Sunday, February 26, 2017

Life in Chrump’s Dumocracy

Look Who’s Not Talking

Everytown, USA
February 25, 2017
I am sorry to bring this up, but have you heard about this whole Chrump thing? Did I miss something? Is this thing for real? This is just a horrible dream right? This guy is impossibly crazy. And what’s with that hair?  Is it actually hair? Seriously? He displays the incomparable sentence structure of Sarah Palin but with less of an understanding of the Constitution, how our government actually works, foreign affairs, domestic affairs, history and hair styling. This Chrump guy is just a whack job as far as I can tell. Has anyone else noticed this? Is it true that he is now president? Whatever happened to that Obama fellow?

Surely we are all trapped in some mass hallucination
Chafetz at The Bit
Chairman of the House Oversight Committee and miserable little shit-weasel Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) walked into what was more hornet’s nest than town hall meeting, in his home district a week ago. Long bouts of booing and shouts of, “Do your job,” "We'll be back!" and "Investigate Trump!" from over 1000 Utahans rained down on Chafetz before and after he announced his intention to eliminate the Department of Education. Chaffetz has vowed to continue his futile pursuit of Hillary Clinton, but refuses to say whether he will look into the Clear-and-present-danger-in-chief. But, not even Chafetz, an unabashed party hitman, could avoid chastising Kellyanne Conjob for plugging Ivanka’s clothing line from the White House.
Chaffetz is not alone. From Georgia to Iowa, from Arkansas to Kentucky to Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Tennessee, Republican’ts across the land are being treated to yuuuge crowds giving Senators and members of Congress a piece of their minds. Many people are saying these are the largest crowds ever assembled in human history. Constituents are telling them, “Do your job!” and investigate Chrump’s Russia connections, his ongoing business interests in countries that also have political dealings with our government and his damn tax returns. They are reminding their elected officials that, “You work for us!” Thousands of people are showing up telling their representatives that the Affordable Care Act has saved their lives and not to mess with their Obamacare. Among other issues.

Many Americans seem as mad as hell and unwilling to take it anymore
You Can Hide, But You Can’t Escape
Many of our politicians are in hiding rather than face the people for whom they work. Senators and Congress people are supposed to be communing with their constituents during their extended recess. Instead Republican’ts are hiding from concerned, sometimes angry citizens who want to have an honest and open exchange of views with the people they sent to Washington to represent them. Some get one look at the crowd gathered to engage them and simply run away. Most choose to simply stay away.
This is the party of Chrump. They do not decry the man for grabbing pussies, attacking judges, vilifying the Press, comparing the intelligence community to Nazi Germany. The first law they passed stopped mentally ill people from being denied their right to bear arms. I guess at this point it hardly matters since a mentally unstable child now has the nuclear codes. All Republican’ts care about is that he is their mentally unstable child. Even though he is their foster child, they love him unconditionally since he lets them do whatever they want. It is a strange and toxic relationship. In keeping with tackling the most crucial issues facing America in the “total mess” L’il Chrump had dropped in his lap, Jeff Sessions leapt into action on the vital issue of rescinding an Obama order allowing transgender students to use the bathrooms corresponding to their gender identity. How brave and civilly right.
Lately they have dredged up the obscure Congressional Review Act, which allows them to just nullify a bunch of stuff Obama did in the last six months. This act was only successfully used in 2001 when the original President Moron wanted to role back workplace safety standards…because who wouldn’t want to make workplaces less safe. This Congress has already used it five times in one week. They will be looking at more than 50 programs like the awful Hunger Free Kids Act, which assures healthy school lunches for, you know, kids. They want to roll back the senseless Endangered Species Act because they say it hinders drilling and logging access. Now why didn’t I think of that? Who needs all those pesky wild animals anyway? New congress critter Liz Cheney is sponsoring legislation to eliminate wolves. If these annoying animals really cared they would hire lobbyists.
Pat Toomey’s constituents had to bring their own Toomey to a town hall
They are mostly going to be disappointed because Republican’ts are cancelling previously planned town hall meetings. Only 19 out of 298 Republican’t representatives and senators are showing up to town halls. Republican’ts were all atwitter when the Tea Party started their attack on liberal America. Countless anger-filled town halls sprang up across the country as Tea Partiers screamed that Obamacare was going to either ruin their lives or simply put them to death. While the Tea Party was built up and funded by corporations and veteran political operatives, and armed mostly with ignorance and the lies they were fed, the new protests are notable for being the exact opposite. The new Resistance is truly organic, more informed and not propped up by corporate interests. Now that the other side is finally making its voice heard, the Republican’ts are showing that they cannot take as good as they gave. They can be repealed and replaced. Though it might not be easy.
A special election for congress is immanent in Montana and the state found that money can be saved by using mail-in ballots. Mail-in voting is known to be extremely resistant to voter fraud, about which Republican’ts are constantly howling. However, true to their nature of consistently trying to interfere with rather than protect voting, Republican’ts are warning that mail-in ballots are dangerous because “all mail ballots give the Democrats an inherent advantage...” Why this might be true is irrelevant. It is legitimate, error-free voting. We could vote these people out if they would just let us vote.
I. Mangrey reporting. Peek-a-Booooooooooooo!
                                                                                                    Mad in USA


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