannot utilize the tactics they employ.  He longs to be seen as, and does see himself to be a supreme ruler.  Not to be questioned.  Not to be crossed.  He is a two-bit thug/cheat passing himself off as a billionaire and president.  He is Donald Chrump.  Many Americans appear frighteningly comfortable with a man who fawns over Vladimir Putin, fell in love with Kim Jong Un and regularly lauds strong-man tactics employed by dictators and autocrats the world over.
Nonetheless, Americans – particularly the political pundit class – are apoplectic that a democratic socialist who believes everyday people should have the same rights as the elite might become president.  Let’s face it, our corrupt, capitalist kleptocracy has seen better days.  Economic inequality is as bad as ever, and this is not by accident; it is by design, but it is not inescapable.  Most of the American public absolutely adores many socialist, or at least socialist-like programs like Social Security and Medicare.  Most Americans seem similarly oblivious to what Bernie Sanders calls “corporate socialism.”  Corporations like Exxon receive billions in government subsidies while they rake in more billions in profits (while destroying the planet we live on) and put next to nothing back in the form of taxes (or cleaning up the constant environmental disasters they perpetrate). 
One party believes in the impeached-and-resigned Richard Nixon philosophy: “When the president does then it is not illegal.”  Someone should tell these Republcan’ts that this is not in fact the philosophy behind the founding of this nation.  I seem to recall three co-equal branches of government complete with checks and balances.
So it seems like we have a choice to make here America.  Continue with a thieving, lying fascist who has already done what might very well be irreparable damage to our nation and its reputation, or take a chance on turning the tables in favor of actual people instead of coddling corporations (who are not people).
I’m looking forward, while chewing my fingernails down to the wrists, to see what America chooses in November.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Thursday, February 20, 2020


Are You Ready For Some Bullshit?

February 20, 2020
Because Donald Chrump broke the law and repeatedly confessed on television, and because of that Democrats did what any good Republican't Congress would do - they impeached the president.  Because of the impeachment, we will now see a never-ending investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden. Here comes Bidenghazi.    
Actually, Bidenghazi has been going on for quite some time already.  Chrump’s hench-monkeys, led by the inimitable Rudy G and his Russian rubes – Lev and Igor – began working hard to dig up make-believe dirt on Hunter Biden’s time working for a shady oil company (they are all shady if you ask me) in Ukraine.  A bad look?  Sure.  Inappropriate?  Very likely, but compare this to the Chrump Crime Family.  Illegal?  Not for one second, which has been verified by the U.S. intelligence community. 
Next, Chrump failed to coerce Ukraine to publicly pretend to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden for this thoroughly debunked Russian propaganda, for which the Orange Menace got impeached.  Then Moscow Mitch’s Senate Republican’ts tried to use their mock impeachment trial to spread the same Russian propaganda, absolving them from interfering in the 2016 election and pinning it on Ukraine and the Bidens.  Nonetheless, Bidenghazi is now in the hands of Chuck Grassley and the Senate "Intelligence" Committee.  They are hell-bent on continuing their conspiracy crusade to fabricate dirt on the Bidens – and by extension, of course Obama.  Because they’re all about corruption don’t ya know. 
Keep digging, idiot. Make sure it’s wide enough.
Republican’ts are out for blood, or scalps or maybe just a few months worth of ridiculous headlines.  Remember when Barack Obama refused to look into all the devastating lies that were perpetrated by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.  Republican’ts sure don’t.  Obviously, your son getting a cushy job he in no way deserves is worse than lying America into an illegal war that gave us ISIS, a stronger Iran, and a bigger mess in the Middle East than was there before Cheney’s War.
Republican’ts already received documents on Hunter Biden from the IRS.  Yes, you are correct, that is the same IRS that is still tenaciously guarding Chrump’s precious, incriminating tax returns we have been waiting to see since 2015.
Fortunately, Joe Biden is still using Western Union and the occasional telegraph, so we will never see an investigation into his damn emails, or how he misused a server (except maybe that time he hugged and sniffed his waitress after a Sunday brunch at a Delaware Denny's).
I am no fan of Joe Biden, though he was an able and occasionally entertaining Robin (or was he Alfred?) to Barack Obama's Batman.  For decades prior to that I always referred to Biden as the senator from Citibank, since both Biden and Delaware were incorrigible coddlers of corrupt, conniving corporations. 
One of former Biden’s major legislative “accomplishments” as senator was the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, possibly the most inaptly-named and anti–middle class piece of legislation in the past century.  The debate preceding passage of this disgrace was Elizabeth Warren’s first foray into the seedy world of legislative politics.  She fought the bill tirelessly and succeeded in blocking it for nearly a decade. Warren continues her efforts to overturn this gift to corporations and kick to the privates of actual people.
Also, as mentioned previously in this space, someone should tell these idiots that Biden is probably not the person Chrump the Republican’ts should be worried about at this point.  But you know these guys, once they sink their dentures into a chew-toy like this, there’s just no stopping them until their choppers fall out.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Who knows what evil lurks in the “hearts” of these men?                                                                                                           

