Friday, September 29, 2023

Schmuck Of The Day

No Jackoff Required

September 29, 2023

Why the fuck is committee chairman and credibly accused sexual abuse enabler Jim Jordan not wearing a fucking jacket like every other man in Congress? Why does he hate America?

What a disrespectful fucking slob; but at least he’s an idiot

Fascist Party assholes are fine with daily mass gun murders in this country, they are fine with their ousted party boss/ex-president inciting an insurrection, threatening execution of the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and having been found liable of sexual abuse and guilty of fraud lasting decades, but they cannot, they will not, abide anyone not wearing a suit and tie when they come to work (except Jim Jordan), because that, and only that is the true measure of a man. And I do mean man. That, and only that, is what apparently what holds our fragile democratic republic together.

Poor Jim, he is in over his empty head

And why is Jordan crying? Is it because he’s Sofa King stupid? Is it because he turned a stupid eye while his fellow coach sexually abused members of his wrestling team at Ohio State? We may never know, since this asshole won’t even honor a Congressional subpoena.

Instead, Jordan’s Overslight Committee decided to hold a pathetic, illegal (there was no vote to hold this sham hearing, something that is required), and ultimately disastrous – for the Fascist Party – so-called impeachment inquiry. Every one of their expert legal witnesses testified that there was no evidence whatsoever with which to begin an impeachment of Joe Biden.

To be fair, there was one bit of evidence, but it turned out that had been photoshopped and was only evidence of the bankruptcy, desperation and stunning, however expected, dishonesty of the Fascist Party.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) seems a bit mixed up

Another Democratic representative literally dared Ratpublicans to hold the impeachment vote then and there if they were so sure of their cause. The only thing we learned from this exercise in stupidity was, where there’s smoke, there’s mirrors.

Here’s Jordan again without a fucking jacket.
Oh, the Hugh Manatee!

Who will ever forget the immortal Benjamin Franklin on the last day of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, when a lady asked Dr. Franklin, “Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy,” and Franklin famously replied, “A republic if you can keep it by having people in the proper attire.”

This has been your Paying Attention™ Schmuck Of The Day. What the schmuck.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Thought For The Day - Donny Get Your Gun

Cloudy With A Chance Of Shootings*

September 27, 2023

Disgraced, twice-impeached, four-time-indicted (so far), failed insurrection leader and Fifth-Amendment-dependent rape-y ex-one-term-president Donald Jezebel Trump took time out of his campaign/being a defendant schedule to stop at a South Carolina gun shop. He apparently purchased (if he didn’t pay cash the shop owner will be sorry) a Glock handgun – with Trump’s dislikeness on it, presumably to either shoot up a judge, prosecutor, entire courtroom or perhaps an elementary school in some lucky town.

Careful where you point that thing, you might miss

Deranged mega-supporter/groupie and Georgia congressmoron EmptyG was seen at the completely untrained, self-control-less and violent, proud new gun owner’s side smiling like someone who was just lobotomized, and clearly wanting to grab her lard and master by the pussy.

And, how would Donald even operate such a weapon? He needs both of his tiny hands to operate a glass of water.

It remains unclear whether he actually made the purchase, or more likely just said the first two (somewhat mutually exclusive in the order he said them) things that came to him.

“I’m going to buy one. I want to buy one,” said the perpetual liar.

A Trump spokesmaggot originally confirmed the purchase, but the Trump campaign unsurprisingly backtracked, saying he actually did not buy the gun. Probably time for another search warrant (better check his toilets) because…

What’s Another Felony Between Friends

According to the ATF, “Federal law prohibits the shipment, transportation, or receipt of firearms or ammunition by any person who is under indictment for a crime punishable by a term of imprisonment exceeding one year.”

Meanwhile, thanks to the Inciter-in-chief, threats of violence are spiking as Trump’s cases proceed and his violent, threat-laden rhetoric continues unabated.

In April of this year, before federal prosecutors indicted Trump, one survey showed that 4.5 percent of American adults agreed that the use of force was “justified to restore Donald Trump to the presidency.” That figure jumped to 7 percent after his first federal indictment. Who knows what it is at this point.

It’s a wonderful life.


*Possibly in the middle of Fifth Avenue.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

What do you think? 

