Tuesday, March 10, 2020

How Much Stupid Is Enough?

Bon Appetite, Morons

March 10, 2020
The anti-science idiots at Fux News, along with their fellow travelers across the loony-far-right-wing yakking mouth-breather landscape, and the object of their afflictions – Donald Jumping-Jehoshaphat Chrump – are taking a stand against the COVID-19 coronavirus.  But not in a good way.  Rather than risk getting out ahead of the pandemic everyone knew could be a problem, Chrump and his brain-dead minions insisted that it was nothing to worry about.  As always, Der Furor insists that he knows more than all the experts.
Perhaps, since Chrump was responsible for gutting the government agencies charged with managing major health crises, Chrump thought it best to pretend everything was fine.  You might think there would be at least behind-the-scenes preparations just in case.  You would be very, very wrong.
Chrump appears to have been what he almost always is – WRONG. He is anti-science, anti-health, anti-everything-but-himself.  This is not entirely accurate.  Chrump is clearly trying to kill himself with his diet, his aversion to exercise, and now his insistence on ignoring warnings from everyone around him on how to minimize risk of contracting a unique virus that can be passed on by people who have no idea they might be sick.  Non-idiots were warning people to take precautions like washing hands frequently, not touching the face, staying home if symptomatic – common-sense stuff.
When he is not outright lying his ass off about the pandemic, Chrump continues to downplay the danger in order to protect the Stock Market, and how things might affect his political standing.  Either very brave or very stupid (brave is not something Cadet Bone Spurs has ever been accused of being), Chrump has continued to hold rallies, travel to conferences – one of which led several Republican’ts to self-quarantine (including Chrump’s new chief-of-staff temp) as a result of coming into direct physical contact with someone who it later turned out had the COVID-19 infection. 
Typhoid Donny – more sickening (literally) than ever
Chrump himself was at that conference and within days was out shaking hands with an unknown number of mentally frail fans.  Maybe he thinks that, since his hands are so small, he is safe from contracting and/or spreading this virus.  Or maybe he just wants to take everyone with him.  Many Chrumpers insist, like their dear leader, that this virus is just another hoax perpetrated by Democrats.
I was about to complain that Chrump just spent another weekend stealing our tax dollars at another of his golf outings while even his beloved Dow Jones is tanking like we have not seen in a long time.  Then I realized that if he would just shut up and keep golfing we would all be better off.
Stupid Size Me
All of this is just another in an endless parade of examples of how those who live and breathe Fux News and similar sources of disinformation – like the Impeached-president himself – are engaging in the intellectual equivalent of Morgan Spurlock's social experiment detailed in the documentary “Super Size Me.”  Or in this analogy, “Stupid Size Me.” 
Spurlock, 32 years old at the time, ate only McDonalds food – including as many super-sized meals as were available – for a month and gained 24 pounds in 30 days.  On top of that, he experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and fat accumulation in his liver.  I guess this explains the essence of Chrump and many of his supporters.  It took Spurlock 14 months to lose all the weight gained from his experiment using a specially-designed vegan diet.  Chrump and his malignant minions have no plans to change their information diets.  Not for one nanosecond, let alone 14 months.  And forget their livers, the fat is accumulating in their brains.
William H. Taft & Donald J. Chrump – super-sized presidents
The accumulation of intellectual flab, the psychological damage and social dysfunction that results from a constant diet of McDonalds-like completely substance-free disinformation is eventually fatal, just as a diet of nothing but McDonalds food would be fatal.  Spurlock only experimented with his exclusive McDonalds diet for one month.  Imagine what would have become of him after six months, a year.  On second thought, don’t do that.
It is already proven that people who depend on Fux for their “news” are less in touch with the facts, with reality than those who watch no news at all.  Fux News might more accurately be described as the intellectual equivalent of eating lead paint for lunch every day.  Zero nutrition, scientifically proven to be toxic, damaging to intellectual function, not fit for human consumption.  The problem is, unlike living on and then dying from ingesting too much McDonald’s food or lead paint, if your life ends as a result of the food you eat, you die and those who care about you are depressed for a while, though probably not surprised.  If you continue to poison yourself with the information you consume from right wing lie-and-conspiracy-theory merchants, you will kill all of us.  So, get the facts or get fucked.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Still cautious and nauseous.

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