Monday, February 17, 2020

Happy Washington’s & Lincoln’s Birthday Season Celebration

Presidents’ Day.  Happy?

February 17, 2020
Today we commemorate Presidents’ Day.  Notice I did not say celebrate.  I do not know how we can in good conscience celebrate a day with that name at this time.  Perhaps we need to be a bit more specific as to what we mean to celebrate in these unprecedented times when most Americans yearn to be unpresidented.
Two of the very few worth celebrating
Our current im-potentate has sullied and degraded the office of president practically beyond recognition.  What Ben Carson did for the public’s perception of brain surgeons, Donald Chrump is doing to the very idea of president.  You are likely sufficiently well aware of the particulars at this point.  If not, this might be a good time to steep yourself in Chrump’s myriad depredations.  His attempt at wrenching another term from the grasp of the American electorate is another of his crimes-already-in-progress, and along with it Chrump’s final solution for the Great Experiment of American Democracy.
Alexis Coe, author of “You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington” recently told an interviewer, “When people ask me, ‘What do you think Washington would make of this time?’ I say: I think he would have a huge problem with Trump, but he would have an even bigger problem with the Republican Party.  And they are everything he feared a party could be.  This moment in America is really his greatest nightmare.”
George Washington warned against fealty to party over country in his farewell address.  I don’t know if the descent was steady, few things in history are.  I do know that blind loyalty to party – particularly the Republican’t Party – is at peak perversity.  No one exemplifies this deterioration of the Framers’ intentions more completely than petulant poster child for party über alles Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. 
Moscow Mitch, as he prefers to be called, has unabashedly and repeatedly made clear just how obsessed with party over country he and his fellow travelers have become.  McConnell made it clear when he said his primary job was to make Barack Obama a one-term president, and then proceeded to prevent Obama from accomplishing any of the goals he was elected to achieve. 
McConnell reiterated his disdain for our nation’s protocols and beliefs when he blatantly obstructed the nomination of Merrick Garland to an open seat on the Supreme Court – McConnell manufactured a rare smile telling an audience that, “One of my proudest moments was when I told Obama, ‘You will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy.’”  Nice work (Beelze)bub.  
McConnell’s most recent attack on our country, in favor of his political party was his happy admission that (and he was not alone in this), “I'm not an impartial juror,” in advance of taking the special oath as part of his participation in the impeachment trial of Donald Chrump – an oath that specifically demands impartiality as part of a trial that until McConnell included witnesses and evidence.  While it could be said that few senators could be completely impartial in such a process, it would be nice to think there was some attempt to discern the facts before rendering judgment.
With any luck and the electoral equivalent of what Nancy Pelosi did to her copy of Chrump’s Misstatement of The Union  speech, Presidents’ Day might one day be something to celebrate without having a 16-ton asterisk hanging over its head and a 16-ton president hanging over ours.  George Washington is known as the Father of Our Country, and with good reason.  Donald Chrump will be known as the Executioner of Our Country, especially if he gets another four years to complete what he started when he oozed down his golden escalator in 2015.
The beginning of the end
I. Mangrey reporting.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

An Open Letter to America’s Fiercest, Most Formidable Adversary


February 15, 2020
Dear Republican’ts:
We know what you did last summer, last month, last week and yesterday.  We have a fairly good idea of what you are planning for tomorrow, next week, next month and this coming autumn.  We can smell your foul breath and feel your icy grip on our necks, and we know what you are after.  You will do anything to destroy today’s America, and are frightened to death of tomorrow’s America.  You want to make America yesterday again.  And not just any yesterday, more like yesterday minus 170 years, give or take.  You will not succeed, but you will undoubtedly do – and have already done to a depressing degree – severe, if not irreparable damage along the way.  And we know who you are.  You are Donald Chrump’s hostages, devotees, enablers and protectors all wrapped into one.  You call yourselves the Republican Party.  You are in fact the anti-republic party.  You are a bunch of neo-fascist Banana Republican’ts.  This nation emerged out of a revolution against people just like you.