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Hero Of The Day

It’s A Bird (A Very Large Bird), It’s A Building, It’s FetterMan!!

September 24, 2023

More powerful than a filibuster. Able to leap mental munchkins in a single bound. Faster than a fucking fascist. He is part man, part mountain. Part senator from Pennsylvania, all progressive. And an unrivaled troll of idiot Ratpublicans, who are apoplectic about the way he dresses. He is FetterMan.

Big John appears to be well over his stroke and subsequent bout with depression. Lately, he has been trolling the assholes across the aisle at every opportunity, and there has been a veritable cornucopia of those to snack on.

First, Fetterman called the impending faux impeachment of Joe Biden “a circle jerk,” then after McQarthy publicly announced the “impeachment inquiry” required of him to keep his gavel, Fetterman feigned shock and horror before bursting into laughter.

“Oh my gosh, you know, oh, it’s devastating.”
“Oooo, don't do it. Please don't do it! Oh, no! Oh, no!”

It’s kind of funny – like cancer is funny – the Fascist Party has their hair on fire because the junior senator from Pennsylvania has abandoned tradition with his sartorial choices, while the leader of their party ditched tradition by inciting an insurrection, threatening retribution against his political enemies and the termination of the Constitution, and lying more often than he breathes. Not to mention the host of mental defectives who dress well, but couldn’t think their way out of a paper bag.

National Lampoon - Deteriorata

Thanks to a directive from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the Senate no longer has a business attire dress code, paving the way for Fetterman to dress any way he fucking pleases. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Who-Gives-A-Fuck) said the new dress code erodes the “certain dignity” of the Senate and “debases the institution.” Look who’s fucking talking – the woman who makes the so-called world's ‘greatest deliberative body’ look like the world’s most dimwitted bozos (that’s not entirely fair – let’s not forget Tommy Tuberville – if he’s allowed to have that name, Fetterman can dress however he wants, Ron Johnson, John Kennedy, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham – need I go on?).

“If those jagoffs in the House stop trying to shut our government down, and fully support Ukraine, then I will save democracy by wearing a suit on the Senate floor next week.”
                       Sen. John Fetterman, September 18, 2023

Some of these so-called lawmakers are bent on impeaching Joe Biden because he is not Donald Trump. I’m pretty sure that is not how impeachment works.

These are the same people who are “investigating” Hunter Biden for making money on the back of his father’s name, while ignoring Jared Kushner walking away from his White House post with some $2B in Saudi blood money. The same people who fight tooth-and-nail for the rights of terrorists and mentally ill people (like Hunter Biden) to own assault weapons, and the right of kids to carry out mass shootings in schools (and every other fucking place) but are going apeshit over dismal drug addict Hunter Biden illegally buying a handgun and throwing it in a dumpster.

While Fetterman undoubtedly ignores the “dress code” in the Senate, the Fascist Party clearly ignores the brain code, the democracy code and the patriot code. So fuck them.

FetterMan – dressed to the ones and towering physically
and mentally over his colleagues across the aisle

This has been your Paying Attention™ Hero Of The Day. Fuck yeah.

Go FetterMan! Go Birds!

Friday, September 22, 2023

Fun Facts For The Day – Special Expanded Stupidity Edition

The Science Of Stupidity

September 22, 2023

The Secret Word Is Stupid

Scientists say hydrogen is the most abundant substance in the universe. I disagree. I say the most abundant substance in the universe is stupidity.
                               Frank Zappa, a mother of invention

One of America's major political parties, which shall remain brainless, believes fervently in the stupidity of science; it turns out they have the whole thing backwards. No surprise there. 

One week ago we presented the idea of “artificial ignorance.” A few days later cognitive neuroscientist Bobby Azarian published an opinion piece titled “A neuroscientist explains why stupidity is an existential threat to America.”

Excerpts from the article:

Although the term "stupidity" may seem derogatory or insulting, it is actually a scientific concept that refers to a specific type of cognitive failure. It is important to realize that stupidity is not simply a lack of intelligence or knowledge, but rather a failure to use one's cognitive abilities effectively. This means that you can be “smart” while having a low IQ, or no expertise in anything.

