Thursday, March 12, 2020

Chrump Goes Viral

Virus Posing As President Calms A Nation...NOT

March 12, 2020
America’s Virus-in-chief was finally forced to stop spreading the Novel Corona Virus, and remove his head from his very busy ass for 10 minutes in order to poorly read a statement on the COVID-19 virus.  Chrump has been desperate to have everyone ignore this rapidly spreading illness.  His main concern of course, is how it will affect his popularity.  Chrump is also worried sick that the Stock Market will crash.  Ironically, every move he has made to hide the problem has 1) caused the Market to drop precipitously almost every time he opens his oddly shaped mouth, and 2) delayed any sort of meaningful response, causing the spread of the virus to accelerate. 
As usual, Chrump’s delivery more resembled a hostage video than a presidential address.  He was clearly instructed to keep his hands folded in front of him like a problem child , in order to keep his happy-hands from performing their usual St. Vitus’ dance routine, though his thumbs kept trying to either escape or tweet throughout his pre-school-like delivery.  As usual, Chrump’s main message was, “It’s not my fault.  I did everything perfectly.  Everyone else messed up.”  Also as usual, he is dead wrong on both counts.  He fucked this up so badly from the get-go, and continues to do so with tremendous alacrity. 
Impeached-president reads words he does not understand to a fearful nation.*
The team Chrump has put in place, with anti-science marshmallow-brought-to-life Mike Pence in the lead, could not possibly be less qualified, or seemingly less interested in martialing even a minimally credible response, since job one appears to be protecting Chrump from looking like an idiot.  MISSION IMPOSSIBLE.

*As always, we apologize for posting such graphic and disturbing images; we hope no one will be emotionally scarred or made physically ill for having seen this one.

I. Mangrey respiring.  Wash your hands and stay at least six feet away from Chrump.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot unsee his orangina face. Also cannot listen to him. Yknow how it is..
