Friday, November 23, 2018

The Old Ball and Cheney

You Make Me Dizzy Miss Lizzy…Well, More Nauseous Than Dizzy

November 23, 2018
The Republican’t Party, the party of Chrump (not Lincoln, not Reagan – the former was never true, and the latter is ancient, ostensibly disavowed history; they are more accurately the party of a couple of Dicks - Nixon and Cheney, Newt Gingrich and Ted Bundy – yes, that Ted Bundy) has named someone with a very familiar surname as the third-ranking member of their Congressional caucus.  That person is none other than Liz Cheney, daughter of the torture-loving, CIA operative-outing, face-shooting, war-mongering asshole who pretended to need a wheelchair so as not to stand during the inauguration of Barack Obama, and historic dick, Richard Bruce Cheney.  To commemorate her promotion to this auspicious post, I will quote her dear (unfortunately not departed) dad, “Go fuck yourself.”
The incredible Cheneys: Like father, like daughter
The Republican’ts also have a brand new boogie-man, boogie-woman actually, for decades they have had their favorite target – Hillary Clinton, and their backup manufactured malefactor – Nancy Pelosi.  Both of these women have been demonized relentlessly for as long as anyone can remember.  Donald Chrump is still going after Hillary, still longing and chanting, along with his mindless minions, to lock her up.  Pelosi, for her part, may yet have the last, or at least the next, laugh.
Republican’ts, never to be deterred from finding women to fear attack, have already found their next manufactured culprit.  The new target of their afflictions is none other than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Ocasio-Cortez has the extra added bonus of not only being a woman, but also a woman of color.  She is also very young – the youngest woman ever elected to the House of Representatives.  This of course will enable Republican’ts to excoriate Ocasio-Cortez right up until the Earth has been fried, flooded and fucked as a result of Republican’ts’ psychotically aggressive efforts to maintain and accelerate climate change.
The still-growing Blue Wave, currently giving Democrats at least a 39-seat pickup in the House of Representatives – which would have been considerably larger if not for gerrymandering and voter suppression…you know, cheating – which outdid the Tea Party wave of 2010 in sheer numbers.  The Tea Party garnered six percent more popular votes, while the 2018 Blue Wave outvoted Republican’ts by eight percent.  Or as Donald Chrump called it (albeit accidentally ironically), “very close…to complete victory.”
Facts are stubborn things

The majority Democratic 116th Congress will surely be turning a much more critical, rather than a blind, eye at the 45th prezident’s long, salacious and relentlessly criminal history, not to mention his ongoing campaign of obstruction of justice, and his relatively recent ENORMOUS COLLUSION with Russian agents to steal the 2016 election.  Finally, Chrump will be scrutinized, but we can be assured that regardless of any efforts to keep him in check, he will never be balanced.  I suppose one out of two ain’t bad.

Bitch McConnell has coined a new phrase – “presidential harassment”.  I assume that this miserable piece of shit – from the party of presidential harassment – is referring to the temerity of the American electorate to vote for representation that would stop the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud from suffocating the democracy that McConnell has been busily choking to death in his own way.
Jim Accosted
In further tales of fascism, Jim Acosta, who managed to stand his First Amendment ground after being brutally assaulted by one of Chrump’s thugs, has been vindicated by a Chrump-appointed judge.  Acosta was attempting to ask Petulant Chrump a question when he was, at the direction of the Petulant, viciously assaulted by a woman who tried to wrest the microphone from the unyielding reporter.  Nevertheless, Acosta persisted, survived the attack, and managed to ask his questions to a peevish and uncooperative Chrump, before yielding and ultimately having his press credentials revoked by the would-be-dictator. 
Acosta bravely fends off Chrump henchman’s attempt to thwart the First Amendment
After further whining by Hair Chrump, threatening further punishment for Acosta, the White House has finally (for now at least) relented and fully reinstated Acosta’s press credentials.  In another stunningly pathetic display of weakness masquerading as showing-who’s-boss, new heavy-handed rules of engagement for reporters on the White House beat are to be implemented to keep reporters in their place – yes even the white, male ones…in theory.  We’ll have to wait and see what happens.
I. Mangrey refreshing.  Koyaanisqatsi, baby!

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