Friday, June 7, 2019

Thought For The Day

Joe Biden Is An Idiot
June 7, 2019
Joe Biden will soon learn that he should have quit while he still smelled like Obama, instead of that tray of sushi you accidentally left under your driver’s seat last month.  Biden would like you to forget that he was a key architect of and Senate whip for the 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, which made it harder for consumers to declare bankruptcy.  Biden fought for the rights of Americans to be denied the ability to declare bankruptcy, while allowing corporations wallowing in wealth to do so at will. 
Fun fact: Biden had to battle a professor Elizabeth Warren, who questioned the wisdom (among other things) of protecting consumers by taking away their right to declare bankruptcy in desperate times. 
Feel free to ignore Joe’s history of standing up for corporations in their desperate struggle to overcome the relentless oppression at the hands of the common man as you read the following. 
Girl Trouble
First, Joe waited until the eve of his announcement that he would be running one last failed campaign for president to apologize to Anita Hill for throwing her under the bus and clearing the way for the worst Supreme Court justice of all time, Clarence “Uncle” Thomas.  Dr. Hill was unimpressed by Biden’s 28-year delay and stunning insincerity.  Clarence Thomas continues to be the un-scooped dog poop that ended up on the bottom of the Court’s shoe.
Next, one day after the former vice-president pledged to protect reproductive rights, Biden said he would stand by his long-held decision to back the 1976 Hyde Amendment, which prevents the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or in cases of rape or incest.  The inclusion of the rape and incest language was signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1993. This amendment, of course, makes it all but impossible for poor folks, particularly women of color, to access completely legal abortions – all of which were made legal in 1973.  All.

Biden voted consistently to keep the amendment in place during his time in the Senate in the ’70s and ’80s.  He also fought efforts to add the rape and incest exceptions to the legislation. One day after this very stupid announcement, Biden said he could no longer stand behind the long-held position that he fully supported 24 hours earlier. GFY Joe.
To be fair, a guy named Donald Chrump changed his position on abortion five times in three days in 2016.
Clearly, all men should recuse themselves from weighing in on the issue of abortion.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

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