Monday, February 10, 2025

One Last Bit Of Super Bowl News

And The Winner is...

February 10, 2025, Late Edition

Philadelphia Eagles enjoying their first moments as Super Bowl champs

Thus far we have not heard whether Don #47 is claiming that the final score of the Super Bowl is fake news. He apparently stormed out long before the game was over, just as he did while much of the final vote count in the 2020 presidential election was being tallied. Only this time his team was never ahead, never close, almost never stood a chance, something which, as we all know all too well, would never stop him from spewing his alternative facts.

Don is a very, very small and mentally ill old man. His unique blend of dementia, toxic narcissism, unrivaled arrogance and unbridled stupidity would frighten The Hulk. 

The Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles should preemptively decline the White House invitation they will likely not get from the petty tyrant/ginormous asshole currently residing there. Some of the players chose not to go last time, and Our Lord and Lesion has not in any way changed for the better since then.

The last time was in 2018, after Don endlessly criticized NFL players who kneeled or raised their fists during the national anthem to protest racial injustice. Some Eagles players reportedly cited Don’s racist bullshit as a reason to decline the traditional Super Bowl champion visit to the White House. Don responded unsurprisingly by cancelling the event. 

The Philadelphia team doesn’t need to dine on room temperature fast food in the presence of the flaming racist who would just as soon shit all over them – as his disgusting cultists did to the Capitol and as he is currently doing to America – as shake their hands. Besides, Don is likely to have the team either arrested or deported.

I. Mangrey, reveling. Almost forgot what it's like to enjoy something.

Game Over

One For The Ages

February 10, 2025

Sunday, February 9, 2025

In Case You Forgot – E-A-G-L-E-S

Go Birds!   

February 9, 2025

Fingers crossed, sphincter tight, nerves frayed

This has been your Paying Attention™ Pic Of The Day Rerun.

Fascinating – Fascists Fucking Freedom For Fun

The Emperor Has No Brains…But Plenty Of Supporters*

February 9, 2025

Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) proposed an amendment Thursday that would allow presidents three terms in office – as long as they did not serve two consecutive four-year stints. While completely at odds with the Constitution, this amendment conveniently excludes Obama, Bill Clinton and George WTF Bush.

Now why didn’t I think of that? Oh, now I remember why – I’m not a deranged Fascist/Trump Party member who equates the Constitution with toilet paper. Or democracy with a suggestion box.

Ogles faced an FBI investigation into potential fraud involving campaign finance statements he filed during his first run for Congress in 2022. Less than two weeks after Don #47 was sworn in, the Justice Department withdrew from the on-going legal dispute over the FBI's access to evidence seized from Don’s ally Ogles last year, likely signaling that the charges will be dropped. Because in Trump’s America only criminals are immune from prosecution.

Is it possible that Ogles proposing a third term for his cult leader is his way of saying thanks, or is Ogles just an anti-democratic piece of shit? Inquiring minds want to know.

Just like the old expression: it’s not being paranoid if they really are after you, calling this a fascist takeover is not hyperbole when the world’s richest man who paid for his guy (who previously tried to violently take over the government) to become president and who now has control over his guy and much (soon-to-be all?) of our government’s financial data and control, not to mention now having unfettered access to all of our financial information, payment systems – Social Security and Medicare payments, tax returns, Social Security numbers, bank statements, etc. and will not shy away from using that information for his own greedy, megalomaniacal, sociopathic purposes.

Trump. Musk. Go.

Musk and Trump have already crippled NOAA, USAID, the FAA, the FBI and the CIA. Even if the courts determine some or all of these depredations must be reversed, long-term damage has already been done. 

Just know that it's going to get worse before it gets much worse.

From the rarely relevant New York Times:

The First Signs of Tyranny, From People Who Missed Them
NYT Opinion

I guess this is why we have a Second Amendment, whatever that means. I have no idea. I would never imply such a thing. Viva la Trump!

