Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Who's Threatening Who?

Is This Being Hit On The Head Lessons?

January 7, 2020
Iran has been no friend of the United States ever since a U.S./UK-backed coup displaced their prime minister while consolidation power in the hands of our puppet, the Shah in the 1950s.  I have nothing good to say about their medieval regime. 
Thanks to Donald Chrump’s latest foray into insanity, tensions between Iran and the U.S. are at a fever pitch.  According to team Chrump, that did not happen.  To be clear, there is no one on the team who understands a lick of any of the Iranian dialects, and they are obviously disinclined to ask anyone.  As with everything confronting this administration, if they do not understand it, it does not exist. 
The Iranian parliament held an emergency session, during which it appeared that the entire group pumped their fists in the air and chanted, “Death to America.”  These were not average Iranians in the streets, this was their parliament.  However, while Iranians are shouting, “Death to America,” Donald Chrump is actually working to do it.
Taking out one of Iran’s most popular public figures was not enough.  Then Chrump and his itchy twitter-fingers – with lyrics by Stephen “The Ghost of Nazis Past” Miller –threatened to blow up culturally significant sites (war crime) and however many innocent Iranians happen to get in the way (war crime) if they dare to avenge the death of their beloved murdering pig.  This of course, was after Chrump’s assurance that he was only killing in the name of peace (possible war crime).
Huge numbers of Iranians took to the streets to mourn and call for revenge for the assassination of Soleimani.  Yeah, I get the whole national fervor thing, that Soleimani was beloved for “protecting” his country.  However, I can tell you with at least 100 percent certainty that if Iraq went after Dick Cheney for illegally invading their country for no good reason, I would not be shouting “Death to Iraq.” 
Before being sworn in as America’s first psycho-president, Chrump ran on the benefits of torture, war crimes and bone spurs (and of course, death to the planet).  Since then, he has fucked over the Kurds, our allies and our own troops now left hanging out to dry in Syria, South Korea (none of which he knew existed before being force-fed geography and history after being inaugurated) and pretty much everyone and everything with the exception of Vladimir Putin and Russia. 
Shortly after Chrump’s assassination debacle in Iraq we learned from Mike Pence that Iran was actually responsible for the September 11, 2001 terror attacks – something no one else has ever suggested.  Almost 20 years after the fact, this is Pence’s play; it was not Iraq, who Bush/Cheney dishonestly blamed so they could start a war, not Saudis, who everyone in standard reality knows actually did it, and were then escorted to safety by Bush/Cheney.

Get ready for the smoking gun to come in the form of a mushroom cloud

Second only to climate crisis, Donald Chrump is the single biggest threat to American and global security.
I. Mangrey reporting.

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