Saturday, September 5, 2015

Sometimes You Act Like A Nut, Sometimes You Don't

Hey, You Got Church In My State. No, You Got State On My Church

The (Not At All) Holy Land
September 5, 2015

Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis was jailed for contempt after refusing to grant marriage licenses to gay couples, based on her religious fanaticism and in direct conflict with the Constitution and our generally very conservative Supreme Court. I’m not sure just how religiously fanatical an adulterer who is on her fourth marriage can be, even if all her exes are opposite sexes, but that’s between her, Jesus and I’m guessing half of the male population of her county. As columnist Dan Savage said of this latest faux-persecuted Christian, “She actually thinks she works for God there, in the county courthouse, when she actually works for Caesar.”Perhaps Ms. Davis is unaware that Jesus specifically spoke against divorce, while mentioning his disdain for same sex relations exactly zero times. Maybe she is similarly unfamiliar with the separation of church and state from the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Many people seem to trample blindly over the First as they stampede their way to the last bit of the Second Amendment

Presidential Never-Gonna-Be-s Weigh In

Much to my surprise Lindsey Graham, John Kaisich, Carly Fiorina and even super-loopy Ben Carson have begun to look past the Fourteenth Century and come out in favor of obeying the law allowing any two consenting adults to marry. Wall building expert Donald Trump, who does not understand the wall that already exists -between church and state - acknowledges that the Supreme Court ruling is the "law of the land," but thinks clerks should be able to "take a pass" on issuing marriage licenses to gay couples if they claim it violates their beliefs. I’m pretty sure that’s not how laws are meant to be carried out. If we allow people like Kim Davis to have their way, how long before we are living under Sharia Law?

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee called Davis a "person of great conviction" and claimed that she is not required to follow the Supreme Court ruling in favor of same sex marriage. I’m sick to death of people moaning that it was just “five people” who made same sex marriage legal. It only took five people to give us and unelected (and ultimately disastrous) president. Go cry foul on somebody else’s shoulder.

Stealth candidate Bobby Jindal told the Huffington Post that Davis should not have to resign because nobody "should have to choose between following their conscience, their religious beliefs and giving up their job or facing financial sanctions." 

Kentucky senator and super genius Ayn Rand Paul, the guy who believes the Civil Rights Act infringes on private business owners, said we should leave it up to the courts to decide. Maybe he’s been too busy pretending to run for president, but one of our finest courts - some would call it Supreme - has already ruled on this issue very clearly. Check it out Rand, it was in all the papers.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz recently posted on Facebook that there should be "alternative ways to ensure that government functions are accomplished without infringing on religious liberty." There are alternatives; do your job properly or find a job that you are actually qualified and willing to perform. I guarantee you will never find an Orthodox Jew working at a Bob Evans factory. Or an observant Muslim working for Jack Daniels. I think we need to ensure that religious beliefs do not infringe on government functions. Our Constitution demands separation of church and state. Every American can hold whatever religious belief they choose (Remember, religion is a choice.), but anyone with a government position must leave their religious beliefs at home as a job requirement. No ifs, ands or buts. It’s just that simple. If people want to live in a country where outdated extremist religious beliefs are in fact the law of the land, I believe there are plenty of vacancies throughout the Middle East.

I. Mangrey reporting. Try not to marry your favorite chair.

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