Monday, June 1, 2020

Executive Disorder

Executioner’s Song

June 1, 2020

Presidents and many other public servants take an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  There is no mention, unfortunately, of the need to understand, or at the very least to read the Constitution prior to, or if not before, then surely after taking that oath.  It could not be clearer that Donald Chrump has never read the Constitution and it goes without saying that he does not understand any of it – with the possible exception of the last phrase of the Second Amendment, which has been drilled into his mostly empty skull by his benefactors at the NRA. 
To be fair, why would he bother to understand it?  It does not mention his name even once, though I am sure there’s a Sharpie with his name in it just waiting for the right moment to fix that perceived slight.  The Constitution does refer to the president of the United States, but does not speak to whatever it is that Chrump is doing.  He damn sure is not acting like anything described by the Founders.
Chrump places executive take-out order
Chrump obviously has no clue what the First Amendment means (until a week ago, he thought it was the Fist Amendment), as he continues committing internet/digital atrocities unabated, thanks to its provisions.  His latest insult to America and our Constitution comes via tweet…I mean executive order first threatened via tweet.  It was an executive order aimed at Twitter of course, since Twitter is almost all he ever “thinks” about.  Twitter dared provide a link to actual factual information as counterbalance to blatant lies on a recent Chrump tweet.  Der Furor decided this was an intolerable affront to the First Amendment.  It was, of course, precisely not that. 
I don’t doubt that someone (though I cannot begin to imagine what lone, ultimately ridiculed voice among Chrump’s fellow swamp rats that might have been) attempted to explain this to the demented, decomposing cantaloupe-in chief, but as we know, once Chrump gets an insanely idiotic idea into that bony balloon on his neck, there is just no shaking it loose.  

Speaking of not shaking loose, F*&#book’s Marc Zuckerberg is showing no signs of freeing his lips from Chrump’s rear end.  Zuckerberg has made it clear that he has no intention of trying to keep F*&#book from aiding and abetting those who – like Donald Chrump – incite, disinform, and lie incessantly on his platform.  Zuckerberg is only concerned with churning out product – that is, F*&#book users, whose profiles, habits and thought processes are handed over to corporate vampires and populist demagogues.
Twitter, for its part, seems intent on keeping up its new policy of trying to protect reality from Chrump’s Trail of Tweets.  Twitter’s most recent attempt being the addition of a warning label on Chrump’s tweet, which was meant to fan the flames of violence in response to the police murder of George Floyd in Minnesota, for “glorifying violence.”  Just for the record, Twitter has not taken down any of Chrump’s horrifying tweets, they merely added a touch of sanity, something clearly both abhorrent and alien to Chrump.  I guess we’ll see what happens.
Not to mention, seedy
Chrump’s oath presumably requires him to faithfully execute the law.
Reporter: Mr. Chrump, your oath comes with an expectation that you will faithfully execute the law.
Chrump: The law?  I thought it was to faithfully execute the country.  And I don’t do anything faithfully.  And you can't make me since I have total authority.  Have I told you about how bad the toilets and showers are?  And my great Electoral College victory?  Biggest ever.  Just like my crowd size, and certain other things – all very large, probably the biggest ever – that I can tell you.  Anyway, with the help of McConnell and my great army of lawyers, I am executing the law.  It should be dead any minute now.
As far as the other branches of government, they are supposed to be public servants, not the president’s servants.  Their oath is also to the Constitution, not to protect and/or serve the president.  They work for us, not for the president, and not for their own personal gain.  Republican’ts gave up on that quaint notion long ago.  They don’t give a flying fuck about actual Americans.  
Republican’ts worship at the feet of a golden (orange, actually) calf (cow, actually)
The current Republican’t majority Senate is solely concerned with protecting this president, mostly from himself, but also from justice and the Constitution.  No one embodies this anti-Constitutional, anti-democracy approach to governance better than the malevolent, malignant master of malefaction and misanthropy – Moscow Mitch McConnell.  Moscow Mitch went from modest means to multi-millionaire during his time as public servant conman.

I. Mangrey. Period.

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