Friday, February 25, 2022

The Plot Sickens

Ratpublicans For Putin

February 25, 2022

Vladimir Putin is obsessed with seeing democracy as a global entity fail. This is nothing new. Well before his relentless crusade to get Donald Tmurp elected president, Putin’s prime objective was weakening democracy. No better stooge could have been created to accelerate Putin’s mission than a brain-dead, narcissistic, autocrat-wannabe conman.

So, we expect Putin to attack democracy. What we did not expect, though we really should have, was Putin not being the biggest threat to democracy, particularly in America. The most clear and present danger to American democracy is Donald Tmurp’s Ratpublican Party. This massive cadre of fascistic white nationalists, that has infiltrated our government at the highest levels, and has an enormous propaganda machine, is shamelessly fomenting civil war. They are determined to take this country back in time to when they thought America was great before. Today’s Ratpublican Party has done everything short of supporting the return of slavery.

By many accounts, including some of Putin’s close advisors (all of whom, one imagines, must fear for their lives every waking moment, not to mention being awakened by hellish nightmares based on real stories of past associates), Putin is rapidly approaching Tmurp-like levels of mental incapacity. Perhaps the most telling example of Putin’s alternative facts is his insistence that he is merely trying to stop Volodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish, and his neo-Nazi regime from committing (non-existent) genocide in Ukraine. There's lying, and then there's looney toons.

While American autocrats are working to re-litigate the Civil War, the Russian strongman is trying to get the SSR back together, even if he has to wipe out most of their populations. Vlad the Mad has also threatened historic conflagration should anyone dare stand against him.

Donald J. Trump July 23, 2018
Remember when this psycho was on Twitter?

“Whoever tries to hinder us, and even more so, to create threats to our country, to our people, should know that Russia's response will be immediate. And it will lead you to such consequences that you have never encountered in your history. We are ready for any development of events. All the necessary decisions have been made in this regard. I hope that I will be heard.”
                       Vladimir J. Putin February 24, 2022
                         Guess these two use the same writers

Putin to U.S. “Duck and cover motherfuckers!”

Most of the Ratpublican Duma is vigorously siding with Putin. Let us not forget that the moment Barack Obama became president, countless Ratpublicans and their media enablers began singing the praises of Putin, while denigrating Obama at every turn, and down every straightaway. Then, Tmurp surrounded himself with Russophiles like Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon and others too numerous to mention. Once installed as president despite losing the popular vote handily, Tmurp took up Putin’s causes while weaking the United States with impunity. So here we are.

Rare photo of movie night at Mor-on-Lago

King Ratpublican Tmurp made his feelings known as Putin surrounded Ukraine, poised to initiate the most illegal war-of-choice since Bush/Cheney invaded Iraq. Here’s what the Toxic Twit had to say about his benefactor,

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine—of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. So, Putin is now saying, ‘It’s independent,’ a large section of Ukraine. I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s the strongest peace force. We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right. No, but think of it. Here’s a guy who’s very savvy, I know him very well. Very, very well.”

From Newt Gingrich, to Lindsey Graham, to Josh Hawley, to the GQP House Caucus, to John Bolton (remember this no-nothing asshole?), to Mike Pompeo, Ratpublicans of all smells are rushing to microphones to call Joe Biden weak and ineffective, and Putin strong and masterful. For his part, Pompeo, a recent secretary of state and former CIA chief, recently gushed on Fux News that Putin “was a very talented statesman” who “has lots of gifts.” Pompeo added, “He was a KGB agent, for goodness sakes. He knows how to use power. We should respect that.” Respect is not exactly the first word that leaps to my mind, but then I still have at least minimal control of my faculties. And, despite its many faults, I’ll still take the U.S. over Russia.

While another ex-secretary of state Condoleezza Rice has called Putin “megalomaniacal,” Pompeo has praised him as “very shrewd” and “very capable.” Putin’s media outlets are replaying clips on a loop of Pompeo's praise on Russian state TV. So Makeshift Mike must be right.

In another interview last week, Pompeo said, “I have enormous respect for him – I've been criticized for saying that.” This is how today’s Ratpublicans run for president.

Fucker Carlson cannot imagine why everyone is being so mean to Putin, “asking” his audience, “Why should I hate Putin?” Followed by a laundry list (in question form of course – does this pinhead think he’s always on Jeopardy?) of things Putin didn’t do to poor little trust fund baby Fucker. “Did he ever call me a racist? Has he ever tried to get me fired for disagreeing with him?…yada, yada, yada.” Hey Fucker, you might want to know that Putin doesn’t get people fired for disagreeing with him – he gets them dead, you ignorant slut.

Insurrectionist fan-boy Josh Hawley was a bit less obsequious, “America has an interest in Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity, and we have a strong interest in deterring Russian adventurism. But these interests are not so great that we should commit ourselves to fight Russia over Ukraine’s future.” Funny thing, Joe Biden specifically stated that we have no intention of fighting Russia. With senators like this, who needs democracy?

I. Mangrey recoiling. Let’s agree to disagree dispose of them. Electorally, of course.


Charles Mingus - Oh Lord Don't Let Them Drop That Atomic Bomb on Me

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