Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Dumb Man “Walking”

Pot Calling The Kettle Fake

June 17, 2020
I would say Donald Chrump is a freak of nature, but there is absolutely nothing natural about him. Fake skin color, fake teeth, fake “hair.” He also has a fake “fortune,” fake doctors, has had a fake charity, a fake university, fake tax audit and is currently a fake president. Despite him and his doctors lying about his weight, Chrump is physically obese, and despite his claims of having a “very, very large uh-brain,” he is mentally emaciated.
This dangerous mutant proved once again during his phucked-up photo op at West Point that he is unable to manage the seemingly simple task of transferring liquids from various containers into the otherwise useless hole beneath his nose like a normal person, or even most abnormal people for that matter.
Most five-year-olds can drink from a cup with one hand,
but not this one – someone get this “man” a sippy cup*
No one is better, more consistent or more pathetic at making excuses for just about anything than Chrump. Important things. Meaningless things. Things he previously bragged about doing. Most recently Chrump, who is two years younger than Keith Richards (who has ingested more booze and done more drugs than most 10 men combined) but moves like someone 20 years his senior, looked completely out of his (or anyone’s) element as he descended a typical handicap ramp after delivering his completely useless commencement speech to the hostage graduating class at West Point last week.
Rather than let criticism roll off his back, Chrump amplified the event by, 1) tweeting about it, and 2) making pathetic, ridiculous excuses. Oh, and of course, the lying. Can’t have a Chrump statement without lying.
Slippery? NFW. Momentum? WTF?
Attempting to negotiate a standard handicap ramp, and looking like a
man walking on legs he bought yesterday, Chrump appears slower and
less stable than Nik Wallenda crossing the Grand Canyon on a 2” wire.*
If you haven't already, see for yourself
The Lt. Colonel trying his best to walk as slowly as Chrump had no trouble walking like a man who has actually walked before. For the record, it is very unlikely that such a ramp would be the slightest bit slippery on such a warm sunny day. And that “final ten feet” was about two feet. And, is that what Chrump thinks is running?
Then there’s Chrump’s frighteningly fake face coloring. Looks (below) like he got his little hands on a bad batch. Perhaps, among his many, many weaknesses, like his inability to listen, think or move very well, Chrump also can’t see too well. As I have said many times over the past few years, anyone who sees what Chrump sees in the mirror before going out in public and says, “Yep, that looks good,” has any number of issues, not the least of which is serious emotional problems and probably brain damage.
Someone should teach him how to wash
his face or more likely, do it for him.*

* As always, we apologize for posting such graphic and disturbing images; we hope no one will be emotionally scarred or made physically ill for having seen this one.

I. Mangrey reporting. Just callin’ ‘em the way I see ‘em.

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