Friday, May 29, 2020

Fraught For The Day

George Floyd
We Can’t Breathe
May 29, 2020

I can’t breathe.  This has nothing to do with my unresolved January bout with pneumonia.  At this particular moment it has little to do with the more than 100,000 dead Americans resulting in large part from the actions of Donald Chrump.  (It remains unproven that Chrump knew that the coronavirus he all-but-singlehandedly unleashed on the American public would disproportionately impact people of color, and by impact I mean kill, but that would only be the latest in a lifetime of racially motivated transgressions if true.)
A Minneapolis policeman calmly murders a black man
while several other officers look on…

or maybe worse
At this particular moment, I can’t breathe as I struggle under the weight of yet another murder of another obviously underserving black man at the hands of police.  The latest victim of American White Justice is George Floyd, accused of passing a phony $20 bill and then brutally murdered in broad daylight while pleading repeatedly with his killer, pictured above, that he was in pain and could not breathe.  Mr. Floyd was unarmed, face-down on the ground, handcuffed and had a police officer kneeling on his neck for nearly 10 minutes, during which time he told the officer a dozen times that he could not breathe.  Soon after that, George Floyd died.
Donald Chrump did not create racism in America,
he just keeps telling everyone that it is acceptable*
Donald Chrump will not acknowledge the horrible milestone – the deaths of 100,000 Americans on his “watch.”  A tweet in his name written by someone else does not count.  Donald Chrump will not acknowledge the despicable death of one more black man, killed by police for being black in America.  Chrump called Colin Kaepernick a “son of a bitch” for taking a knee on a football field to protest repeated murders of black men by police.  America’s racist-in-chief says nothing when a white cop puts a knee on the neck of a black man for no reason.  There is a special place in hell for Donald Chrump, no matter how long it may take for him to arrive.  There is a special place in hell for police who murder black men in broad daylight.

* As always, we apologize for posting such graphic and disturbing images; we hope no one will be emotionally scarred or made physically ill for having seen this one.

This has been your Paying Attention Fraught For The Day.
You're welcome.
What has you fraught for the day?

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