Friday, May 15, 2020

Dead Country Walking

Killing Us Softly…Well, Not So Much Softly As Slowly

May 15, 2020

Some people insist that Donald Chrump is very good at selling himself and at staying one step ahead of the sheriff.  I tended to believe otherwise, but I might be wrong.  He might have been right about not losing a single vote after shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue, but it remains possible – at least for the time being, unless and until the Supreme Court decides differently – that he would be charged with murder.
However, now that Chrump is literally killing people every day with his ingenious pandemic two-step, it looks as though he will not only not keep every single vote (with the exception of the inevitable collateral damage – those of his followers who end up dead thanks to Chrump’s handiwork), but as has all too often been the case, he will avoid the consequences.  That is, unless America becomes unstupid enough to avoid giving him another four years to finish off the land of the free, the home of the brave, and for now at least the electorate of the incredibly ignorant.  Chrump continues to impress over 40 percent of Americans that he is handling the pandemic well.  Clearly, both Chrump and his good friend the coronavirus have caused considerable brain damage across this great land of ours.
Find the idiot in this picture
Chrump’s latest psychotically ignorant moment saw him telling some of the only people who still have jobs – a group of assembly line workers in an Allentown, PA plant where masks are manufactured (while, of course, not wearing a mask himself) – “We have more cases than anybody in the world.  But why?  Because we do more testing.  When you test, you have a case.  When you test, you find something is wrong with people.  If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.  They don’t want to write that.  It’s common sense.  So we test much more many, many times.”  Common sense, right?  Chrump has no concept of common, or sense.  He proves this every time he attempts to have a thought.
Chrump’s chief apologist/enabler Moscow Mitch McConnell had to apologize for apologizing for Chrump’s constant blaming of Barack Obama, “I was wrong.  They [the Obama administration] did leave behind a plan, so I clearly made a mistake in that regard. As to whether or not the plan was followed, or who’s the critic and all the rest, I don’t have any observation about that because I don’t know enough about the details.”  Really.  He doesn’t know enough about the details.  Really.  Well, I know enough about the details to say unequivocally with all due respect, “Fuck you Moscow Mitch, you lying sack of shit.” 
I. Mangrey reporting.                                                        

1 comment:

  1. Michigan’s attorney general implored Trump to wear a face mask on his tour, citing a “legal responsibility” under state law, as well as a “social and moral responsibility.” Trump claimed “I had one [a mask] on before,” in an area that was not visible to reporters and that it was “not necessary,” but added: “I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it.” (CNBC / Washington Post / CNN)

    I mean, how old is this dude?
