Monday, March 23, 2020

Dumb Wasn’t Built In A Day

This Burns Me Up

March 23, 2020
Hey, remember George W. Bush?  Remember how we thought George II was a blithering idiot who did not read or understand most of what went on around him?
You can’t judge a book by its stupid cover, but
every page of this one was riddled with typos
Remember his August 6, 2001 President’s Daily Brief (PDB) entitled, “Bin Laden Determined To Strike In U.S.”?  Remember how he completely ignored the message because he was busy vacationing on his “ranch”?  And then one month later bin Laden attacked in U.S., and then Bush invaded Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia?
Segment of August 6, 2001 PDB, including its vague heading
Well guess what?  Donald Chrump was warned beginning back in January about the coming pandemic.  U.S. intelligence agencies were issuing ominous, classified warnings in January and February about the global danger posed by the coronavirus.  Chrump was also warned that Chinese officials appeared to be minimizing the severity of the outbreak.  Apparently Chrump interpreted this warning the wrong way, instead deciding it was a great strategy.
Chrump had numerous reports and warnings saying that the novel coronavirus could well become a global pandemic that could require governments to take swift actions to contain it.  The only swift action one can expect from Chrump is the inhalation of a bucket of chicken or a series of hamberders.  As usual, Chrump determined the best course of action was to ignore the experts and lie to the American public.  As I always say, you go with your strengths.
Despite these repeated dire warnings Chrump and his Republican’t ass-kissing team continued to insist publicly that all was well for another two months.  Apparently, the virus did listen to the experts and did exactly what the experts said it would do.  Chrump continued insisting he was the victim, calling the whole thing a fake news hoax as opposed to taking immediate – or any – action, which might have slowed the spread of the virus.
The main action taken by some Republican’ts was lying to the public while simultaneously dumping millions of dollars of stocks in order to get out ahead of the Market crash they knew was coming.  Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Richard Burr (R-N.C.) each sold hundreds of thousands of dollars (over a million each for Burr and Loeffler) in stocks within days of classified Senate briefings with Chrump officials on the threat of the coronavirus outbreak.  Coincidentally, Loeffler’s husband is the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange; I’m sure she had no idea that was his job, and that they have no idea how and when their stocks are traded (which is what they claim)

America's top infectious disease doctor/expert Anthony Fauci tries to face-palm
his way out of listening to Chrump's “hunches” about the pandemic
In fact, Chrump continues to ignore all the experts in medicine, intelligence and national security.  Chrump’s most trusted advisors are people like Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, the three-headed-mental-midget that is Fux and Friends and greedy CEOs, none of whom has a clue how the real world works for real people, and most of whom barely have the brain power to screw in a lightbulb.  Chrump’s only concern is himself – his money and his reelection. 
Chrump is clearly more comfortable with thousands of Americans dying than he is with the economic pain he and his (actually) rich buddies might have to endure.  According to reports, Chrump is dying (killing?) to over-rule the medical community and end the period of social distancing very soon.  Der Furor continually whines about not being appreciated enough for the selfless and amazing work he is doing to make himself great again.  Chrump’s primary concern of late is the fact that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s briefings are getting much better reviews than Chrump’s insane, delusion-and-lie-filled daily rally-replacements/press events.
Chrump is like an arsonist who notices your house is covered with gasoline, lets it marinate a while, and lights it up.  Then he and his fire bask in each other’s orange glow.  Unsurprisingly, he doesn’t call 911 (in this analogy the arsonist has disbanded the entire 911/first responder network), but our little firebug shows up a day or so later with a gallon of water, drinks the water and then pisses on the smoldering remains of the house.  Next, he pats himself on the back and then calls a press conference demanding praise for his heroic efforts to save the house.  Just another perfect job done perfectly by Mr. Perfect.
I didn’t start the fire
I. Mangrey reporting.  What’s got you burned up?

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