Chrump has remade the Republican’t Party in his own image
I hope all of you are proud of your decision to hijack the nation’s desire for a legitimate impeachment trial and to absolve Donald Chrump of any responsibility.  This despite knowing, in the place where most of us have hearts, that he was not only guilty of both articles of impeachment before you, but almost certainly of many other potential high crimes and misdemeanors.
Amazingly, some of you were stupid enough to publicly declare that Chrump had surely learned from his impeachment experience and would obviously not do anything wrong in the future.  That future lasted about 30 seconds – at least publicly.  I admit that Chrump probably will not call Volodymyr Zelensky on the phone and threaten to withhold military aid in exchange for dirt on the Bidens – at least not with any witnesses.  Even though Chrump’s mentally incapacitated personal attorney Rudy Giuliani continues to hawk his whacky wares directly to Chrump’s personal Attorney General Bill Barr, someone should probably tell these nitwits that Joe Biden’s campaign is over. 
To Paraphrase George W. Bush, “Rarely is the question asked: Is our presidents learning?”  Well, some of our presidents was not learning.  Then a bunch of disingenuous, aiders-and-abettors in the Senate tried to pretend that the most anti-learning president in history would somehow suddenly show remorse after being impeached and then becoming the only president in American history to have a member of his own – and it truly is Chrump’s own – party vote to convict on an article of impeachment.  A number of these senators opined, some of them opined aloud, some of them opined aloud in front of microphones and cameras, that surely, after the shame of being impeached and then chastened by being subjected to a fake trial in the Senate, Chrump would learn his lesson.  This impeached president did not learn.  He will not learn.  He cannot learn.  And he has absolutely no desire to learn.  Anything. From anyone.  Because, and he will tell you this, and has told many people, many times that he knows more about whatever it is you are talking about than anyone.
It’s not bragging if it’s true.  This is neither true, nor bragging.
It’s psychotic.
“He who knows does not speak.”
An old saying attributed to Bodhidharma.

Anyway, as we have already seen, there is an almost infinite number of other transgressions against democracy, the law and the Constitution that Chrump is not only willing to inflict, but has already begun in earnest since getting his permanent Get Out Of Jail Free card from Moscow Mitch – who continues to thwart every effort to improve security for our elections.
If you thought he was problematic before, check out the new improved Donald “Death To America” Chrump.  He's unbridled, he's unfettered, he's unleashed, unpredictable, unhealthy and unbefuckinglievable.  Bullets can't stop him; rockets can't stop him; we may have to use nuclear force.
Technically true, Constitutionally abhorrent, morally bankrupt
We finally found something that Chrump actually knows more about than anyone.  He knows how to break the will of the Republican’t Party strong-arm them to do whatever he wants them to do.  They are more frightened of him than Mike Pence is of being alone with a woman who is not his wife.
Whatever else you do, please at least make sure your precious leader cannot get his little hands on a loaded weapon, and if he does, for god’s sake keep him away from Fifth Avenue.
Ed Venture
Managing Editor, Paying Attention

*Impeach The Mother Fucker Again Already

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Never-Chrumpers v. Never-Earthers

Making The Earth Flat Again

February 13, 2020
While Donald Chrump continues his rapid descent into personal dementia and national fascism, let us take a break from the mind-crushing insanity into which the Republican’t Party has long been herding us.  Unfortunately, the popular tale of the frog who ends up boiled to death when the water is heated gradually, rather than leaping out if thrown into already boiling water is a myth; I always loved that analogy, but it’s as fake as the “hair” on Chrump’s head.  Nonetheless, Republican’ts have been building to this crappy crescendo for a long time.

