Saturday, February 22, 2020

Thought For The Day

Which Ism Is It?
February 22, 2020
This says a lot about Americans.  We have a neo-fascist strongman with neither the most cursory understanding of, nor the smallest scintilla of respect for the Constitution as our head of state.  A lifelong conman of the first degree.  He clearly admires brutal, murderous dictators the world over.  He has courted them – literally.  He has expressed jealousy that he cannot utilize the tactics they employ.  He longs to be seen as, and does see himself to be a supreme ruler.  Not to be questioned.  Not to be crossed.  He is a two-bit thug/cheat passing himself off as a billionaire and president.  He is Donald Chrump.  Many Americans appear frighteningly comfortable with a man who fawns over Vladimir Putin, fell in love with Kim Jong Un and regularly lauds strong-man tactics employed by dictators and autocrats the world over.
Nonetheless, Americans – particularly the political pundit class – are apoplectic that a democratic socialist who believes everyday people should have the same rights as the elite might become president.  Let’s face it, our corrupt, capitalist kleptocracy has seen better days.  Economic inequality is as bad as ever, and this is not by accident; it is by design, but it is not inescapable.  Most of the American public absolutely adores many socialist, or at least socialist-like programs like Social Security and Medicare.  Most Americans seem similarly oblivious to what Bernie Sanders calls “corporate socialism.”  Corporations like Exxon receive billions in government subsidies while they rake in more billions in profits (while destroying the planet we live on) and put next to nothing back in the form of taxes (or cleaning up the constant environmental disasters they perpetrate). 
One party believes in the impeached-and-resigned Richard Nixon philosophy: “When the president does then it is not illegal.”  Someone should tell these Republcan’ts that this is not in fact the philosophy behind the founding of this nation.  I seem to recall three co-equal branches of government complete with checks and balances.
So it seems like we have a choice to make here America.  Continue with a thieving, lying fascist who has already done what might very well be irreparable damage to our nation and its reputation, or take a chance on turning the tables in favor of actual people instead of coddling corporations (who are not people).
I’m looking forward, while chewing my fingernails down to the wrists, to see what America chooses in November.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

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