Sunday, December 18, 2016

Donald the Menace

He is Still Running for President Because He Doesn’t want to Be President Any More Than We Want Him to Be President

Land of The Lost
December 20, 2016
Last Friday Chrump continued his tsunami-of-pathetic Keep Looking at Me Again Tour, its latest casualty being Florida. As the Sunshine State crowd screamed, “Lock her up! Lock her up!”, Chrump took a moment to reflect back on his campaign. “Here’s what I noticed, four weeks ago, just prior to, and always prior to, you people were vicious, violent, screaming, “Where’s the wall? We want the wall. Screaming “Prison, prison, lock her up. I mean you were going crazy. I mean you were nasty and mean and vicious and you wanted to win right? And now you are mellow and you’re cool. You’re not nearly as vicious and violent. Right? Because we won. Right?”* Did I mention the crowd was screaming, “Lock her up!”? These great patriots, many of whom prefer Vladimir Putin to Democrats. Chrump has no idea where they got such ideas.
*Actual quote, said out loud, in public
Donald the Menace
Keep Outrage Alive
It is incumbent upon those of us not assimilated into alt-reality, as corporate media – perhaps the most culpable party in the “election” of Don Chrump – feverishly works to normalize the man playing president, to sustain a high level of outrage. Just because Chrump does once-in-a-generationally intolerable things on a daily basis, we cannot allow the sheer volume of hate, insanity and illegality to change our standards of incredulity. This is not normal. It can never be seen as such. No matter how much the corporate media tries to act like Chrump is simply another president. Just because we now have “100-year storms” every year, does not make these devastating storms less severe or catastrophic. Global Climate Change marches on. As does Global Chrump Change. Both phenomena are unambiguously the result of human interference with the natural order. Chrump is like a category 12 hurricane. He is not like a smart person.
We already know that Chrump has the best words. Many of them, like “euphenism” and “bigly” are his and his alone. Because nobody else would use them. There’s typo and there’s stupid. This is what happens when the unqualified attempt to use multi-syllabic words:
Guessing he never won a spelling dee.
He Has the Best Word Users Saying Words For Him
Chrump spokesweasel Anthony Scaramucci compared modern day climate science to the flat Earth theory and the theory that everything revolved around the Earth. I assume he decided that since he knows nothing about modern science, it simply does not exist. To prove his point he squealed, “I’m saying that people have gotten things wrong during the 5,500 year history of our planet...Human history I should say.” Yes you should, but you’d still be off by four million years give or take. And guess what doofus, non-white people knew the Earth was neither flat nor the center of the universe 5,500 years ago. I have decided that Scaramucci is a figment of my imagination, and not – as he surely believes – the center of the universe.
I. Mangrey reporting. Unflattening the Earth since 2004.

On a serious note...

Check this out and please pass it along. We cannot take this crap lying down. We can make Amerika America again: Indivisible- A Practical Guide For Resisting the Trump Agenda

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