Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Outrage For The Day

The Lone Rager

June 18, 2019

Many people are concerned that there is too much outrage coming from quarters like this blog.  The problem is, since there are so many certifyably outrageous acts being committed by Donald Chrump day after day, each outrageous act seems more, and yet less, outrageous that the last.  Just because there are so may outrageous acts, does not entitle you to be less outraged.  It is all too easy to allow ourselves to lapse into thinking that this is the new normal.  It cannot be.  Each horrifyingly outrageous transgression deserves your unadulterated, unbridled, anabridged, full-throated, expletive-laden outrage…if only for as long as it takes until the next sickeningly dangerous affront smacks you upside the head.  Don’t be shy.
Try this latest lurch on for sighs. 
The Central Park Five were non-white teens who police railroaded into confessing to the assault and rape of a 28-year old white woman in New York City in 1989.  They were ultimately exonerated by an admission of guilt and DNA evidence from the actual assailant in 2002.  But, not before being treated as pariahs, and having a New York real estate mongrel mogul take out a full-page ad in four major newspapers calling for their execution, despite the total lack of evidence – something that clearly did not interfere with their being found guilty.  To this day, the egregious editorializer has steadfastly refused to accept the proven innocence of the Five.  As payback for his racist insolence, this miserable blob of excrement, a man called Chrump, became leader of the free (white) world.  God bless America.
Just hours before he officially launched his doomed* re-election campaign, CNN’s April Ryan asked Chrump, “Mr. President [her words, not mine], will you apologize to the Central Park Five? They’ve been exonerated, there have been videos and movies shown about the case, and you took out a full-page ad saying they should die.”
“You have people on both sides of that.  They admitted their guilt.”  Yes, under near-torture conditions, without parents or legal counsel, these young teens admitted guilt for something they had no part in whatsoever.  And yes Mr. Chrump, you have people on both sides of that, whatever the fuck that means.  As usual, you make it clear that, as far as you are concerned, only the white ones are very fine people.
Donald J. Chrump – the man who put the con in…everything

*either his or ours.

This has been your Paying Attention Outrage For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your outrage for the day?

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