Friday, June 12, 2020

It’s The Racism, Stupid

In The Land Of The Bigot The Racist Is King*

June 12, 2020
Some people thought that President Death was going to speak about bringing the nation together – not many, but some. Okay, so no one actually thought that, but some hoped he might. Well, not really. A life-long racist who, along with his KKK-sympathizing crook of a father, was found guilty of restricting occupancy in their New York City apartments to white people. The man who caterwauled for years about Barack Obama not being born in America. The man who literally began his campaign for president by calling Mexicans criminals and rapists (remember, he is always and only talking about himself).
The man who said he will not stand for the renaming of U.S. military bases currently named for traitorous Confederate lowlife losers who killed Americans in their quest to continue slavery. The man who fake fucks flags. Who called African nations “shithole countries.” The man who has barely mentioned the name of George Floyd. The man who is calling for more policing in the face of a national outcry for less, claiming his iron mini-fist is “dominating the streets with compassion.” Compassion and teargas. Compassion, teargas and rubber bullets. Compassion, teargas, rubber bullets, and an almost fanatical devotion to himself.

Chrump white-splaining racism at Dallas megachurch

This is the man who shamelessly, and with no sense of irony, yesterday said, “We have to work together to confront bigotry and prejudice wherever they appear? But we’ll make no progress and heal no wounds by falsely labeling tens of millions of decent Americans as racists or bigots. We have to get everybody together, we have to be in the same path. I think if we don’t do that we have problems, and we’ll do that, we’ll do it, I think we’re going to do it very easily. It’ll go quickly and it it’ll go very easily.” What about if we accurately label tens of millions of Americans as racists or bigots? Will that help?
That’s right folks, you heard it straight from the racist’s mouth. The man who called Nazi and white supremacist marchers in Charlottesville who marched with torches in support of Confederate statues and chanted “Jews will not replace us” “very fine people,” ensures us that the racism he so fervently adheres to, as do so many of his faithful followers, will disappear almost like magic “very easily.” Yep, just like that fake pandemic that disappeared after the first 15 cases went very quickly and easily to zero…right before their meteoric climb to now over 113,000 dead Americans (with new predictions of at least 250,000 by election time) – and probably tens of thousands more than that by many estimates.
So go on out to your local drinking establishment and hoist a few to the very easy end of racism in America, which will be here any minute now. right after the very quick end of the COVID-19 pandemic. If your local drinking establishment is closed for some strange reason, and you are white, just break in and have a good time. If you are not white, consider self-quarantining. And not because of the coronavirus.
Speaking of coronavirus, Chrump is planning to once again stick his tiny thumb in the eye of all African Americans by holding his upcoming rally on June 19, known as “Juneteenth,” the day slavery finally ended in America, in Tulsa, Oklahoma where a bunch of white people slaughtered the local black population and burned their city to the ground. Organizers of this race-baiting event put the following disclaimer on their website:
“By clicking register below, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. liable for any illness or injury.”
The bloated, orange bigot was right about one thing though, many of us are going to work together to finally end the systemic racism at the core of American society. But, obviously, considering it has been going on for 400 years, it will not happen easily. And it’s about 400 past happening quickly. Someone might want to fill Mr. Chrump in on the details.

*But we can and we must vote this fucker out (as well as the whores he rode in on).

I. Mangrey reporting.

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