Friday, January 29, 2021

Holding On For Dear Life

When They Go Low, Stomp Them Into The Ground
(Figuratively Speaking, Of Course)

January 29, 2021

Most Ratpublicans, even those who very briefly said out loud that Turmp bore responsibility for the January 6th white supremacist terror attack on the Capitol (particularly Mitch Fucking McConnell and Kevin McCarthy) that he personally fomented for months (years really) and then made sure there would be an insufficient law enforcement presence, are whining that everyone should, according to presidential wannabe and Turmp sycophant Nikki Haley “get over it”, just let it go. The attack of January 6, 2021 was objectively one of the worst days in American history, which some of you may remember happened less than a month ago.

During the era of Vietnam War protests most of the violence was perpetrated either by the police or saboteurs planted within the movement by the FBI. Never did and demonstration even dream of storming the Capitol or violently overthrowing the duly elected government. The worst thing ever threatened during that era was when Abbie Hoffman and the Yippies! threatened to surround the Pentagon for the purpose of levitating it.

Ratpublicans want to wipe a violent, deadly siege of the Capitol with both Houses in session to ceremonially formalize the landslide victory of Joseph Biden over Donald Turmp a month earlier by the base of the Ratpublican Party, under Rand Paul’s rug.

After leaving not one shit-sodden stone unturned in a supremely undemocratic effort to overturn the will of the American people, an effort they knew from the outset was based on bullshit lies and doomed to abject failure, Ratpublicans want us all to forget the complicity, the incitement and the continued support they provided for the seditious racists’ attempted coup. It’s working for them; it had better not work on the rest of us.

Unfettered Man

John Fetterman

Fetterman’s Freak Flags Flying Freely above seditious shitheads

Meanwhile, the Pennsylvania wing of the Fuck-America Party is throwing a hissy fit over Lt. Governor John Fetterman flying a marijuana-leaf flag and a gay pride flags from the state capitol, despite Ratpublicans having slipped a clause banning such dangerous actions into a budget bill last November. Some people would find Fetterman’s antics less threatening to life, limb and democracy than say, laying siege to the Capitol with plans to kidnap and murder elected officials. Why can’t Pennsylvania Ratpublicans just let it go?

So, can we have Al Franken back now?

I. Mangrey requesting.

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