Saturday, March 25, 2017

Repeal and Disgrace

Yes They Can't

Winnington, DC
March 25, 2017
Blathering about Obamacare, about which Chrump knew (and continues to know) absolutely nothing, the candidate told his adoring minions, “It will be repealed and replaced. It will be essentially simultaneously. It will most likely be on the same day or the same week, but probably the same day. Could be the same hour.” That day, or week, or day, or hour came and/or went yesterday or the day before or minutes ago.
The winningest winner in the history of winning is now 0 for everything. For those keeping score, it is now two Muslim bans and one destruction-of-Obamacare shot to hell. Chrump is unfazed. Or braindead. It is hard to tell. Maybe I have no idea what winning means, because this seems like a bucket load of loser-esque losing to me. Or perhaps this is what the new kids in DC call “alternative-winning”. I simply cannot take all this big league winning. I am having a very hard time adjusting to this new alt-reality.
From a recent fortune cookie
Naturally Chrump and the Republican’ts are blaming, not the Tea Party, not the crappy hate-filled Bill of Death (with the 17% approval rating) Paul Ryan put forth, not the alternative-winning president who makes the best deals, but the Democrats. Apparently, Hair Chrump believes that since the Republican’ts were willing to shoot themselves in the balls, the Democrats should have been willing to shoot themselves in the foot by helping to repeal the Affordable Care Act they fought for decades to enact. In fact, the Dems were so desperate to get better health care for more Americans that they were willing to go with something that was little more than plans put forth by Reagan, Dole, Romney and others, than something they really thought would work well. That would be the (not-at-all) disastrous Obamacare that Republicants tried to repeal and ignore more than 60 times over the past seven years. The Obamacare that Republican’t governors have been sabotaging for seven years. The Obamacare that Chrump called “a total disaster”, which 12 million more people just signed up for last month. The Obamacare that Ben Carson said was the “worst thing since slavery”. And the Obamacare that Joe Biden, within earshot of the entire world, called “a big fucking deal” the day it was signed into law.
Obama did not comment on Chrump’s big alternative win
Chrump, who still insists that thousands of Muslims were dancing in the streets on 9/11, that millions of people voted illegally in 2016 and that Obama or the British, or Martians tapppppped his wires during the election, vows that Obamacare will self-destruct this year because it was meant to do so once Obama left office. My hope is that the alt-president will hold his breath until this happens. We have in the White House a belligerent child who cannot admit a mistake. The Wall Street Journal said Chrump “clings to his assertions like a drunk to an empty gin bottle”. In his defense, it is entirely possible that Chrump would not recognize a mistake if it was sitting right on top of his vacuous head.

After his latest crushing defeat Chrump told reporters, “I never said anything about repeal and replace. Other people said that, I was just repeating what I heard in the failing newspapers. I am here to sign things. Today I got to sit in a big truck and blast the horn as much as I wanted. I don’t care about Obamacare. I’m a tax cut guy. I win. That’s what Donald Chrump does. I was right about Obamacare all along. I don’t think Obamacare was even born in this country, and I have amazing proof that I will show you when the time is right. I'm a very instinctual person, but my instinct turns out to be right. Hey, look, in the meantime, I guess I can't be doing so badly, because I'm president, and you're not.”(He actually said the italicized part.)

Even after pulling a Cheney – feeding phony information to the House Intelligence Committee chairman – and then acting surprised when said chairman came running to him with this critical information, Chrump got nothing for his trouble. Except more trouble. At least Cheney – after anonymously feeding a story to the New York Times and then quoting the same article to back up his lies, got what he wanted – an illegal war in Iraq. If only he could have used his cleverness for good instead of evil.
Chrump is winning so bigly that his poll numbers are breaking records. Never has a president had such unbelievable approval and disapproval numbers so early in his first term. Never.
Approve: 37%  Disapprove: 55% Nobody’s done it better
As Chrump’s approval rating's suicide watch goes to double red alert, another new poll ranks the “happiness” rating of countries across the globe. According to Talking Points Memo: The rankings are based on income and life expectancy figures, along with how people rate social support, personal freedom, corruption and generosity. Together it is used to generate a happiness score from 1 to 10. The United States ranks 14th with a 6.99.
Chrump assures America, “Everything is going just fine.”
It might be a coincidence that all of the top 10 happiest countries all have universal health care. It might not be a coincidence since every industrialized nation but one – old #14 – has universal health care. Also none of the top 10 have Don Chrump as their leader.
I. Mangrey reporting. I yield the rest of my time.

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