Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Never Been There, Shouldn't Be Doing That

Shameless Shitheads Sowing Stupidity

May 13, 2020

Shameless Shithead #1: Fucking Mike Pence
In the 1980s a number of states implemented laws making it a crime to knowingly expose someone to HIV.  That is, if you tested positive for the virus and say, engaged in unprotected sex with someone without telling them of your health status, you could be charged with a felony and if found guilty, go to jail.
In the year of our pain 2020, we have top government officials knowingly exposing people to another deadly virus in broad daylight.  These individuals are shamelessly jeopardizing the lives of others.  Vice President Death Mike Pence, for example, who has had extensive exposure to numerous people who have tested positive for COVID-19, including his personal press secretary, waltzed right up to a nursing home, unloaded boxes from a truck for the cameras.  Pence did this with ungloved hands, and unmasked face.  He then placed the photo-op boxes at the entrance of the facility, thereby potentially exposing residents and staff to the virus that he may or may not be carrying right now.  It is not known, but is likely that Pence knew he had been in close contact with his COVID-19-positive press secretary at the time.  One would be wise to assume the worst.
It is well accepted that asymptomatic people are one of the most common ways this virus spreads.  Pence did not need to engage in unprotected sex with anyone in order to expose them to COVID-19.  Nonetheless he was potentially fucking these people out of pure arrogance and malice.  It seems that Chrump and Pence and their fellow grovellers would rather err on the side of stupid than on the side of caution.  Especially when it comes to the lives of American people making under six figures.  Your tax dollars at work ladies and gentlemen.

Shameless Shitheads #2-6: Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch & Kavanaugh
Yesterday the Supreme(ly partisan and pro-corporate, anti-democracy) Court heard oral arguments regarding the release of Donald Chrump’s tax returns and bank records, and generally whether or not the United States is a moronarchy.  Chrump’s right, in fact any president’s right to ignore congressional subpoenas, or to be investigated for committing any crime – including, but not limited to, shooting someone in broad daylight (think of it as a more personalized version of what he’s been doing with the coronavirus) – has been denied by countless courts across the land for several years now. 
Not-so-useful idiot Clarence Thomas agonized over the idea that it might happen that a president of the United States has committed so many potentially criminal acts that addressing all of them in the courts could interfere with said president’s ability to perform his constitutional duties.  Such a president, it would seem, would clearly have determined that his job, rather than protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States, was instead to abuse the Constitution and do whatever the fuck he (or theoretically she) wanted.  One would think that any president who was that busy doing things that the courts deemed worthy of investigating, might be better off not being president of the United States any longer.  According to Uncle Thomas, one would be sadly mistaken and should be protected against the people’s justice being brought to bear.  Our current president wouldn't know a constitutional duty if it grabbed him by the pussy.
After losing every single court battle everywhere, Chrump finally gets to have his day in Supreme Court, which may already be politicized beyond repair for a few decades.   Chrump and his army of tax-protecting lawyers claim that as president he completely immune from any sort of scrutiny by anyone for any reason.  How the highest court in the land has even taken this case is beyond me.  I’m not a lawyer, but ask anyone – I have a very good brain and I probably know more about law and the Constitution than, I would say, anyone has ever known.  But, what do I know?  We can only hope he is not completely immune from absolutely everything, if you catch my virus…I mean drift.
Bruce Cockburn – Call it Democracy
I. Mangrey reporting with fingers crossed.  Free your mind and your ass will follow.

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