But, that’s not why I dragged you over here today.  I thought we might ignore the political shit-show of the Orange Gas Cloud for a moment and turn our attention – perhaps our thoughts and prayers – to his continuing impact on the beautiful, life-giving planet we all enjoy and take for granted every day.
It might not be a flat world, but it is a very small one.  Much too small for the number of homo sapiens currently leeching off of it and shitting on it.  Particularly unhelpful and unwelcome are all the “Flat-Earthers” who insist that the obviously round planet we inhabit resembles a pancake. 
We have not heard Chrump himself weigh in on the dimensionality of our planet, but while insisting that he knows more about climate and wind and science than anyone, he has repeated and adhered to every other cockamamie environmental and climate crisis conspiracy nonsense known to man.  And he has put the worst possible anti-environment freaks and monsters in charge every agency charged with protecting our planet, ourselves and our progeny.  Chrump wants to make environmental protection medieval again.  He has unceasingly taken the mental out of environmental.  While it is somewhat likely that not all Chrumpers are flat-Earthers, you can be sure that all flat-Earthers are Chrumpers. 
It could be a flat world after all is said and (nothing) done
While the Earth is obviously not flat at the moment, if these brain-dead mutants have their way, lead in their idiocy by Donald “I-Know-More-About-Climate-Than-Anyone” Chrump, who knows what horrors await not only us, but possibly the planet itself.  What if, due to the global climate crisis and the relentless, wanton extraction of every last natural resource, the Earth collapses in on itself and flattens out?  If that happens, it will be the responsibility of the remaining normal to toss all the flat-Earthers over the edge.  It won’t fix anything, but it will be the right thing to do.
I. Mangrey reporting.  No compromise in defense of Mother Earth!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Out With The Good Air, In With The Bad

A Very Unstable Moron

February 11, 2020
Chrump’s enablers comprise the party that long ago spat on the memory and essence of Abraham Lincoln, the party that more recently abandoned everything espoused by Ronald Reagan.  They are still the party that subconsciously channels Richard Nixon and stands behind Dick Cheney, but now it is the party that has remade itself in the image of and is completely subservient to Donald Chrump.  The Orange Kool-Aid-addled faithful were appalled – appalled I tell you – when during the fake impeachment trial of Donald Chrump, Lead House Manager and fearsome defender of the Constitution Adam Schiff lamented that “CBS News reported last night that a Trump confidant said that key senators were warned, ‘Vote against the president and your head will be on a pike.’”   
They’re fired!
Dear Leader has announced his intention to go after anyone that had the gall to do their Constitutional duty and report activities they deemed – let’s say questionable – through proper channels, and then testify under oath (something Chrump’s lawyers stridently advised he never, ever, under any circumstances whatsoever consider doing – for obvious reasons), and he has backed up his despotic words with tyrannical actions. 

Revenge Of The Turd 

“Dad, I’m sitting here today in the U.S. Capitol, talking to our elected professionals is proof that you made the right decision 40 years ago to leave the Soviet Union, come here to the United States of America in search of a better life for our family.  Do not worry.  I will be fine for telling the truth.”
         Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, opening remarks, November 19, 2019

Chrump is so petty that he not only had Purple Heart recipient Vindman escorted from the White House by security, but also had his twin brother Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman – attorney for the National Security Council – similarly removed for no reason whatsover.  The first Vindman was fired for the crime (under this president) of obeying a Congressional subpoena to tell the truth.  Perhaps his twin was fired because Chrump panicked thinking the guy he fired was still there, or maybe Chrump could not tell them apart and was not taking any chances on a Patty Duke type situation.  One cannot help but wonder how the same appalled Republican’t enablers will respond – in public – to the actual, albeit figurative, placing of heads on pikes by Mr. Chrump as he purges any remaining patriots and truth tellers from his criminal cabal.  Cue the crickets.
Reject in mirror is closer than it appears
It seems Donald Chrump’s raison d'être is to be a maggot on the corpse of America. 

