Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Show Me the Monkey

March 13, 2017

I have often tried to convince myself that there was some good in capitalism. The more I see and hear, the more I realize that there are simply few or no redeeming qualities, unless of course you are already at or near the top of the food chain. Or if you happen to be a corporation/person. We expect Republican’ts to rail against any and all regulations – except those stopping actual human people from suing corporations, or those interfering with voting rights, or human rights, or equal pay. I listen to average Americans complain about the intrusion of OSHA and all manner of environmental regulations and my head starts throbbing. They parrot the notion that all of these terrible rules cause everything to cost more and kill jobs. These fake-information citizens have bought into the corporate notion of Profit Uber Alles. It is all about profit for those at the top, not those who do all the work of course. Screw worker safety. The environment can go to hell. Your food and drugs are as safe as they need to be, so stop whining. So many Americans are willing to protect corporations at their own expense. As I have said before, a rising tide lifts all yachts.
Corporatists talk about the free market as though it has inherent, infinite wisdom. And as though it is free. It is free to do as it pleases. The vaunted Invisible Hand of the so-called free market is nothing more than an invisible thumb-on-the-scale of societal fair play in a civilized culture. Or perhaps just a middle finger.
If He’s Ryan, He’s Lyin’
Corporate whore Paul Ryan can barely contain his Ayn Randian glee over finally having the power to stop poor people from having real access to health care. Ryan has been foaming at the mouth to rip Obamacare to shreds since it became a possibility. Before we forget that Obamacare was almost entirely a Republican’t creation that Obama settled for, or that Paul Ryan himself benefitted from federal government largess as a young man, we should recall that Ryan and his party have had seven years to work out the details of Strangle and Bury – they call it Repeal and Replace. Still, they just barely squeezed out a poorly thought-out, as-yet-incomplete, wholly incompetent “plan”, like a man who refuses to drink a drop of liquid, subsisting on beef jerky for several months, who then wonders why his bowels are not cooperating as he enters his fifth straight hour on the toilet. What finally exits body at that point…that is Ryancare.
Ryan said, “We are doing an act of mercy” by repealing the Affordable Care Act, knowing that, among other very merciful acts, his plan eliminates coverage for mental health care. I guess you cannot value what you do not recognize, understand or have. This miserable excuse for a human being, who grew up benefitting from Social Security and now has healthcare paid for by you and all your little tax-paying friends, wants to abdicate his responsibility and place it on “people” when he pulls the healthcare rug out from under them. John Dickerson asked Ryan, "How many people are going to lose coverage?" Ryan blithely answered, "I can't answer that question. It's up to people. People are going to do what they want to do with their lives." Yeah, just because Ryan shoots you in the head, it is not his fault if you decide to bleed out. These are just decisions people have to make. Once the government stops forcing healthcare on us, we can decide if it is in our best interest to have access to doctors or if, as Ryan’s fellow ghoul Jason Chaffetz believes, we would rather get a smart phone.

So, as Ryan said, “People are going to do what they want to do with their lives.” It is much easier to sell a kidney than it is to afford dialysis so why bother wasting your hard-earned pennies on health care you might never use; you know you will use that phone for all kinds of things. And once Ryancare or Chrumpcare or whatever the hell they want to call it kicks in, they won’t have a heck of a lot of time to spend worrying about it. In the meantime, the Paul Ryan express is ruining on schedule. Ryan and company figure they can just destroy the Affordable Care Act and then count on the Democrats to clean up the mess. Because, you know, Republican’ts only had seven years to come up with a working plan and then had to stay up all night, hopped up on meth, to get their homework in on time. Obviously, quality legislation was never their intent…and never will be.
Spicer goes all Bucky Fuller, selling his “smaller is better” package
Six pages of this puny, worthless bill that Republican’ts know full well is a piece of shit designed to kill countless poor Americans, are devoted to spelling out – in uncharacteristic detail – how to take the miserly vouchers away from “high-dollar lottery winners”, should some miserable wretch somehow manage to escape poverty by hitting the numbers. The don’t-let-lottery-winners-get-free-health-insurance section is about 1/10 of the entire bill. Sean Spitball almost hurt himself demonstrating just how devoid of substance Ryan’s Avoidable Healthcare Act is. What the reprehensible Republican’ts did not bother telling anyone is that secret White House analysis of the Republican’t plan showed 2,000,000 more people losing their health insurance than the 24,000,000 predicted by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. But not to worry, the bill makes up for throwing millions of poor people to the wolves by providing lots of tax breaks for insurance companies and their CEOs. Since all of this is not enough carnage for conservatives, look for Ryan’Scare to appease them by becoming even more draconian before all is dead and done.

Pence and Ryan learn that Ryan’Scare will mercifully help 26,000,000 lose health insurance
I. Mangrey reporting. Ask your doctor if smart phones are right for you.
Health insurance is for losers…and members of Congress.

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