Trump is not Hitler – he is still a work in progress.
Give him time…no seriously, somebody, give him time already.


*Of equally diminutive mental stature.
**What The Fascinating Fuck

Pic Of The Day – E-A-G-L-E-S

Go Birds!   

February 9, 2025, Dark and early

Fingers crossed, sphincter tight, nerves frayed

This has been your Paying Attention™ Pic Of The Day.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Schmuck Of The Day – Ye

Cloudy With A Chance Of Morons Assholes

February 8, 2025

The idiot formerly known as Kanye, old pal of Don #47, was at it again. In a flurry of posts on good-old-reliable-X, formerly known as Twitter and current home fElon “Seig Heil” Murk, Con Ye once again let loose on his favorite target – Jews. With a sprinkling of wife-aimed misogyny thrown in for bad measure.

Ye, seen here realizing what a fucking asshole he is

Some of his clever bon mots included, “I love Hitler”, “I’m a Nazi”,  “Some of my best friends are Jewish and I don’t trust any of them” and the classically artistic “I don’t even know what the fuck anti Semitic means. It’s just some bullshit Jewish people made up to protect their bullshit”. A true genius.

Maybe he should have a little sit-down with the Mossad.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Schmuck Of The Day. Fuck yeah. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

NEW FEATURE: Don Trump Actually Fucking Said This™*

Cloudy With A Chance Of Showers

February 7, 2025

“When you're a rich person, you like to take a shower”.
Don Trump, January 21, 2025
(flanked as usual by several billionaires)

Partial context (because we’re better than they are): he was addressing the California wildfires at their peak.

Speaking of showers

*As always, the full context does not make it any better.

This has been Don Trump Actually Fucking Said This™* 

Cleanup On Aisle 47

It’s 6:00 In The Morning – Do You Know Who Your President Is?

February 7, 2025

Lemon Musk has latched his AI-and-Ketamine-addled brain onto the United States Treasury. He and his crack team of teen INCELs, he calls engineers* – between the ages of 19 and 24 – stormed the Treasury, threatened to call federal marshals on those who work there, and gained access to pretty much everything about everyone on file there. The-guy-who-bought-the-presidency has put himself (I know, Don thinks he gave fElon the job) in charge of trimming the fat, 90% of the meat and an untold amount of bone off the federal government. Remember, this is the guy who created the Cybertruck and ran Twitter right – and I mean FAR RIGHT – into the ground, turning it from your average everyday hellscape into a white nationalist, fascist, neo-nazi, psycho-shriek-fest.

Musk and his crack team of crackpot children at Treasury

fElon is also the guy who put up the money ($288M to be exact – as far as we know), and who knows what else, to ensure that a traitorous, convicted felon, beholden to fElon became the 47th and pre-certified worst fucking president in American history, a title he is earning every single excruciating, fucking day.

One of Musk’s first blowtorch-haircuts was the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which for 60 years (that’s 60 with a 60) has addressed hunger, disease and poverty for those in desperate need across the globe. Musk’s fiscal haircut, much like his own and that of his buddy Don’s, could not be more ridiculous and frightening.


Musk’s mortal wounding, heading toward first-degree murder of USAID is already causing death and devastation all over the world. Critical food and medicine have already stopped flowing to people who were surviving only with the help of USAID. This is a huge gift to China who has already begun providing assistance to people in need around the globe. This is something that powerful nations, especially those who prefer to present themselves as role models, and know the value of nurturing alliances, let alone carrying out acts of charity and morality.

Many people are complaining that no one person, let alone an unelected, sociopath can simply eliminate a government organization created by an act of Congress. These concerned legal scholars, legislators and others say this is completely illegal. Those people are living in a dream world. That Constitution stuff is so 1776.

With the stroke of his dick, Musk has killed USAID, or at least put it in a coma, with Musk standing over the bed jumping up and down like a dip-shit, ready to press a MyPillow over its face. Now that he personally has access to all our data, including our Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, all of our financial information, fElon has free reign to cancel those funds as well.

