Thursday, February 20, 2020


Are You Ready For Some Bullshit?

February 20, 2020
Because Donald Chrump broke the law and repeatedly confessed on television, and because of that Democrats did what any good Republican't Congress would do - they impeached the president.  Because of the impeachment, we will now see a never-ending investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden. Here comes Bidenghazi.    
Actually, Bidenghazi has been going on for quite some time already.  Chrump’s hench-monkeys, led by the inimitable Rudy G and his Russian rubes – Lev and Igor – began working hard to dig up make-believe dirt on Hunter Biden’s time working for a shady oil company (they are all shady if you ask me) in Ukraine.  A bad look?  Sure.  Inappropriate?  Very likely, but compare this to the Chrump Crime Family.  Illegal?  Not for one second, which has been verified by the U.S. intelligence community. 
Next, Chrump failed to coerce Ukraine to publicly pretend to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden for this thoroughly debunked Russian propaganda, for which the Orange Menace got impeached.  Then Moscow Mitch’s Senate Republican’ts tried to use their mock impeachment trial to spread the same Russian propaganda, absolving them from interfering in the 2016 election and pinning it on Ukraine and the Bidens.  Nonetheless, Bidenghazi is now in the hands of Chuck Grassley and the Senate "Intelligence" Committee.  They are hell-bent on continuing their conspiracy crusade to fabricate dirt on the Bidens – and by extension, of course Obama.  Because they’re all about corruption don’t ya know. 
Keep digging, idiot. Make sure it’s wide enough.
Republican’ts are out for blood, or scalps or maybe just a few months worth of ridiculous headlines.  Remember when Barack Obama refused to look into all the devastating lies that were perpetrated by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.  Republican’ts sure don’t.  Obviously, your son getting a cushy job he in no way deserves is worse than lying America into an illegal war that gave us ISIS, a stronger Iran, and a bigger mess in the Middle East than was there before Cheney’s War.
Republican’ts already received documents on Hunter Biden from the IRS.  Yes, you are correct, that is the same IRS that is still tenaciously guarding Chrump’s precious, incriminating tax returns we have been waiting to see since 2015.
Fortunately, Joe Biden is still using Western Union and the occasional telegraph, so we will never see an investigation into his damn emails, or how he misused a server (except maybe that time he hugged and sniffed his waitress after a Sunday brunch at a Delaware Denny's).
I am no fan of Joe Biden, though he was an able and occasionally entertaining Robin (or was he Alfred?) to Barack Obama's Batman.  For decades prior to that I always referred to Biden as the senator from Citibank, since both Biden and Delaware were incorrigible coddlers of corrupt, conniving corporations. 
One of former Biden’s major legislative “accomplishments” as senator was the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, possibly the most inaptly-named and anti–middle class piece of legislation in the past century.  The debate preceding passage of this disgrace was Elizabeth Warren’s first foray into the seedy world of legislative politics.  She fought the bill tirelessly and succeeded in blocking it for nearly a decade. Warren continues her efforts to overturn this gift to corporations and kick to the privates of actual people.
Also, as mentioned previously in this space, someone should tell these idiots that Biden is probably not the person Chrump the Republican’ts should be worried about at this point.  But you know these guys, once they sink their dentures into a chew-toy like this, there’s just no stopping them until their choppers fall out.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Who knows what evil lurks in the “hearts” of these men?                                                                                                           

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