Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Verrrrry Interesting, But Predictable

Joe Biden’s Movement…No, Not That Movement

March 4, 2020

The most diverse field in history is down to this

Joe Biden is the mascot for the campaign to stop what the Democratic Party leadership fears more than anything – not a second term for Donald Chrump, but a first term for Bernie Sanders.  The party has marshaled all the forces and big names it can muster.  Their corporate backers are fully on board, as is the corporate media.  They all agree that Sanders must be stopped at all costs.  They claim to be worried that Bernie will get beaten by Chrump.  They are actually more worried that he will win.
What if Bernie wins the general election and becomes determined to implement his outrageous plans: taking immediate steps to protect the environment, holding corporations responsible for cleaning up after themselves, affordable health insurance for all Americans, free tuition at local colleges, student debt relief, black lives mattering, un-bloating the military budget, sensible gun control legislation, letting women choose what to do with their bodies, real criminal justice reform, sane/humane immigration policies, returning to a more reasonable tax rate on the super-rich.  You know, the kinds of policies most Americans want.  The Democratic establishment is not worried that Bernie will lose to Chrump; they are worried that he will win and the old guard will finally be relegated to the dustbin of history.  I’m looking at you Joe Biden.  And all the others leaping onto the Stop Bernie Wagon.
I can just picture it.  The biggest rally of Joe Biden’s campaign.  Biden is on fire…such as it is.  He manages to keep himself awake, remember his name and the purpose of his campaign – all at the same time.  The miracle of the moment is not wasted on his avid, I mean desperate-though-tepid supporters. 
The chant goes up, first as a faint whisper (so as not to startle Joe), then gradually louder until it can be heard by almost everyone in the hall.  Destined to join the ranks of the iconic “The people united will never be defeated,” the chant from protesters at the 1968 Chicago police riots outside the Democratic National Convention – “The whole world’s watching, the whole world’s watching,” and echoing the quintessential call-and-answer familiar to rallies, marches and protests across the globe, like “What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now!”
The Biden rally attendees would make their message heard loud and clear:
What do we want?  Unthreatening, stale, barely perceptible, incremental change that doesn’t happen too fast if at all!  When do we want it?  You know, when it’s convenient, or not too challenging, and doesn’t disrupt the corporate status quo, or, if it’s too much trouble we’ll understand, obviously we weren’t expecting much out of you to begin with!”
I. Mangrey reporting.

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