Word has it that an asteroid is likely to make contact with what’s left of the climate-crisis-ravaged Earth. Researches say that this answer to Humanity Gone Wild “might hit our planet on December 22, 2032”, though they say that there is “a less than 2% chance” of it actually hitting Earth. That does not mean we should give up hope.

We’re going to need a bigger asteroid.

*One of fElon’s little twerps is quoted as saying “I was racist before it was cool.”

I. Mangrey reporting through the pain.                                                            


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Questions For The Day – Egg/Face-Plant

How Would You Like Your Eggs? Over-Priced? Unaffordable?

February 6, 2025

Apparently, we have quite a few questions today.

By all accounts 77,301,997 Americans voted for convicted felon and self-professed Dictator-On-Day-One (And-Apparently-On-Every-Other-Fucking-Day) Don on November 5, 2024. According to those who talk about such things 24/7 the main issue (besides misogyny, racism, fascist tendencies and out-and-out stupidity) was THE PRICE OF EGGS, or to coin a phrase that Don was incalculably and ludicrously proud of “introducing” the very special word that no one had ever thought to use – groceries.

Pure genius I tells ya

Not Exactly An Egghead

As always, Little Donny Duncecap is impressed with his wording. He gives not one little shit about THE PRICE OF EGGS, which he told us as soon as he took office. And now egg prices are through the roof. But Donny is such a smart little boy because he knows words. He thinks no one else knows words. Well, I know a few myself. And I’m not afraid to use them. Words like brain-dead (just made that up, how do you like it?). Or schadenfreude (pretty spiffy, no?). Or how about Fuckface Von Clownstick (which Jon Stewart claims he made up just because he was the first one to say it). I could go on, but you seem like nice people so I’ll stop. For now.

Today’s (Official) Question For The Day:

Happy now?

Bonus Question:

Well, are ya, punk?

These have been your Paying Attention™ Questions For The Day.

Thought For The Day – Noemland Security

Noem Country For Old White Men

February 6, 2025

As she proudly told the world in her worst-selling memoir, Kristi Noem shot her family dog Cricket because he was “untrainable” and had an “aggressive personality”.

Cricket was a 14-month-old puppy.

Noem seen here hoping her hat will obs 

And she now worships at the feet of and is currently Secretary of Homeland Security under Cricket…I mean Dictator-On-Day-One Don, who makes Cricket’s behavior look like that of the winner of the Westminster Dog Show.

Don is an 78-year-old man-baby. And talk about “untrainable” and “aggressive personality”.

Do the math.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Schmuck Of The Day – Don Bring Me Down

Going For The Wreckord

February 5, 2025

You are probably familiar with the expression ‘shooting from the hip’.

Yesterday, during a joint appearance with fellow criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, Dictator-On-Day-Fifteen Don did not shoot from the hip. Deadly Don shot straight from his big, fat, dumb ass. We can all smell it from here.

Even Netanyahu was taken aback when Don blurted out one of the most shocking, insane and disgusting concepts-of-a-plan imaginable while the two men stood together in front of the American press. It was obvious the Israeli leader, had not been apprised of this fucked up bullshit prior to Don’s public disservice announcement.

Both of these bastards belong in jail

Seemingly out of nowhere, Don suggested that the United States – yes, that United States – support the permanent removal of all Palestinians so that he (We? No thanks dickhead.) can “own Gaza” and develop it into “the Riviera of the Middle East” so “world people” can move in and make Gaza great again, or what-the-fuck-ever. When asked if he was fucking serious (not in so many words) Der Furor rambled on and on about making a great real estate deal out of the current “demolition zone” that is Gaza since Netanyahu and Hamas turned it to rubble.

It’s a good thing Don’s scum-in-law Jared fixed the Middle East during Don’s first term, or this could mean trouble.

According to one expert, Don’s shocking pronouncement, which was surely preceded by no thinking whatsoever* – after all, Don generally only consults with himself, as he has told us in the past – will most certainly result in some form of horrific, most likely deadly blowback from any number of bad actors in the region.

