Sunday, February 5, 2017


Did We Nazi This Coming? Part 2

February 4, 2017
Chrump and the people around him seem very comfortable playing fascist. From alternative facts to draconian executive orders, to slashing regulations to favor corporations over people, to gag orders on numerous government agencies, to ridding the government of anyone who might disagree with Dear Leader. The majority of Americans are fighting depression and terror as Team Chrump runs roughshod over common sense, common decency and democracy. Given Chrump’s well-known distaste for reading, no one should be surprised when he starts ordering public book-burnings. It seems only a matter of time. He certainly has all the best people in place to make it all happen.
Going Bannonas
Stephen Bannon – the lizard man who helps Chrump figure out what he is supposed to think – told a New York Times interviewer, “The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while. You’re the opposition party. Not the Democratic Party. You’re the opposition party. The media’s the opposition party.” Said the man who “used to” head Breitbart News – one of Chrump’s, as well as the America-is-for-whites-only crowd’s, favorite purveyors of alternative facts – “The media has zero integrity, zero intelligence and no hard work.”
Stephen “Chrump’s Brain” Bannon awaits foreign leaders for important meeting
“I want you to quote this,” Bannon said. “The media here is the opposition party. They don’t understand this country." Bannon understands this county, at least the image of it that festers in his fermenting brain. We are starting to see exactly how much that version jibes with the version seen and/or hoped for by the majority of Americans. That would be the same majority of Americans who voted against Chrump. 
Hair Chrump gave the reptilian fascist, white nationalist, anti-Semitic Bannon a permanent seat on the National Security Council in what is bound to become an uncountable number of unprecedented moves. Chrump simultaneously demoted the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to a need-to-know-only attendance status on the NSC except when meetings cover “topics relating to their responsibilities.” So we don’t need intelligence or Pentagon officials getting regular briefings, but we do need whatever the hell Bannon is, at the heart of our national security infrastructure? It is difficult to tell how much of this is megalomania and how much is plain old insanity. Then there is the alternative fact that Chrump knows more than all the experts. He’s, like, a smart person. Either way, it is possible that there might be a slight problem here. Quick somebody wake up the media!
Chrump’s brain – the inside of that thing atop Chrump’s head
 is just as nasty looking as the outside
“I’m a Leninist,” Bannon proudly proclaimed in a 2014 interview. The befuddled interviewer pressed for clarification; Bannon answered, “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” One might wonder how Bannon feels now that he is today’s establishment. My guess is that he now wants to destroy everyone else instead. Ignorant Tea Party anger aficionados lapped up Bannon’s “Leninist” strategy for their self-described-though-anything-but populist goals. Bannon happily admitted that he wanted to destroy the Republican and Democratic Parties, as well as the traditional conservative press. At least he is an equal opportunity asshole.

You can make him shave, dress him up and possibly even get him to shower, but you cannot wash away, gloss over or hide the stench that is the very essence of Stephen Bannon. Bannon, benefactor of the Alt-right, has been elevated by Chrump to lead his Alt-reality. It is probably more accurate to say that Bannon found the perfect horse to ride, stroked its mangy mane, saddled up and is now riding into the sunset (of America) on the unsuspecting mount. Yes, every government henhouse has its fox standing guard, but the worst fox of all is in the main henhouse. Bannon – a demented ideologue (who used to work at Goldman Sachs) – with absolutely zero experience, credentials or understanding of any kind when it comes to national security, tells his “boss” to put him on the National Security Council.
In addition to all his other endearing qualities Bannon believes we are on the verge of apocalyptic change, one that he is more than willing to usher in. Add this to a Nixon-like sense of victimhood, born of his inability to gain the expected veneration of his fellow lizards at Goldman Sachs. He is poised to show all of them, and us, who is boss. Read more here if you dare.

In case you haven’t really thought about what the oval office looks like on an average day in the Times of Chrump: 
Chrump, Flynn, Bannon – Three of the stooges.
As if the three live guys, the new gold drapes and the Saddam Hussein-esque desk weren’t bad enough, the Disaster-in-chief has added a picture of the Genocide President, Andrew Jackson to complete the scene that will haunt all of us for an as-yet-to-be-determined period of time.
What Chrump calls the best and the brightest, is unsurprisingly the worst and the darkest. If there is any light at the end of this tunnel, it will be very difficult to see for the foreseeable future, and that light might well turn out to be the flames of hell. Or with a little luck…

I. Mangrey reporting. Interested, intrepid, irate.
                                                                                          Mad in USA

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