Stupidity is a consequence of a failure to be aware of one’s own limitations, and this type of cognitive failure has a scientific name: the Dunning-Kruger effect.

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a well-known psychological phenomenon that describes the tendency for individuals to overestimate their level of intelligence, knowledge, or competence in a particular area. They may also simultaneously misjudge the intelligence, expertise, or competence of others. In other words, they are ignorant of their own ignorance.

What we are dealing with here is an epidemic of stupidity that will only get worse as divisions continue to increase.

Here is the picture that appeared under the headline – likely not chosen by the author, but eminently apt:

Lauren Boebert – Stupidity personified and a shitting member of Congress

This patently non-stupid essay, explaining that stupidity is not a pejorative, sort of puts a damper on much of what we do here at Paying Attention™. It has not been uncommon for the word ‘stupid’ to appear on these virtual pages over the years. That term has always been meant as either an honest, heartfelt and objectively verifiable assessment and synonym for idiocy or dumbass and/or the politest insult applicable to the subject in question. Learning that stupid is actually a scientific concept implies that we must find a replacement.

The word dipshit leaps to mind, but it doesn’t have the grammatical dexterity we have thus far ascribed to ‘stupid,’ so we’ll have to see.

I Just Called To Say You're Stupid

Speaking of stupid – pejorative or otherwise, two days ago, decidedly non-stupid Attorney General Merrick Garland was caused to ride in the stupid, silly and sickening clown car that is the current House Judiciary Committee, presently chaired by stupid (non-pejorative usage) professional moron – or dipshit, if you prefer – (intentionally, and entirely justified pejorative) Jim “I See Nothing” Jordan.

Jim Jordan seen here, appropriately, portrayed as a dimwitted Nazi

Jordan, who has been in violation of a Congressional subpoena for nearly 500 days, and who remains under suspicion for seeing nothing that was happening right under his stupid (oops, force of habit) nose while his fellow wrestling coach was sexually assaulting the young men under their charge, has been overseeing (as opposed to his usual overlooking) the most farcical “investigation” since the dozen or so Benghazi “hearings” overseen by coif-challenged dummkopf Trey Gowdy, or perhaps the never-ending obsession with Hillary Clinton’s emails, which to be fair, did ultimately help derail Clinton’s presidential aspirations, leaving our country in the hands of a sexual predator conman with an IQ preceded by a minus-sign and “hair” and skin tone by Crayola. And who unquestionably qualifies as stupid in all its scientific and colloquial applications.

The extremely un-stupid Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and his
clock ticking off Jim Jordan’s ongoing subpoena dodge

The committee is allegedly looking into the heinous unfairness being foisted upon the American public as a result of the unnecessary indictment of the hapless drug addict Hunter Biden and the completely necessary, utterly justified multiple indictments of disgraced…Donald Jerk-Store Trump.

Merrick Garland for his part is unaccustomed to playing the circus freak. Garland has but one mode. He is serious, dedicated and more by-the-book than the book itself. Needless to say, he was not a good fit for those throwing a fit.

Liars And Traitors And Boors! Oh My!

Exactly WTF (the ‘W’ stands for where) where in hell does the ex-Republican (now Fascist) Party find their candidates? We know where they found Trump – a vapid reality show. Where does one go to recruit people like Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kevin McCarthy, and too many others (and that's just in the House)? Flat Earth conventions (these are real things)? UFO abductee support groups? I know there is no shortage of dipshits in this country, but this bunch of brain-damaged yahoos are surely the cream of the crap.

Hello Dummy

Dummy ventriloquist and dummy dummy

And you don’t have to take my word for it – you should, but you don’t have to – here’s Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY):

This is stupidity. The idea that we’re going to shut the government down, when we don’t control the Senate, we don’t control the White House…These people can’t define a win, they don’t know how to take yes for an answer. It’s a clown show…You keep running lunatics, you’re gonna be in this position.

Anyway, that’s a lot of facts for one day.
Not sure how much fun was involved, but at least it wasn’t stupid.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Monday, September 18, 2023

Thought For The New Year

Shana Tova 5784

September 18, 2023

What A Putz

This is a sacred time for Jews the world over. Rosh Hashana - New Year, and Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement, just over a week apart. A time to take stock. To make amends. To atone. A time to let go of the past and eschew ill will. Unfortunately, this gets complicated when the past won't go away. When those who have wronged not only us personally, but worsened the entire world, continue their hurtful ways day after day after day after day. Bruising people's souls, causing death and destruction, and claiming – while looking to the heavens (I’m surprised he knew where to look) – “I am the chosen one.”