I. Mangrey and D. Prezzt reporting.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Donny Takes A Victory Limp

Shorter Donald Chrump: I Won, I'm Nuts, Fuck You

February 9, 2020
Spoiler alert: Donald Chrump is a colossally ignorant, brutally psychotic, ghoul.
I am not going to go too far into this, because I am just too tired and I think I’m developing PTSD – or maybe it’s just a headache, or a bone spur – and clearly, I will need to reserve some energy.  The ultra-unhinged hot air buffoon posing as president is going to crank the crazy up to 11 very quickly on the heels of his fake acquittal.  And then things are going to go from worse to holy-fucking-shit.
Chrump waxes psychotic at “victory” tantrum after being “acquitted”
The day after the preordained not guilty verdict that followed the Chrump’s impeachment non-trial, the Orange Gas Cloud decided to throw an hour-long stream-of-unconsciousness word salad: “This is really not a news conference, it's not a speech. It's not anything…”  To say he went off the rails implies that he ever knew that rails even existed.  He began his soon-to-be-unending attacks on everyone who dared attempt to get in his way.  As usual, Chrump brutally vilified himself as “corrupt”, “vicious”, “stone-cold crazy”, “top scum”, “evil and sick”, “dirty”, “leakers and liars”, “deranged”, “dishonest lowlife” and “bullshit”, while pretending he was talking about other people.  Rather than being chastened by being the first president in American history to be impeached during his first term and the only impeached president to have a member of his own party vote to convict, Der Furor went apeshit, as is his wont. 
If you have not seen or heard about what the one-man-goon-squad said, good for you.  I will spare you the gory, insipid, un-American details.  You can pretty well imagine what a sociopathic narcissist who cannot understand his actions, and in any event, thinks taking responsibility for anything is for suckers, would say.  We are in big trouble.
Sorry, I can’t resist just a few choice tidbits.  Chrump told Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) who got shot (“whacked,” Chrump said) in 2017. “I think you set a record for blood loss.  And actually I think you’re better-looking now. You’re more handsome now. You weren’t that good-looking.”  Chrump also spent time praising Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Looney Tunes) for his buff body.  There was much laughter from the audience; one assumes they were laughing with him and at themselves.
Prior to his full-blown tantrum, Chrump assaulted the National Prayer Breakfast, the most irreligious, ungodly and inhuman man in the room took issue with the Keynote speaker reminding those in attendance to “love your enemies,” to which Chrump responded, “I don't know if I agree with you.”  The Impeached-president’s swipe at the core message of Jesus was followed by pointed attacks on the faith of both Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Mitt Romney, and by extension every person of faith.  Many of those who were in attendance applauded Chrump’s attacks on their faith.  Either they are too stupid to realize that Chrump thinks religion is for losers or they are clapping because he stopped talking, or they hope he is finished insulting them.  The self-proclaimed “chosen one” was one day removed from beginning to wreak vengeance upon everyone who dared cross him.  Full disclosure: I am not a person of faith, but neither is anyone who supports Donald Chrump; at least I’m honest about it. 
Dirty Donny last seen strolling down Fifth Avenue looking for a good time
Susan Collins said she thinks Chrump learned a lesson from this experience.  If she has a scintilla of brain matter left in her head, she will quietly bow out of her reelection bid and disappear from public view.  Though not the lesson Collins was alluding to, Chrump did indeed learn from his recent experience – he learned that he can do whatever the fuck he wants and never suffer any consequences because his party – and it is his, and his alone – thinks the Constitution is a quaint document best suited as the finishing touch for their perpetual defecation on the American experiment.
I. Mangrey restructuring.  Everybody knows this is nowhere.


Saturday, February 8, 2020

Paying Attention Thought For The Day

From The Woman Who Brought You Donald Chrump
February 8, 2020
Hillary Clinton continues to open the mouth that she closed for the final two weeks of the campaign she blew in 2016 to go after Bernie Sanders.  Remember, Sanders supporters voted for Clinton in better numbers than her supporters voted for Barack Obama in 2008.  So Hillary, with all due respect (which is shrinking with every attempt to insinuate yourself where are not needed or wanted), shut your yap.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Friday, February 7, 2020

Thought For The Day

The Shame Game
February 7, 2020
As impeachment season devolves into the assholes of history, Mitch “I Regret-That-I-Have-But-One-Life-With-Which-To-Destroy-Any-Semblance-Of-Democracy” McConnell makes Benedict Arnold look like Nathan Hale.  Hale spied for the Continental Army and was ultimately captured and executed by the British.  McConnell, who is cozy with the Russians himself, has devoted himself to ending democracy in America, most recently by protecting his Russian-asset-of-an-Impeached-president from truth, justice and the American way.  Hale gave his life for the nascent nation; McConnell choked the life out of the nation 240-some years later.
We find ourselves on the other side the self-proclaimed “greatest deliberative body in the world” carrying out their long-predetermined fake vote not to convict Impeached-president Donald Chrump.  The faux trial had no witnesses, no new evidence and no documents, and there was no great-body-deliberation.  The prosecution presented abundant, comprehensive, irrefutable testimony and other evidence – including repeated confessions by the defendant.  The defense dissembled, distracted and dodged.  Exactly as their client demanded.  Chrump’s defense team also managed to squeeze in a few campaign ads for their client, as well as disseminating Russian propaganda aimed at weakening Joe Biden.  Exactly as their client was attempting to get Ukraine to do – the very act that caused Chrump to be impeached.
We learned that Mitt Romney was more-man than anyone knew, and that Susan Collins was as worthless as condoms at a convent.  Lamar Alexander, who voted against witnesses, also stated unequivocally that the charges in Impeachment Article One were proven by the House of Representatives, i.e., guilty as charged.  The fact that the impeached president was unable to produce one single witness, document or evidence of any kind in his defense was further clear and irrefutable proof that he was not only guilty, but knew he was guilty, as did every single member of the Senate.

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