Monday, January 13, 2020

Everybody Knows This is Nowhere

The Fact That the Chrump Administration Claims to Have Intelligence Is On Its Face Absurd

January 13, 2020
What a bunch of happy horseshit.  But, all this drivel about fending off an imminent threat by Soleimani can’t really be horseshit because horseshit occurs in nature and what Chrump and his sniveling sycophants did was an abomination against nature and democracy.  So, call it what you will, this entire episode is just another – albeit infinitely worse by degree – in the endless transgressions against America and humanity by Chrump.
They say that Soleimani, who has been well known to American intelligence and military for decades, was plotting an attack against American forces and/or interests.  Of course he was.  That was his entire raison d'ĂȘtre.  If as seems likely, Soleimani had just perpetrated some nasty business against America, it is simply a given that he was preparing his next massacre.  What the fuck else would he be doing on day ending in “y”?
Also, if he was in fact on the eve of another horrendous act, then why the hell did the guy who replaced him about 30 seconds after Iran learned that their beloved terrorist had been repurposed into smithereens, not simply give the go signal?  Why is no one talking about this?
And why did the top echelon of our military/intelligence industrial complex pretend to hold a briefing that provided no intelligence (again, the satire is too obvious to have any value) and had nothing to say to members of Congress with the highest clearance level other than, “Don’t you dare ask any questions or criticize anything Dear Leader is doing, or you will be emboldening our enemy.”  Or something to that effect.  Are they fucking crazy?   Or just flexing their fascist bona fides?  No one has, will, or can do more to embolden our enemies than Donald Chrump does every damn day.
Ignore for the moment the brain-dead, and yes deplorable, wing of the Republican’t infestation.  Your Nikki Haleys, your Doug Collinses, Kevin McCarthys and the rest who could not help themselves from spewing filth about how the Democrats are in favor of the terrorists because they dare question the questionable timing of Chrump’s foray into state-sponsored murder for his own personal gain.
Moscow Mitch McConnell’s junior partner from Kentucky, and make-believe Libertarian Rand Paul came out of the meeting with not one good word to say about what he had just witnessed.
Even right-wing nut-job Mike Lee (R-UT), Ted Cruz’s illegitimate son came out of the brief briefing madder than a wet hen (whatever the hell that means), calling the briefing “insane” and “insulting.”  Why could Team Chrump not even make up something to make us think the plot they foiled was so heinous they had to act without a single thought as to what might happen next?  Why?  Because they are completely lying.  Why?  Because they have to lie since they work for the Guinness Book of World Records undisputed recordholder for lying.  You all know the old saying, “In for a penny, in for the end of modern civilization.”
In this clip Ted Cruz, who proved conclusively, on the Senate floor, that
he completely missed the message of Dr. Seuss’ Sam I Am, again shows
how painfully oblivious he is about who is who and what is what in the
world outside his head – Cruz saw himself as hero/Darth Vader in this scenario.
Naturally Lee, Utah’s very own sand snake in a suit, had to backtrack the next day, “I mentioned yesterday that it was probably the worst briefing I have ever seen on a military issue.”  He suddenly remembered that there was a worse one – the briefing on Benghazi.  There is simply no issue that does not bring Republican’ts back to Benghazi, or at least the Clintons.  There might be a good reason why the Benghazi briefing did no yield much useful information, even after the 11th hearing apparently.  It was one of the biggest nothing-burgers of all time.
This country is in the deepest of doodoo.
I understand that with this group, sharing intelligence could be risky.  First of all, there's not all the much intelligence to go around; second, they must be worried that if they share any of theirs, they might not get any back, leaving them dumber than where they started.  But we kind of expected that anyway.
Later on, trying to clean up yet another uncleanable mess on Aisle 1600, Mike Pence, wearing his best I’m-being-very-serious-now face, which is the same face that says I-am-a-hypociritical-lying-dirty-little-weasel-but-for-some-reason-people-still-trust-me, and told the American public that some of the intelligence was simply too super-duper-if-I-told-you-I’d-have-to-kill-you-secret to entrust to a bunch of lowly Senators.  Oh, but it was okay to tell the most consistently prolific spreader-of-sensitive-top-secret-information-directly-to-our-enemies-including-Sean-Hannity – Donald Chrump.  Someone should tell Pence that most Americans never wanted him or his Orange-Blow-Pop-Boss in the first place, and the majority of us are not as stupid as he looks…or acts.
We need a Constitutional Amendment that bestows the nation’s highest security clearance to the person who wins the popular vote during the presidential election, rather than the one who wins the fake Electoral College, until such time as that horribly designed, wildly outdated institution is gone for good.  That way, at least the person who actually had the trust of the people to run the country will be able to know what is going on, and continue to keep the American people in the loop.
Does anyone remember this guy?
Why is he lying through his teeth?
Why is he not persona non grata?
Why are his teeth not even the whitest thing about him?
The Chrump administration now insists that Soleimani had to be taken out because Saddam Hussein had WMD hidden all over Iraq.
One Last Thing
The King Kong-size orangutan in the room is the fact that just about everyone has tried to keep buried in the denial file - Donald Chrump is stark-raving mad.

I. Mangrey reporting.  Okay Republican’ts, now go do that doodoo that you do so well.

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