Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Perfect Thought For The Day

Build this wall.  I bet Mexico would pay for it.  I know I would.
Isn’t it beautiful?  It’s almost perfect.
A Perfect Fool
March 17, 2020
Forget for a moment (it may of course last but a moment) that Donald Chrump is pretending to be presidential now that he has been compelled to admit, at least in public, that the Novel Coronavirus is not the fake news hoax he was pedaling for so long.  He almost seems so sincere.  Chrump is no less the Disaster-in-chief he has been since delivering his “American Carnage” inaugural address in front of the smallest inaugural crowd in memory.  He remains IMPEACHED.  He remains the worst president, with the worst words and the worst people.  The casualties of the Chrump presidency are too many to count.  So I will pick just one…for now.
Another casualty in the War on Reality, the raison d'être of the Chrump presidency if not the very existence of Donald Jurassic Chrump, is the word ‘perfect.’  He had a “perfect phone call,” which by most accounts by non-deranged observers was horrifying if not downright illegal.  The transcript of that “perfect phone call,” which we have all been repeatedly admonished to read, and which has never actually seen the light of day, being rather hidden in a secure undisclosed location, was also “perfect.”
Now our perfectly IMPEACHED* president is insisting that his response to the COVID-19 virus pandemic was “perfect.”  It is clear Chrump does not know the meaning of the word perfect, as is the case with so many of the words that come staggering out of the gaping hole beneath his orange-dyed nose.  We know the word has no meaning to America’s chief narcissist because he said this: “The tests are all perfect, like the letter was perfect, the transcription was perfect, right? This was not as perfect as that, but pretty good.”  “Not as perfect as that?” So it was only partially perfect?  I think there are words for that, but ‘perfect' is surely not one of them. 
Thanks to Chrump, many other words have already been horribly mangled and/or abused, if not rendered moot for all time: brain, genius, wall, swamp, hair, Article 2, hoax, president, and of course – America.
He “thinks” he has the best words 

This has been your Paying Attention Perfect Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?  Is it perfect?  Doesn’t matter.

*Unfortunately, this is not entirely true; if the impeachment was perfect, Chrump would have been convicted and removed from office.  However, it was not the fault of the impeachment, it was obviously the gutless Republicant’s, refusing to hear witnesses that would have turned public opinion against Mr. Perfect-Phone-Call, preferring to protect their jobs rather than our democracy and for a number of us, perhaps our lives.

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