Wednesday, September 26, 2018

You've Got Males

White Men Behaving Badly, Episode #5,395,493,297

September 26, 2018
Apparently, all Republican’t senators need to take polygraph tests since they all keep saying it is normal for teenage boys to commit sexual assault.
Hey, anyone remember Senator Al Franken?  What ever happened to him?  Oh wait, I remember, the Democrats forced him to resign without even a hint of due process.  He probably did behave badly towards a number of women.  He never exposed any part of his anatomy.  Was never accused of anything near the kinds of things Brett Kavanaugh is credibly accused of doing. 
Kavanaugh’s accusers are more than willing to air out their grievances; Kavanaugh and his Republican’t enablers are deathly afraid of allowing any sort of investigation or hearing.  They already know what they think they need to know.  That is, Brett Kavanaugh is white, a radical religious fundamentalist, and a multiply-accused sexual assaulter who is guaranteed to rid them of Roe v. Wade.  Nothing else matters to these miscreant misogynist morons.  If this country has any chance of moving forward in the 21st Century, or ever, it must send a strong, unmistakable and multi-generationally long statement on November 6, 2018.
Kavanaugh, claiming that his voice is not being heard as regards allegations of sexual misconduct, ran to Fux News to be interviewed with his wife by his side.  He told his interviewer, “I’m not going to let false accusations drive us out of this process.”  I do believe that the normally very dishonest jurist is correct.  Unfortunately for him, it will not be false accusations, but disgustingly true accusations that will end up being a problem for him. 
I am intractably disinclined to believe incorrigibly dishonest Brett Kavanaugh.  He of the party of Roger Ailes, Pat Buchanan, Richard Nixon, Karl Rove, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Mitch McConnell and every member of the current Chrump Junta – to name just a few.  The party of Iran-Contra, Willie Hortoning, Swift Boating, the Iraq-War-featuring-ersatz-WMD, Birtherism and Sarah Fucking Palin.  I believe I need say no more, but I fear I must. 
As Kavanaugh plays P.T. Barnum to an ever-shrinking basket of Chrump supporters, hawking tickets to his never-had-sex-show – Step right up, step right up!  Nothing to see here folks!  Come see the constantly drunk, virgin high-schooler/collegian!  The one, the only Brett Kavanaugh!  While all his friends were out assaulting and raping, Brett was merely face-down in the bathroom.  The only thing young Brett assaulted was that unfortunate toilet seat.  It was never the same once it escaped Brett’s suffocating embrace.  Step right up, step right up.  Come see that very talking toilet seat.  Hear the real, the whole, the totally true Kavanaugh story right from the porcelain horse’s mouth.  Step right up, but before you go in, enjoy our complimentary Kool-aid – the show won’t be the same without it.  You’ll love’s a way of life. 
The New York Times reported that Kavanaugh “has calendars from the summer of 1982 that he plans to hand over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that do not show a party consistent with the description of his accuser.”  It is of course very common for 17 year-olds to keep such calendars.  One wonders if Kavanaugh be able to have the ink dry on his 1982 calendar in time to hand it over.  We managed to get our hands on Kavanaugh’s undoctored calendar:
click calendar to enlarge
The all-white-male Republican’t wing of the Senate Judiciary Committee has come to the realization that their utter and entirely sincere contempt for women has become just a tad too obvious for an election season.  They have therefore decided to hire a “female assistant” to stand up for them in the questioning of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who has decided to stand up for herself, against her long-ago attacker, and to the all-white-male Republican’t wing of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  The soon-to-be-all-dead (because they are all very old – this is not a death threat, though possibly a wish, unless that is also illegal, in which case it is simply a statement of the obvious) white guys are hoping that by hiding behind a “female assistant” in order to discredit another woman, they will show other women that they are not rape-friendly or rape-adjacent, and come out smelling like roses, or at the very least not like the rotting corpses they appear to be.  Once again, Paying Attention has the scoop on who this female questioner/façade will be.
Senate Committee stand-in, Ruby Giulianski preps
for her big day with real live sex criminal
(don't click to me)
In Other News of White Men Behaving Badly …
A blobulent white rhinoceros male masquerading as a large, straw-covered, deranged cantaloupe, masquerading as president of the United States, unleashed a barrage of invective and sheer idiocy at the United Nations in New York yesterday. 

Much too seedy for my taste

When he made the inarguably absurd claim, “In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country”, literally the entire world burst out laughing. 
Chrump slays at UN
Perhaps even more unusual, was the fact that Chrump seemed able to take a joke.  He can obviously see one…every time he faces a mirror.
I. Mangrey reflecting.  Hey Donald, keep it stupid, simple.

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