Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Wrath of Con

The Party of Stinkin’

June 6, 2019
“These folks have less empathy than shame, but you'd need a microscope to find either one.”
                            Charles P.Pierce, Esquire Magazine (5/31/19)
The Republican’t brand has been deteriorating since that fateful night at Ford’s Theater on April 14, 1865.  They seemingly hit peak puke on July 21, 2016 with their nomination of Donald J. Chrump and his lickspittle Mike Pence.  I say seemingly of course, because the nomination of the narcissistic, daughter-groping, sexual predator, racist, moron conman (not necessarily in that order) was merely the tip of the giant, climate-crisis-resistant shit-berg into which the country formerly known as America subsequently found itself careening at breakneck speed.  Now we are obliged to watch the Hindenburg of presidents, looking on in horror, simultaneously dreading and craving the chance to watch it burst into flames without taking all of us with it.
Chrump shows his appreciation for Ivanka on stage at the 2016 RNC
The fact that Chrump has the support of some 90 percent of Republican’ts shows how morally and intellectually bankrupt the party that used to be of-Lincoln, that used to be of-Reagan, that remains to this day in many ways of-Nixon and that is now a feces-infused wad of lint in the ill-fitting pocket of currently-disgraced, soon-to-be-pariah Donald J. Chrump, has become.  Their hard work is really paying off – literally, if you focus on the insane, perpetual tax cuts for the rich.  But, not so much for our nation’s truckers who have seen their tax burden skyrocket thanks to the Chrump/Republican’t tax “cuts.”
Oddly, not everyone finds the Republican’t approach robbing the poor to give to the rich and rush to fascism to their liking, and the percentage of voters willing to admit to being Republican’t continues its steady decline.  As such, Republican’ts cannot win a fair national election.  They need the Electoral College to win the presidency.  Republican’ts must also lie, cheat and steal most down-ballot elections using every means necessary, including their latest attempt to distort the Census in order to disenfranchise even more non-white voters. 
Republican’ts have shown, and continue to show that they are much more than willing to “win” this way.  They did not bat an eye as Russia interceded on Chrump’s behalf in 2016.  In fact, Mitch McConnell threatened Obama not to publicize the fact that American intelligence was already investigating the possible complicity of the Chrump campaign.  McConnell and company now have their eyes epoxied shut as the Russians (and others?) build on their success in getting their guy in the White House, in order to keep him around for another four years.  And, if Il Douche and his pet attorney general, subservient Senate and Supreme Court have anything to say about it, maybe 8, 12, or 16 more.  Chrump already said he deserves a do-over for his first two years because Democrats and the media had the temerity to say bad things about him.  He was practically drooling after Xi Jinping wrangled his president-for-life gig in China.  And, Chrump “joked,” “And maybe if we really like it a lot – and if things keep going like they're going – we'll go and we'll do what we have to do. We'll do a three and a four and a five.”  What a great sense of humor.
Everything is under control
I. Mangrey retorting.

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