Friday, September 14, 2018

Bush v. Chrump

Oh Look, It’s George W. Bu(ll)sh(it)

September 14, 2018
The Bush family has seemed to be vigorously opposed to Donald Chrump.  Poppy Bush made clear his disdain for the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud, as did Mommy Bush.  The whole nation watched as Chrump humiliated and crushed George, Sr. favorite son Jeb.  The whole family has been clear in their contempt for the “man” who dismantled their boy Jeb, claimed he was always opposed (he wasn’t) to George, Jr.’s Iraq debacle, and disrespected their family throughout the campaign.
I spent almost three decades ignoring politics, as so many now find necessary for survival in the Time of Chrump, until the day George W. Bush was appointed to the presidency by the Supreme Court on December 12, 2000.  As it turned out, the Bush II years were quite exciting, what with face-shooting, CIA operative-outing, Haliburton-enriching, and all-around-nasty-mother-fucker Dick Cheney, the 9/11 attack, the economic collapse/Great Recession, the illegal invasion of Iraq and the ensuing destabilization of the Middle East, and knowing Vladimir Putin’s soul by looking in his eyes.
Ahhh, the good old days (It's only a paper goon)
Little George is now out on the campaign trail, giving further credence to George Washington’s prescient warning upon leaving office, that political parties would become vehicles, “by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” Common wisdom, such as it is, believes that #43 is simply looking out for his party.  This, at a time when many – though not nearly enough – Republican’ts are finally taking a moment to put country above party.  They are either leaving the party or at least speaking out against its leader.
George W. Bu(ll)sh(it): Goon, But Not Forgotten

Ultimately, George the Younger’s efforts will serve to keep Chrump in power, unless the Blue Wave materializes.  My guess is that George W is desirous of keeping Chrump in power because every moment Chrump is in office helps people forget more and more just how pathetic, ignorant, disgraceful and incompetent George W. Bush was (and continues to be).  The list of Bush II’s failures, fiascos and outright disasters is lengthy, and his stupidity was off the charts.  He did more damage to this nation than any president in our lifetime, possibly in the lifetime of this nation.  That is, until the Pork Rind-in-chief came along. 
It was hoped that the Bush II era was America hitting bottom, but Chrump has surely plumbed new, unimaginable depths of dishonesty, depravity and disgrace.
Memory Is (Not) a Funny Thing
It is thanks to Bush and his fellow travelers that the Republican’t Party has become the party of Donald Chrump.  They sowed the sickening seeds, tilled the toxic soil, watered and fed the racist base that nominated, “elected,” and continues to enable Chrump.  All in the name of endless tax cuts for the richest of the rich, killing people by gutting social safety nets, access to health care and abortion rights, praying and/or legislating away the gay, destroying the environment to increase corporate profits, dismembering voting rights and packing the Supreme Court with phony jurists who will have their backs.  This is admittedly a full menu of mishegas, but most Americans would actually prefer these malefactors take some time off or maybe jump off a cliff.
So, once more, fuck you George W. Bush.  Go paint your feet, or your dog or the back of your head.  Just STFU and stay out of the politics game.  You have done more than enough already.  Much more.  We are still cleaning up your monstrous mess.  It is easy to get carried away with the atrocity that is Chrump, but let us not forget just how staggeringly awful George W. Bush and his horrible horde was.  There was a reason so many people called him President Moron.  And that was when they were being nice.
I. Mangrey reminiscing.  Democrats are not the greatest, but seriously…

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