Friday, March 3, 2017

Sessions Is In Court

Courting Disaster?

March 3, 2017
Jefferson Beauregard No-Longer-In Sessions it seems is not just your every-day runt-of-the-mill racist asshole. He is also, it appears, a lying no good Russia-lover. First he said he did not have political relations with that country. Then he said he might have had some conversations with the Russian Ambassador. Then he said oh yes he did speak with the Russian Ambassador, but could not for the miserable life of him, remember what they might have talked about. Then he said he could remember what they did not talk about. Finally, we are told that they talked about Ukraine. Pardon me if I remain somewhat skeptical about having a racist, two-faced, lying little varmint as Attorney General. Despite all of this, the Conspiracy-theorist-in-chief still has “total” confidence in little Jeff B.S. I wonder if this level of confidence rises to that bestowed upon erstwhile National Security Advisor Mike Flynn. Remember Mike Flynn? Me neither.

Sessions, before oozing into the Attorney General position, served on the Senate Armed Services committee, and in that capacity it would not be unusual for him to speak to foreign dignitaries. However, at the time in question, Sessions was a key figure in the Chrump campaign, so who knows what the purpose of such conversations might have been. Especially given the secretive and dubious nature of Chrump’s relationship to Russians in general, and Putin specifically. And maybe, if Sessions has so much trouble remembering who he spoke with and what they spoke about, he should find another line of work. I think he would make a wonderful janitor, or an anvil salesman.
If Sessions did not lie under oath about having contact with the Russians, then what actually happened? If he did lie, as now seems the case, then why? If his conversations with the Russian Ambassador were not about anything improper – like how the Russians were helping Chrump to beat Hillary Clinton – then why did he lie to the Senate Judiciary Committee instead of just answering the question Sen. Al Franken asked him? Franken did not ask Sessions if he spoke with any Russians, yet in evading the question Sessions said that he did not meet with any Russians. Ultimately, Sessions appeared to recall his conversation in surprising detail. Quite impressive a day or so after having no recollection. And what is it with these Republican’ts and Russia anyway? It seems the Obama administration was wise to protect the information it had on the Chrump-Russia connections from being “lost” by the incoming Putin Chrump administration.
Je Recuse
The latest word is that Sessions has recused himself from any possible investigations into Chrump and his Russian connections. And so soon after Sean Spice-boy told Fux and Friends that there was no reason for Sessions to recuse himself, although he said it much more clumsily…as is his wont. The recusal issue, oddly enough, was the gist of Al Franken’s question to Sessions, which went unanswered. Since whatever this is caused Jumpy Jeff to recuse himself, can his resignation be far off? Or just far out? Something smells awfully odd, and for once it is not me.
I. Mangrey on the case.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

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