Monday, March 16, 2020

Right Wing, Wrong Brain

My Corona

March 16, 2020
Whenever something out of the ordinary occurs, people look for explanations that make them feel safe.  We seek to understand the world around us in ways that make sense to us.  Sometimes we reach for descriptions that are basically ridiculous, but are comforting because any explanation feels better than the sensation of helplessness generated by a world that is simply beyond our control and/or comprehension.  

Many people believe that the lone-gunman theory for the assassination of JFK is implausible, and others think the vast conspiracy theory is nuts.  Conspiracy theories of all kinds emerged after 9/11.  There are people who insist we never landed on the Moon.  Many people still think the world is flat and that evil scientists have brainwashed us into thinking it is spherical because…how the hell should I know what possible reason these fruit-bats have for this one?  The COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic is another in a long line of events causing all manner of responses, including no small number of conspiracy theories. 
Our Conspiracy-theorist-in-chief has done his part to ensure that the public has the worst possible information, and remains confused about what is happening and what to do about it.  Remember, Chrump’s uncle was a “super genius” who somehow passed his super-geniusness to his nephew, who now claims to “get it” and understand more about this pandemic than anyone else.  Chrump did get his middle name from his uncle – is Chrump telling us that his “uncle” had more to do with Donald’s genetic make-up than was previously realized?  Was “Uncle” John a lot closer to Donald’s mother than anyone knew?  Is this just another conspiracy theory?
I have my own thoughts on the Coronavirus matter, which I have posted on my non-existent Twitter account…

For the record, this is not a real conspiracy theory, but we cannot ignore the possibility that the most corrupt, power-mad, mentally unstable organism ever to inhabit the White House might try to use this tragedy to his personal advantage.  He probably is also the one buying up all the toilet paper, since he always flushes his toilet 15 times.

I. Mangrey reporting.  My hands are clean.

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