Thursday, August 11, 2016


Donnie and Vlad

The Gremlin
August 11, 2016
Many people are saying that Vladimir Putin is planning to visit the United States in order to campaign for Donald Chrump. Many people. Believe it. The impish Putin is crazy about Chrump by all accounts. In particular Chrump’s talk of leaving NATO because it is “extremely expensive to the United States” appeals to the former Cold War spy who would love to see NATO collapse. Chrump has repeatedly explained that he thinks Putin is a great leader. Sure he is a dictator who has opponents killed, but he says he likes Chrump and that’s good enough for Donny. Oh, and the Chrump Empire is mortally dependent on Russian money to since no American banks are willing to loan him a penny. Chrump is presently denying that Putin is advising him on foreign affairs. He also denies that the sky is blue.
Chrump is already selling his minions on the idea of playing nice with his benefactor: “Wouldn’t it actually be wonderful if we could get along with Russia? Wouldn’t that be nice?” No more Mr. Nice Chrump. He’ll show those mean American banks. He will make them pay for not lending him money anymore. He doesn’t need them anyway, he’s got plenty of Russians handing him money and all the psychosis-enhancing substances he could ever want. Chrump will show those pathetic American bankers how to make a great deal. Believe him.
Lithuanian artist Mindaugas Bonanu’s mural of Donnie and Vlad
According to ex-Cia head (under Obama)/former deputy director (under Bush II) Michael Morrell, “The dangers that flow from Mr. Trump’s character are not just risks that would emerge if he became president. It is already damaging our national security. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia was a career intelligence officer, trained to identify vulnerabilities in an individual and to exploit them. That is exactly what he did early in the primaries. Mr. Putin played upon Mr. Trump’s vulnerabilities by complimenting him. He responded just as Mr. Putin had calculated…In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.” Emphasis on ‘unwitting’. This of course is Chrump’s forte. They don’t make ‘em more unwitting than him. That I can tell you. Morrell is just one in a long list of career diplomats and intelligence veterans spanning the political spectrum who have been warning of the danger Chrump poses to global stability. All of this intelligence doesn’t amount to a hill of beans when stacked up against the millions of morons who trust Chrump and Chrump alone. I am not saying that all of Chrump’s supporters are morons, but many people are saying that this is his most reliable demographic.
More Losers
Fifty Republican’t big name national security experts and advisors, including many of the assholes from the Bush/Cheney era who brought us the illegal invasion of Iraq, the current destabilization of the entire region and ISIS said of the current Republican’t candidate, “fundamentally, Mr. Trump lacks the character, values, and experience to be President. He weakens U.S. moral authority as the leader of the free world. In addition, Mr. Trump has demonstrated repeatedly that he has little understanding of America’s vital national interests…he would be the most reckless President in American history.” This who’s who of WTF made it clear: “None of us will vote for Donald Trump.” For some strange reason they are concerned that Chrump "appears to lack the basic knowledge about and belief in the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws and U.S. institutions including religious tolerance, freedom of the press, and an independent judiciary." Picky, picky, picky.
Chrump spat back, "I wasn’t using any of them and they would have loved to have been involved with the campaign. Look at the terrible job they’ve done. I hadn’t planned on using any of these people." To be fair, most of these guys are horrible, war-mongering SOBs, but they are generally darlings of the GOP. They despise Hillary Clinton yet felt compelled to speak out on the shit-storm that is Donald J. Chrump. That I can tell you.
In Closing…
In 2008 Don Jr. told an interviewer, “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets...we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” Many actual people have said that Chrump has for many years been happily doing business with Russian oligarchs. His kind of people. Are we?
I. Mangrey reporting.
I only do this because I care about you. Believe me.
                                                                                                       Mad in USA

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