The following image just came across my desk while I was minding my own business, trying to be a kind, understanding and good person.

This, from a man who referred to Nazis as "very fine people"

Unlike the targets of Trump’s holiday greeting/rebuke, Trump will never learn from a mistake because, and he has made this very clear over and over and over again, he has never made a mistake, or done anything that might require him to have a regret.

I can't wait to see what he has to say to all the Christians who voted for Biden come Christmas and Easter. 

I'd better just leave it there for now. I have to go wash my mind out with soap.

I. Mangrey repenting.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Thought For The Day

If You Don’t Know How To Do It…

September 17, 2023

Alleged pedophile and confirmed douchebag Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who has a firm grip on at least one of (assuming he has two) Kevin McQarthy’s balls, accused the ersatz Speaker of “lying like a dead dog.” Gaetz described the hapless McQarthy as a “sad and pathetic man who lies to hold onto power.” And Gaetz knows a thing or three about pathetic liars because he undoubtedly owns a mirror, and is probably able to hear himself talk. 

It is possible that Gaetz and a few other Congress delinquents hold McQarthy’s fate in their greasy paws.

I just hope they clean up after him

Walking The Dog - Rufus Thomas

Also, Gaetz should consider selling ad space on that expansive forehead of his.

I’ve seen smaller billboards

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

What do you think?

Friday, September 15, 2023

Artificial Ignorance

No Added Artificial Intelligence

September 15, 2023

During their recent Fascist (nee Republican) Party debate, almost all candidates running against soon-to-be-convicted felon Donald Junta Trump said they would still vote for him even after being found guilty of any or all of the 91 separate charges, across four different jurisdictions, against him. There’s stupid, and then there’s stupid. And pathetic. And cultist.

As you know, the Fascist Party, especially the MAGA crowd is anti-science or progress regarding so many things that people whose IQs do not begin with a decimal point find meaningful, useful, and often integral to life in the real world. Neither are they particularly fond of democracy.

MAGAts naturally fear and distrust artificial intelligence. This of course is a no brainer since they are vehemently opposed to intelligence of any kind. And because they have no brains. Their unbridled fear of smart people causes them to soil their undergarments on a daily basis.

The Lyin’ King: Donald Jefferson-Davis Trump – all artificial, no intelligence

These are the same people who embrace trans fats, which are killing many of them, but are apoplectic over trans people who are not hurting anyone.

These are the same people who cosplay in tactical military gear for an insurrection, but are scared to death of someone dressing up as a member of the opposite sex for entertainment purposes (or any other purpose for that matter).

They are pitching a life-and-death struggle against “wokeness” because being woke is about being less stupid and hateful, and therefore a threat to all they hold dear and sacred. Being woke is about thinking it and paying it forward. The MAGAts prefer to keep their brains idling…or floored in reverse.

They think the gun lobby is the place where you wait to mow people down with assault weapons as they enter a school, church, bar or workplace.

They are too stupid to understand that Antifa is short for anti-fascist, constantly describing Antifa as fascists. Pot, allow me to introduce my good friend, Kettle.

They elect people like Marjorie Taylor Trump who threaten to shut down the government unless Congress opens an impeachment investigation into President Biden for reasons that exist only in her corroded cortex. EmptyG and her fellow MAGAts are obsessed with the pathetic dealings of Hunter Biden while ignoring the duplicitous, if not traitorous dealings of Jaren Kushner, who walked away with more than $2B Saudi blood/oil bucks several weeks after leaving his abjectly failed job in Trump’s White House. To be fair, Kushner only failed as far as serving the American people. He succeeded wildly in serving himself. How very Trumpy of him.

Unsatisfied by their staggering level of natural idiocy, they incessantly fight against any forms of intelligence – natural or artificial. What they really want is artificial idiocy. All of their news sources traffic in it. All their political heroes wallow in it. They are proud of their abject ignorance and they will fight to the death to increase the level of ignorance by any means necessary.