No one is claiming that Don should think before he speaks. Besides, it’s difficult to teach a very old, dementia-addled old rabid dog new tricks. While in theory he possibly should think, he should never speak. Ever. Someone needs to tell gramps to STFU, get him on the proper meds and into a well-padded room for the duration.

Get ready for even more bad craziness.

*Although some are saying this was actually a new policy announcement rather than more ravings from a known lunatic. Not sure which is worse.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Schmuck Of The Day. Oy vey.

Broken News – Phil-ing You In

And A Prognosticating Groundhog Shall Lead Them

February 5, 2025

This is not a correction of anything originating here at Paying Attention™. Our hands are clean on this one.

There was an apparent mix-up with Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog Day. The poor, put-upon groundhog of annual fifteen-minutes-of-fame fame was reported to have seen his shadow and scurried back to the safety and anonymity of his comfy abode, signaling another six weeks of winter.

However, there was a confounding factor that was not evident until careful review by GD replay officials.

It turned out that what caused Phil to make a hasty retreat was not his shadow, and therefore was not a harbinger of much more winter. It turned out to be some insensitive oaf with the likeness of our intolerable 47th president. No, not fElon Mush, the other guy. With the orange pancake makeup and discolored cotton-candy-hair. Phil got one eyeful of that coagulating countenance and hot-footed it back underground. Which we all may need to consider if Der Furor continues his wrathful, fascist rampage.

Hell, seeing that puss makes me want to crawl into a dark hole for four years. No groundhog should have to be subjected to such affrontery.

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled hiccups.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Fraught For The Day – Emperor Got Clothes…Nothing Else

News Flash: Emperor Got Clothes

February 4, 2025

Wannbe-King Don (not to be confused with Don King, especially during Black History Month) has been in office again for two long years now...wait, I'm being told that is two weeks. Weeks, not years. Well, you could have fooled me. I’ll blame it on the Rent-A-ComaAs we have barely survived these two years...I mean weeks, it is time to admit that the emperor does in fact have clothes. They don’t actually fit, and his tie goes down past his tiny...hands, but they are apparently his, since all his clothes are similarly ill-fitting.

Okay, so he does have clothes. BFD. What the emperor does not have are brains, empathy, human emotions, common sense, business sense (other than recognizing that there are millions of suckers just waiting for the next excuse to send him what’s left of their hard-earned dollars, which are barely enough to live off of thanks to the lack of a living wage for so many, thanks in turn to the policies of the emperor’s political party), or the ability to stop breaking laws.

It would be so much better if he had any of those things, and no fucking clothes. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we would all compliment him bigly on his very strong and powerful wardrobe.

Freak out…

I mean, Peace Out.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fraught For The Day. We’re in some deep Don-Don.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Look Who's Fuckin’ Talking - Ronald Reagan, For One

February 3, 2025

It's time once again for one of our readers' favorite Paying Attention™ special features (Keep those cards and letters coming in):

Look Who’s Fuckin’ Talking

Much of our current political milieu can be traced back to disgraced ex-president Richard Nixon who was forced to resign as the impeachment noose was tightening around his miserable neck. Actually, some good things came from President Lemonade. Thanks to Tricky Dick we got inspectors general – non-partisan watchdogs put in place to protect the American public from abuses perpetrated by government officials – like Nixon – at all levels. No one was supposed to be immune from oversight.


However, the main culprit responsible for the descent of American political reality is none other than the erstwhile costar of Bonzo the Chimp – Ronald Wilson Reagan. His trickle-down, criminal presidency (and let’s not forget all the Alzheimer’s) set the stage for today’s decrepit, dishonest and greed-fueled Fascist/Trump Party (nee Republican). Reagan was the first to beat the dumb-drum about government being the enemy. The MAGAts have run with it all the way to Jan 6 and beyond.


