Tuesday, November 23, 2021

One Too Many Kennedys

What’s In A Name?

November 23, 2021

Shameless simpleton shithead John “Cracker” Kennedy (R-Dumbfuckistan) accused AG Merrick Garland of doing exactly what Cracker Kennedy (sorry to use such a pejorative descriptor, but I would not want anyone to confuse this spineless schmuck with the actual John Kennedy, who is obviously deceased, yet still more viably intelligent than the current name holder) ignored for four long, painful, still-destructive years of Turmp running roughshod over the Justice Department not to mention justice itself.

According to his bio, Kennedy is not a dumb as he looks, acts or sounds, but I am satisfied taking him at his drawled words and basing my opinion of him by watching him in action.

Kennedy explaining that he attended Magdalen College,
a constituent college of the University of Oxford (yes, that Oxford)

Kennedy explaining what doctors found during a brain scan

Speaking of Kennedys, a fringe element of the Qanon fringe element of the no-longer fringe element of the now very fringy Ratpublican Party, spent a day at Dealey Plaza in Dallas Texas – site of the JFK assassination in 1963. Why, you might ask, and then wish you hadn’t? These very fine people were doggedly drooling in anticipation (as opposed to their fairly perpetual general daily drooling) of the return of, not Jesus this time, but John F. Kennedy, Jr.

According to one Q-ist, Donald Turmp is the biological son of Gen. George Patton, and a blood relative of JFK. Therefore, when JFK, Jr. comes out of hiding, having not in fact been dead since 1999, he would join Turmp (Is he dead yet?) on the 2024 (alternative 2020?) ticket. After a stunning, historic victory, Turmp would step down and JFK, Jr. would ascend to the throne. I did not make any of this up. I apologize for sharing this information.

Proud, psychotic, pseudo-patriots pathetically parading.
Oddly, this does not refer to the living, brainless John Kennedy,
but to the long-deceased John Kennedy, Jr., or perhaps his dead father

Kennedy went full Joe-McCarthy on a Biden nominee who escaped the Soviet Union and became an American citizen, and served previously under George WTF Bush, saying, “I don’t mean any disrespect. I don’t know whether to call you professor, or comrade.” And we don’t know whether to call you cracker or douchebag.

Apparently, the Massachusetts Kennedys should have trademarked their name. The cracker freak from Louisiana has turned the name to shit. And they should have copyrighted it so the Q-brains…I mean P-brains couldn’t speak or print it on their idiotic banners without paying royalties. Then, horrifying yahoos like this Kennedy from Louisiana would have to be called something more appropriate, like Andrew Jerkson, or Jefferson Doofus.

I. Mangrey reporting. I’ve got to stay here, but there's no reason why you folks shouldn't go out into the lobby until this thing blows over.

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