One More Incredibly Stupid Thing

One of the Defendant-Of-The-Century’s attorneys said “President (her word not mine) Trump is not your average person. He’s incredibly intelligent. He knows the ropes.* He also knows the facts, because he lived them…What is he going to have to be prepped for, the truth? You don’t have to prep much when you’ve done nothing wrong.” Trump has to be prepped before he walks down a flight of stairs. Or a gently sloped ramp. Or gets out of bed. Oddly, all his other lawyers are insisting they need more time – three years more time – to prep for his trials.

Trump – adding artificial ignorance to his already incalculable natural supply

Meanwhile, The Defendant is going on TV and anti-social media every day confessing to his crimes. He believes that he has “done nothing wrong” because he believes he is allowed to do whatever he wants, because. Trump has the right, but not the ability, to remain silent. Everything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law. In the very near (though not near enough) future.

The following actual quotes were made during a televised interview with Trump's former nemesis and shameless media whore Megyn Kelly:

“I’m allowed to do what I want to do.”
Donald Trump, September 14, 2023
referring to the illegal possession of government documents

“I know this. I don’t even know that. Because I have the
right to those documents. So I don’t really know that.”

Donald Trump, September 14, 2023
in response to being reminded that being subpoenaed
meant he had to turn over the documents

If Trump’s attorneys were smart (Spoiler Alert: They are not), they would invest in tranquilizer darts. Stat.


*I think she meant “He knows the rapes.”

I. Mangrey reporting.
What does it all mean? I’m glad I asked. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Impeachy Keen

Vengeance Is Mine, Sayeth The Turd

September 13, 2023

Mega-MAGAts Marge Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz and others have been threatening to shut down the government if they do not get their way. Marge in particular has been emptying her pie-hole at every opportunity, insisting that revenge be taken for the strikingly valid, dare I say necessary impeachments of disgraced, twice-impeached, quadruple-indicted (so far), failed insurrectionist, Fifth-Amendment-dependent ex-one-term president Donald “The Defendant” Trump.

EmptyG, seen here fondling the fake private parts of a cardboard Trump; when
you’re a psycho, they let you do it – grab a cardboard dummiy by the balls

The House Looney Caucus (or the FreeDumb Caucus as they like to call themselves) is now getting their wish. House Squeaker Kevin McQarthy has green-lighted EmptyG and Matt’s wet dream of beginning an “impeachment inquiry” into President Joe Biden. They are hell bent on impeaching Biden because.

Three of the stooges

Whereas Democrats had hours and days of evidence and witnesses, not to mention everyone in the world saw what Boss Trump and his Keystone Coup did to trigger Trump’s record-breaking second impeachment, McQarthy's treacherous cretins have zero evidence, they probably do not have enough votes to do anything. As Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) put it, “It would just be like a big circle jerk on the fringe right.”

Fetterman added, “Go ahead. Do it, I dare you. If you can find the votes, go ahead, because you’re going to lose. It’s a loser.”

Fetterman, seen here learning that the fake impeachment inquiry is a go:
“Oh my God really? Oh my gosh, you know, oh it's devastating.
OOOoOoOOoOoOOOOh don't do it, please don't do it. Oh no, oh no!”

They say they need to see his tax returns. Now, I may be mistaken, but at this particular moment in history, it matters not-at-all whether I am or not, but I do believe Biden’s taxes are currently, and will be for the next decade or so, under audit by the IRS, or the NFL, or possibly extraterrestrials and are therefore untouchable.

So, the Fascist Party wet-dreamers can just clean up their premature procedural emissions and shut the fuck up.

I. Mangrey reporting.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Schmuck(s) Of The Day – Double Cracker Edition

Would You Like Cheese With Those Crackers

September 8, 2023

Loose Screws, Missing Marbles, And Words Of Dumb Whizz

Current Alabama senator and former (possibly also current) Milk Dud with ears Tommy Tuberville clearly has but one brain cell devoted to higher functions. Many of God’s creatures have large brains because they have large bodies and much of the brain is devoted to managing those large bodies and their daily functions. I am not sure how large Tuberville is, but clearly his brain is solely devoted to bodily functions, particularly defecating, sometimes out of his mouth.