Killer Mike – Reagan (well worth a look)

We bring you this little tidbit on the heels of Trump’s most recent assault on America. After his Friday Night Massacre a week ago – firing inspectors general who would not forsake their oaths to the Constitution in favor of pledging allegiance to Don, and after this past Friday Night Massacre – firing the leadership of the FBI, along with all agents there who dared apply the law to the leader of the Jan 6 insurrection against the government. Again, under cover of the weekend, this past Saturday night Dictator-On-Day-One Don announced massive tariffs (25%) on Canada and Mexico, along with a less horrific tariff (10%) on China. The Stock Market, which was thriving right up to the 2024 election of Don, immediately responded by taking a further dive. While this is not a real indicator of how most Americans survive economically, it is only the first sign of the horrors to come.

Martin Mull – Eggs

The main reason Don got elected – fucking egg prices – has done the exact opposite of improving, which candidate Don promised he would fix very quickly and easily. “When I win, I will immediately bring prices down, starting on Day One”. He also said, “I won an election based on that. We're going to bring those prices way down”. Of course, the moment he got in office suddenly insisted it would be very difficult and not something a president can just fix easily. Everything is about to get much more expensive as we are now embroiled in a self-inflicted trade war* – mostly with our allies.

Speaking of eggs, Don is now planning to ignore the burgeoning bird flu that has already resulted in the euthanizing of 137 million chickens in this country, over the past two years, in order to try and stop the spread of the virus which has already spread across species. Dictator-On-Day-One Don will likely stop allowing the infected birds to be killed so we can have more (and infected) eggs – just like he thought that not counting cases of COVID-19 deaths would make the virus less deadly.

Back to the Great Communicator. As the old saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day. In that spirit, here is one of the few valuable statements to come from old Ronny:

Our peaceful trading partners are not our enemies; they are our allies. We should beware of the demagogues who are ready to declare a trade war against our friends weakening our economy, our national security, and the entire free world – all while cynically waving the American flag.

Though it was not Eisenhower’s dire warning before him:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

Or Biden’s more recent warning:

Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedom, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead.

Don, who insisted ad nauseam that only foreign interests would feel the sting of his idiotic tariffs is now telling Americans that “THERE MAY BE SOME PAIN” coming from his ego-driven, thought-free tariffs that will “BE WORTH THE PRICE THAT MUST BE PAID” (caps his), and is threatening further tariffs if they dare to retaliate, which all countries involved have already indicated they will do.

Hopefully you’re not reliant on things like food, clothing, shoes, booze, medicines, sporting goods, petroleum, household goods, toys, computers, appliances, cars or other threatened items that will surely be affected by Don’s latest disastrous douchebaggery. Other than that, there should be nothing to fret over.

Unfortunately, he enjoys the occasional golden shower

And, as if all this economic mayhem  wasn’t enough, Don has fired the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – two years before his term was to expire. Not necessarily because the CFPB was the brainchild of Elizabeth Warren, though that undoubtedly made Don’s move that much sweeter; but more importantly, because – as the name implies – it protects consumers. That is a big no-no for Don and his minions.

Rest assured however, that there will be no pain whatsoever for Don and his filthy, stinkin', blood-stained too-well-to-do buddies wringing their hands and our necks.

The smart money is on this not going well for America or Americans.

*The Rupert Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal said that Don has launched the “dumbest trade war in history”. They/we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.



Before the electrons had even stabilized on this story, Dictator-On-Day-One Don had to back down from his idiotic threat. Though he claimed to have won concessions from Mexico and Canada, he is as is always the case, full of shit. He backed down. He caved. Surrendered. He’s a loser, a phony, a wimp, a bully without the muscle, who ran away to change his diaper at the first sign of fighting back. 

We would be remiss if we did not mention the following: Don is mentally deteriorating man-baby narcissist and an unparalleled moron.

