Sunday, February 2, 2020

Thought For The Day

Paperless Trail
February 2, 2020
Donald Chrump:
Never showed all the amazing documents his people were finding, proving Obama was not born in the United States.
Never showed us his tax returns, which he said he could not show because he was under audit, which the IRS said was not a reason someone could not show their tax returns.  He promised to show us once he was elected, but has continued to hide them, and continues to insist he will show them once he is not under audit.
Refused to allow the American people see any documents pertaining to anything he has done as president, particularly as regards his (no longer alleged) criminal activities.  The one document we have seen, the “transcript” of his perfect phone call with Ukraine President Zelensky, was not a transcript.
Is it possible he is hiding something?  Maybe he is just trying to save paper because he is such a staunch environmentalist.
Chrump recently bragged that his impeachment “trial” was going well because “we have all the material. They don’t have the material.”  Hours after Republican’ts voted to disallow any witnesses or evidence that their boss broke the law (even though he and they have repeatedly admitted he did so), the Department of Justice admitted that it has two dozen emails related to Chrump's direct involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine.  This disclosure came while the DOJ was trying to deny access to these documents via a private Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.  The withholding of these funds, of course, used to be illegal, and was the primary reason Chrump was impeached, and then found not guilty by reason of fascism. 
To quote Lamar “I’m Outta Here, So Fuck You America” Alexander, who said Chrump was guilty but should not be convicted, this is “inappropriate.”

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

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