Tuberville unsuccessfully telling himself to STFU
or attempting to pick his nose

Senate rules allow one lone member to gum up the works, even if that member has an IQ with a minus sign in front of it. Tuberville continues his one-monkey blockade on all promotions in the United States military because the military permits its members to have abortions as part of the medical care to which they are entitled as a condition of their service to this nation. Leaders in all branches of the military have made it clear that Tinpot Tommy is disrupting the chain of command, knee-capping the military with his brainless pursuit. Top Pentagon officials have recently gone so far as to state publicly that the human Tuber is aiding and abetting the communists.

For his part, Tuberville has said that he doesn’t “know what they do at the Pentagon every day.” Besides being incredibly stupid, what does the fact that Tuberville does not understand how the military works (did I mention he is a senator?), have to do with anything other than the fact that he is incredibly stupid.

Tommy the Tuber fielding questions

Tuberville, who must have spent much of his life with a tourniquet around his neck, also bemoaned the fact that “We are so woke in the military…we’ve got people doin’ poems on aircraft carriers over the loudspeaker.”

Mike Schmuckabee

In a tie for today’s Schmuck(s) Of The Day, alleged Christian Mike Huckabee warned that if Donald Trump does not regain the presidency in 2024, this would be the last election decided by ballots. Huckabee is a former governor of Arkansas (a position his ignorant, Christo-fascist daughter now holds), and claims to be a Baptist minister; let’s see what this religious leader has to offer in the name of Jesus…

Do you know how political opponents to those in power are dealt with in third-world dictatorships, banana republics, and communist regimes? The people in power use their police agencies to arrest their opponents for made-up crimes in an attempt to discredit them, bankrupt them, imprison them, exile them, or all of the above.*

If you are not paying attention, you may not realize that Joe Biden is using exactly those tactics to make sure that Donald Trump is not his opponent in 2024.**

Here’s the problem. If these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets.

Recent head shot of schmuck Huckabee

Naturally, the rest of the Fascist Party sits on their hands, which must be difficult while their heads are lodged in there.

*It seems Huckabee missed the fact that Trump has promised to do all of these things should he be reelected.
*This of course is utter, unfiltered, unadulterated shit from a bull.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Schmuck(s) Of The Day. Fuck yeah.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Fraught For The Day - Dead. Heat.

Wake Me (Or Shoot Me) When It’s Over

September 6, 2023

There are myriad reasons to gnash one’s teeth, binge drink, break down sobbing at a moment’s notice and/or bang one’s head with great vigor against a random wall. I will not attempt to list them all, or even a significant fraction…I doubt I have enough time left on this plane of existence for such Sisyphusian task. There is however one glaring incursion on reality and sanity that has my knickers twisted to the point of asphyxiation.

Tied Up In Nots

This should not be happening.

Current President Joe Biden and disgraced, twice-impeached, four-time-indicted (so far), failed insurrection leader and Fifth-Amendment-dependent ex-one-term-president Donald Trump remain in a dead heat – emphasis on dead – in the run-up to the do-or-die 2024 presidential election, according to just about every poll. This despite the fact that Trump gets indicted every week or so, will be embroiled in court battles in at least four jurisdictions, has already been found liable for sexually abusing and then defaming E. Jean Carroll (a judge later said that New York’s legal definition of “rape” is “far narrower” than the word is understood in “common modern parlance”), constantly kisses Vladimir Putin’s ass, and is by all accounts the world’s biggest douchebag.

This should not be possible.

Many people remain concerned that Biden – who is known to eat actual adult food and exercise regularly – is too old to continue being the most positively impactful president in decades. This despite the fact that Trump is only three years younger than Biden, eats like a drunken frat-boy, believes exercise shortens your life (he actually said as much), is twice the man Biden is, weight-wise, almost died of COVID/stupidity, stared directly at a solar eclipse, and whose intellectual claim to fame is being able name pictures of animals any child would recognize and remember the words: person, woman, man, camera, tv – and bragged about it like he had just rid the world of cancer…or himself.

In case you’ve forgotten or just need a good laugh/cry/ulcer…

How to person woman man camera tv – with Sarah Cooper

Freak out…

I mean, Peace Out.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fraught For The Day.

You're welcome.

What has you fraught for the day?