This has been a Paying Attention™ special feature:
Look Who’s Fuckin’ Talking

Schmuck Of The Day – A Returning Chumpian

Cloudy With A Chance Of Morons Assholes

February 3, 2025

As many commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, others seem more than ready to let bygones be bygones. One of those heartless weasels is none other than the richest man-child in the world – fElon Mush.

Just in case there are still any doubts about what fElon Mush intended during Don's inauguration festivities when fElon smacked his right hand on his heart and then shot that right arm at a very familiar and troubling angle, turned to face the people seated behind him who might have missed the fullness of the gesture, and repeated his salute for the cheap seats, many may have missed an important dot that needed to be connected in order to better complete the not-so-hidden picture.

A few days after Mush made the gesture he seemed so comfortable with he probably does it in his sleep, perhaps wishing to give the intentions of his salute unambiguous context, he also made an appearance via video at a rally of the Alternative für Deutschland Party in Germany. The AfD Party has been known to engage in Nazi rhetoric. The anti-Semitic, fascist-trending billionaire from South Africa, who recently purchased a president and significant portion of America’s federal government, told Germany’s far right party to let go of Nazi guilt. Mush appeared at the Nazi-loving event just two days before the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

Surely the greedy psychopath Mush feels no guilt about growing up in Apartheid South Africa with his wealthy extremely white family. Surely he also believes that Americans should not bother with remorse, and certainly not any reparations for the national sin of slavery. And surely it is well past time for even thinking about this country’s Original Sin against this land’s original inhabitants.

“It's OK to be proud to be German, and not to lose that in some sort of multiculturalism (italics mine) that dilutes everything”.
                   Professional racist/anti-Semite Elon Musk,
               addressing modern-day Nazis, January 25, 2025

Mush told the new Nazi-wannabes that Germans had “too much focus on past guilt, and we* need to move beyond that. Children should not be guilty of the sins of their parents, let alone their great-grandparents”, obviously referencing the country's Nazi past. No, fElon children are not guilty of the sins of their ancestors, but they should wish and work to avoid repeating them at the very least.

Feeling guilty is much different than being guilty.

Mush’s $250 billion played no small part in putting Dictator-On-Day-One Don back in the White House despite his 34 felony convictions and countless other transgressions against innumerable individuals and America itself. Mush is currently the owner of the American president and is in control of most of the federal government. This is not hyperbole. He is no doubt curious to see if he can be of similar "service" to Germany. He is probably excited since he won’t have to start from scratch and build new camps and gas chambers; he can just refurbish the originals. 

Too soon? More likely, too late.


This has been your Paying Attention™ Schmuck Of The Day.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Broken News – Phony Phone Call

The Call Is Coming From Inside The White House

February 2, 2025

Don made another of his patented “perfect phone calls”. This time to Denmark. In a fiery telephone call with Denmark’s premier Mette Frederiksen, Don insisted he was serious in his determination to take over Greenland according to senior European officials.

Don’s verbal nuke lasted 45 minutes. Five current and former senior European officials briefed on the call said the conversation had gone very badly.

Don calmly blowing a gasket at the Danish premier

One source familiar with the phone tantrum told the Financial Times “It was horrendous”.

According to another anonymous official, “He was very firm. It was a cold shower. Before, it was hard to take it seriously. But I do think it is serious, and potentially very dangerous.”

Part of Denmark’s response to Don’s bullshit, after Frederiksen attempted in vain to reason with Captain Dementia and reach some kind of sane compromise, and after another Danish official told the Adderall-addled asshole to “fuck off”came from a Danish bakery…

Hopefully they taste better than he looks, though surely not the point.
They sure got the coloring right.

Why the fuck not?

Marc Short, who served as chief of staff to ex-Vice President Mike Pence, told the news outlet, “Back then, he was trying to consolidate power in the Republican Party. Today, Trump is the party.” Yes, the party like it's 1933 in Germany.

You’re just figuring that out? It’s been that way for nearly eight years.

And that my friends, scares Ratpublicans to death. Fingers crossed.

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled emotional colonoscopy.