Thursday, January 21, 2021

In Case You Missed It...

It’s Biden Time

January 21, 2021

This is an Ex-president

Finally, Donald Turmp Is Practicing Appropriate Social Distancing...Great Riddance!

It does feel different today. It finally does not feel like the world is constantly punching me in the face. I’m no fan of Joe Biden. Never have been. From his disgraceful treatment of Anita Hill when she tried, at great personal risk, to warn us about Clarence Thomas – Hill was right, Biden was dead wrong and misogynistic. To his bankruptcy bill to protect credit card companies from American citizens’ ability to declare bankruptcy. For most of his time in the Senate, I referred to Biden as the senator from Citibank.

Biden was not my first, second or third choice to take on Turmp in 2020. Though thankfully, his reputation – well-earned though it was – as a gaff machine dissipated in the incessant foul tempest of gaff dissembly-line Donald Turmp.

Despite all of this, I could not be happier today. A great menacing blob has been lifted from on top of us. I will allow myself a turn at euphoria, however brief. I will thank Creation that Joe Biden and not Donald Turmp is President of the United States. The sniveling shit-weasel that hijacked a great, however drastically flawed, nation and had his gang of gangrenous-brained goons hold it down while he grabbed it by the pussy, spit in its face, humiliated it for all the world to see, and finally tried to take it for his own by instigating a brutally stupid coup attempt on the eve of his long-overdue eradication, before ultimately slinking away with his head up his ass, has been put out of our misery.

It’s all yours Joe. I will try to be patient while you set out on what will likely be a fool’s errand of trying to work with the disloyal opposition. But not for long. There is no time for malarkey. You might remember a past president who wasted years trying to reach across the aisle, only to have his fingers bitten off. You know this man. His name is Barack Obama. He got nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Except being continually kicked in the balls. Is that what you want? Your balls are surely too old to survive very much kicking I would think. It is not up to you to reconcile. It is up to Malignant Mitch McConnell (who is already gumming up the works as he desperately tries to hold on to power) and his Ratpublicans to beg forgiveness. They will not. They do not care much for America. They despise democracy. They are for the most part greedy, power-hungry thieves…except for the ones that are just plum crazy QAnon and/or Tea Party tin-foil-hatters. Many of them, I assume, are flaming racists. But, I will not begrudge you trying to do the right thing. Just don’t keep bringing crayons to a knife fight. Watch your step President Biden. Do not waste too much time trying to reason with those acting in bad faith. Please.

So, go Joe. You have a chance to overshadow your decades of protecting the strong against the weak. You have a golden opportunity to leave behind one of the most vaunted legacies in American presidential history. I know you will do something real to deal with the current pandemic. Save the environment. Lift up the less fortunate at the expense of the greedy, over-paid, under-taxed. Let all Americans have access to quality health care without having to sell their children. Repair the melting pot. Make America great for once.

I. Mangrey reporting. Remember, smile – or whatever that is on McConnell's face – is a liar’s mouth.

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