Sunday, August 19, 2018

Thought For The Day

Ball of Collusion Conspiracy

August 19, 2018
We have just learned that the White House Counsel Don McGahn has been spending quite a bit of quality time – some 30 hours – with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller.    Our presidon’t was up dark and early, toilet tweeting at 4:00AM.  I will let him shriek for himself:

Someone in the West Wing did not want Der Furor to shriek for himself, having one of Chrump’s ghost tweeters put out a less psychotic communiqué at a reasonable hour last evening.  No need to show you that one, but our own ghost tweeter at Paying Attention followed up this morning’s misspelled missive thusly:

The Pioneers – Time Hard
Meanwhile, on Meet the Press, Chuck Todd broached the subject of his boss testifying under oath and the concept of ‘truth’ with Chrump's PR lawyer Rudy Giuliani.  The precise context is less important than anyone might claim. What does matter, is Fruity Rudy’s quote-of-the-day response.  “No, it isn't truth. Truth isn't truth.” Giuliani replied.

Chuck Todd was not seriously injured
Gimme Some Truth
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

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