Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Hear No Reality, See No Reality, Speak No Reality

Who You Gonna Believe, Your Lyin' Eyes or His Lyin' Mouth? 

July 25, 2018 

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.  It was their final , most essential command”
George Orwell, 1984 - June 8, 1949 

“It's all working out. Just remember: what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." 
Donald Trump – July 24 2018 

Wow, you mean I am not in fact seeing an orange-colored bag of protoplasm masquerading as a mammal masquerading as a human masquerading as a president of the United States?  I have not felt this happy since I saw that Apprentice nutbag’s agonizing descent down that escalator, only to become more agonizing once he opened his face sphincter and uttered those disgraceful words about Mexicans.  I cannot tell you how relieved I am to learn that it never really happened.  FAKE NEWS.  That was a close one.  Can you imagine what life would be like if that buffoon was anything other than a reality show clown?   

In case any further proof that reality has been battered like an artificially-orange-haired step-president, Der Furor did his best to eliminate every shred of doubt.  He took to his safe space, Twitter, to assure anyone who was still unsure, that he is a dangerously delusional sociopath, adrift and untethered – an Orange Gas Cloud. 

Chrump opens up can of dumbass
That’s right folks, the very people whose efforts were in no small part responsible for the Chrumping of America, support the Democrats – except for Hillary Clinton apparently.  And their strong and powerful president, who stood next to his little bitch in Helsinki answered, “Yes I did,” when asked, “President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?”   Nothing we did not already know from a variety of sources, but it never hurts to get a public admission.  But according to the beneficiary of Putin’s affections, now that his Malignant Candidate is in the White House, he has decided to switch sides to elect his man’s unwavering opposition.  I’m glad we cleared that up. 
You might be interested to know that both Chrump’s Ministry of Information and the Kremlin altered the exchange to disappear Putin’s admission of favoring Chrump.  The Kremlin simply excised the entire exchange.
Remember in June 2016 when Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Leader and now an avid Chrumper, told colleagues – including Paul Ryan – that he thought “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump”?  Ryan’s only response was, “This is an off the record.”  Some of his colleagues laughed at that.  Ryan continued, “No leaks, all right?  This is how we know we’re a real family here.”  Then it was immediately leaked.  Nice family you got there.  Be a shame if nothing happened to them.
But Wait, There’s More
Chrump told a crowd of mindless drones, “Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news.  I mean, I saw a piece on NBC today – NBC, not just CNN.  CNN’s the worst.  But I saw a piece on NBC.  It was heart throbbing.  They were interviewing people.  They probably go through 20 and then pick the one that sounds like the worst.  But they went through a group of people. In fact, I wanted to say, ‘I got to do something about this Trump.’”  Finally, Chrump has a brush with reality.
Speaking of mindless drones, Sean Spicer in his new (joke) book, called Chrump “…a unicorn, riding a unicorn over a rainbow.”  I kid you not.
I. Mangrey recoiling. 

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